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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. He told the mob to 'fight like hell' and said something to the effect that Pence should be hung collaborated by 2 witnesses during the Jan 6 committee investigation. Your defence of Trump is weak and utterly futile.
  2. We can discuss this philosophy of war after Russia withdraw back to its border. Right now it's paramount for the Biden leaded coalition of allies provide all the necessary military aids to Ukraine to beat back the Russian invasion.
  3. Sure he knew and even got the evidence but can't disclose even after 2 years since he made that statement. I will put that down as his routine run-of-the-mill daily lies.
  4. Well Majoree TG think otherwise and think he is a hero for the Right Wingers. She has introduced a bill to award that deranged sobbing kid the Congressional Gold Medal which is the highest legislative honour. The Right-wingers are celebrating the killing of 2 innocent protesters and shot one other and he became a right wing darling. This is the new era of political violence. Brace yourself for more. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/greene-rittenhouse-congressional-gold-medal/2021/11/24/c09980d2-4d49-11ec-a1b9-9f12bd39487a_story.html
  5. Prayut target 100 seats and that target is an unhill task even with the likely defections from PPRP to UTN. UTN strong chance will be in Chonburi and the South where he seem to be popular but will not be a cake walk with the traditional well entrenched Democrat, Bhumjai Thai and PPRP challenging for seats. Forget about Bangkok which has the most constituency seats (33) as Prayut's popularity has weakened. So far only the UTN has branches and representatives in all the 77 provinces where they can field election candidates. They are spreading themselves too thin in terms of focus, resources and funds. I wouldn't be surpise that he cant even win 25 seats to be nominate as prime minister candidate. My opinion.
  6. Beach Boys and Katy Perry need to rewrite their lyrics. No need to hope that the reservoirs are filling up. Filling up as we speak. https://www.kron4.com/news/california/california-reservoirs-rise-after-weeks-of-storms-see-how-much/
  7. RT America is available in USA. You may find white supremacist like Nicholas Fluentes speaking favorably of Putin. You may recall Fluentes leaded the Putin chant in a conference attended by MTG. Fluentes was also the dinner quest of the former President.
  8. RT was fined by media regulator, blocked by Goggle, Meta and also in many counties for peddling Kremlin’s misinformation. That should be a red flag for anyone to believe that they provide good journalism and accountable to the general public.
  9. Goodness just how naive you are. RT is the acronym of Russia Today or Rossiya Segodnya and state own and funded by the Russian government. Blindly supporting Trump’s propensity to side Putin is not good for your intelligence.
  10. Really can't argue with your assumption considering that Thailand experienced 13 successful coups and 20 constitutions changes since 1932. The paradigm has shifted with regime change and attempts to keep the military elites away from mounting future coups. It will be left to be seen whether Thailand slow march to democracy can be accomplished. Others countries in the region were successful in breaking the cycle of coups; so I will remain hopeful.
  11. As you know, the protests & the 2 coups were not popular uprising. Wikileaks revealed that the major forces behind the coups were anti-democratic groups in the military and civilian elites, disgruntled business leaders, neo-liberal intellectuals and politicians. What these groups have in common was contempt and prejudice against the poor. They are afraid of giving too much democracy and too much power to the poor electorate and too much spending for their welfare. They will not want Thaksin on home soil not the mass of the population. Thais are still steeped in tradition and patronage culture. The have yet to reach the stage whereby they trust young and inexperience person like Paetongtarn to be the next PM. Personally I like her to gain more experience in governance and not bank on nostalgia.
  12. It's clear that the 2017 constitution as regards to the power of the senate is ambiqious which prompted the opposition parties to seek to a rewrite of the entire constitution through a referendum held on the same day of the election. Obviously it was rejected by the Upper House but some senators did favour amendment. So perhaps some hope that sections on senate power will be amended especially on their appointment and power. There are also calls pushing for even more drastic change to abolish the Upper House to an unicameral legislature. The senate in the present form is undemocratic as they hold more power than elected Lower House. Plus the fact that it is a huge financial cost and their work is simple a rubber stamp wing of the government.
  13. It's an apt comparison of courage and bravery when encountering danger.
  14. There will be no NCPO whose 9 members from the junta appointed the current senators. The current 194 out of 250 senators were handpicked by NCPO to be Prayut's rubber stamp. With a new Senate appointment panel, things likely to be very different. The new government may even pushed for constitutional reform for elected senators. That will be the cherry on top for a fully elected bicameral legislative chambers.
  15. It's a trade-off that the country has to endure for another year. Kind of better to have Prawit than Prayut. Also the fact that by next year all the NCPO appointed senators will have their term expired. The 2017 constitution provision for the first 5 years for co-election of the Prime Minister will also expire. The fate of the new batch of senators will be depend of new amendment to the constitution. I think the report may be right that Prawit will be simply a lame duck prime minister for a year till next election.
  16. These Maga nuts will be the cause of Republican Party’s defeat in 2024. Repeating the same insanity and losing previous elections and still have not smarten up
  17. Russia will be defeated in Ukraine and detente will be reached after the war. Reason is simple. Joe Biden is the right man at a right time. He is a competent leader and committed to help Ukraine together with the allies and he has no personal agenda to hold military aids. Scare tactics like yours are just typical of the far right when they have nothing much to contribute.
  18. Your post will sit in nicely in Putin's speech where your loyalty seem to gravitate towards just like the previous President.
  19. Why is that important to you. POTUS entered into a war zone and put his safety in the hands of Ukranian armed forces. It is a game of chicken and POTUS won. Moscow was given a heads-up and Putin froze. Credit to POTUS to have the courage to outwit Putin.
  20. Historic and important visit since the Cold War. Inspirational visit that will galvanize the morale of the Ukrainians. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/20/this-is-a-part-of-history-kyiv-citizens-delighted-by-joe-biden-surprise-visit
  21. He didn't owned up to his mistakes. He is making excuses for his lies. Not me lying, it's due to pressure. He tried to fool us again with his 'seemingly honesty". If he is honest, he resign now.
  22. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/02/18/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/china-italy-xi-jinping-peace-speech-ukraine/ China's top diplomat will meet Putin for talks on a possible peace settlement for Ukraine. Lets pray and hope all these efforts will put an end to this needless war and sufferings of Ukrainians. ????
  23. In China for instance. If shop is open 24 hours, then alcohol is available 24 hours. Japan, no legally codified cutoff for for last drink. Singapore no closing time accept in public places. Some states in US serves alcohol 24 hours. I am talking about closing time and not other regulations like drink driving, drinking in public places etc etc
  24. Sean Penn was a passionate advocate for Ukraine's cause. He spent time in Ukraine following the war in close-in, handheld, web style to produce the documentary "Superpower". He took efforts to understand Ukraine, its President and its fight. What have you done to compare with Sean's efforts to tell him to be quiet.
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