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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Wise thing to do. You have done your fair share of defending the indefensible behavior of an incorrigible man. Cringe to think of him as the former President of a great country.
  2. I like ask you what you think is the message behind Trump holding a baseball bat with a photo of Alvin Bragg. He could have choose to hold a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates and not a menacing baseball bat. To decent people, that’s intimidating method of gangster. You think different?
  3. To Maga folks that’s entertainment like a scene from Untouchable. To decent people, that is gross and uncouth behavior of any ordinary people and he was once a US President. That is as vulgar as it can get. Feel sorry for you.
  4. He still think that he has military power and political relevance to make such empty threat. He has neither and facing an embarrassing election outcome. He has done harm to the country image and stunted the economy for a decade. Time for him to go quietly. History will not have kind words for him
  5. Provision for Senate appointment and duties can be gleaned from the The Transitory Provision under the Transitory Provisions of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. Long read but contained the panels responsibly for senators selection which include the NCPO. NCPO has been formally dissolved in 2019. The Provision is transitory and fulfilled the purpose at that post coup period. The Transitory Provision also allows amendment. I will be least surprised if the next civilian government make those amendments for an elected upper house and as you said “ right direction”. https://www.senate.go.th/assets/portals/1/fileups/419/files/senate Eng.pdf
  6. Does has a semblance of Nazism and Cultural Revolution censoring and banning of books. Lets hope that this does not developed into attacks of teachers and school board members that stood up to them. The radical GOPs may release a frenzy of woke and CRT vigilantes that they can't control.
  7. Let me re-phrase. Why they not win with the deepest pockets. You do sound like you know Thais voters mindset and behavior well. Let’s hear your thoughts. Thanks.
  8. Seriously no one want to get Trump least Dems who will be happy if he run. He is so beatable. Trump did all these crimes by himself. He is not that smart; that you should know.
  9. Please explain why Pheu Thai lost if they have the deepest pocket. Thanks.
  10. The 2018 constitution will likely to be amended if the government falls to the oppositions that have been fighting for a fully elected upperhouse. Even not amended, only 6 seats are guranteed for military personnels while the bulk of senators will be appointed by a civilian panel next year unlike the previous time when the NCPO chaired by Prawit made the appointments. The NCPO has been disbanded. So it may be a double edge sword if the appointed senators are not appointed by the military panel and no allegiance. However I feel strongly that the amendment will pushed through for elected senators.
  11. All military leaders should take the oath in front of the King and pledge no more coups. Wanted to say constitution if not for the military to shred after each coup. My belief is that future coups will be hard to intiate with many changes to the military structure and chain of command.
  12. If they are oligarchs, they should be in better control of their fact like Prayut. Staging a coup is consider a minor wrongdoing if you in the right camp.
  13. If that’s the case, surely the elites with the big corporate supporters should easily win every elections.
  14. Thailand will only progressed politically and economically if the middle class, elites and the military respect the wishes of the people to decide their leaders. Forcing the people to accept their form of government in the last 2 decades have failed and caused division in the country and stunt economic growth. The military take the worst of blame for the nation woes. They should never be allowed to take up arms against their own people.
  15. Political expediency was involved according to a former constitutional judge.
  16. Flip-flop DeSantis living up to his reputation. Will be his hanging millstone trying to appeal nationwide.
  17. IMO the 250 senators are key to electing the Prime Minister but not necessarily a done deal for Prayut. The 250-person Senate is composed of 194 members selected by the ruling junta and as of 2020, only 104 of the 250 senators are military or police officers. 50 senators were from professional and social groups and not appointed by the ruling junta. All members served 5 years up till 2024. If UTN and PPRP don't do well in the election as most have predicted and unable to form the government, the senators will likely to be looking beyond their service to ensure the best outcome for their future.Those who may harbour thoughts of being re-elected for another of 5 years (senators are very well paid up to 100k+ monthly) may abandon their support for Prayut. After all, senators like all other politicians can be infuenced by better offers and political pressure.
  18. He is fooling no one even his supporters are waning. A few dozen die-hard fans turned up. I counted about 5-6 in front of Trump Tower. Not likely he want to be seen weak with handcuffs. The dumb brute claimed he is second greatest to Jesus and his supporters lapped it up and ask for more.
  19. He is a career politician. Not work a day in any corporate position. What is he going to fill his time. He is only 58.
  20. There are wars and there are war crimes. You take joy in your support of Putin's undiscriminate bombings of civilian targets. His troops committed war crimes on tapes. Has blind loyalty to Trump affected your moral compass? A war crime is a violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility for actions by combatants in action such as intentionally killing civilians etc (wiki).
  21. Dry season typical climate phenomenon this time of year. You might get a thunderstorm in this kind of weather. What’s that got to do with climate change?
  22. Lets ask the voters. Resounding "Ýes" by a margin of 2.9 million.
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