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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Many countries don't even have a law on closing time. Drinks are served as long as there are customers. Just need laws and effective enforcement. Laws like drinking in public places, driving under the influence of alcohol or excessively loud music etc. Health Minister Anutin can't see the forest for the trees.
  2. People see otherwise and no hope and vote him out of office in his first term.
  3. So we can agree that majority of countries have confidence in Joe Biden. Just to prove to you as to the fairness of the survey, PEW Research did the same survey on Trump. Same survey but different results. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/01/08/trump-ratings-remain-low-around-globe-while-views-of-u-s-stay-mostly-favorable/
  4. The world opinion of POTUS is very positive and his age not a concern. Your worry misguided. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/07/25/international-opinion-of-joe-biden-in-6-charts/
  5. He is a 80 years old grandpa and a conventional POTUS who presides and consult with cabinet and advisors. He experience and congeniality with senators also allows him to seek advice and consent on legislation. Quite different from the unconventional reckless style of the previous POTUS who think he is smarter than his cabinet ministers.
  6. I had my doubts like you until his State of Union.
  7. Chris Wallace was the last honest journalist and he left because he clearly understood what was required to commit actual journalism. What’s left are taking heads who sold out their dignity and betrayed the people so that can stay on the job and make millions by laundering lies and inane partisan talking points.
  8. Biden could have took the easy MoCA test and will have little problem drawing a clock, copying a picture of a cube and identifying pictures of animals. Seem he resisted that temptation and stuck to doctors advice.
  9. The suspects have been identified and investigated and make the news. The press and public has taken notice. Hall of shame will not be good for their resume and record. I think it’s a positive step.
  10. I agree with you but I am also have some optimism with the fact that the universities conducted investigations and discovered the plagiarism and will act in accordance to ethics and disciplinary violation.
  11. Got to admire his audacity to qoute Mahatma Gandhi meaning of truth. LOL.
  12. You can't fool anyone with your dressed down of POTUS and what you trying to imply. You trying to make a statement for Trump. Anyway, I will let The Hill explain to you as to why Joe Biden is the leader of the free world. But I will summarize part of the article as the reading and references to Trump can be quite devastating to you.. I qoute "viewed by alliance as the authentic and trusted leader of the free world which is not a title in government service but a truth bestowed on individual who have earned it by action, example & leadership, Biden has". https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/527439-biden-soars-as-leader-of-the-free-world/
  13. Really leadership in contrast. Trump praised Putin and said the invasion was “a lot of love” while Joe unite the allies and thwart the invasion. Which you think need reassurance. The traitor or the patriot.
  14. Really need a political leader with the political will and courage like Lee Kuan Yew or a dedicated and non corruptable police officer like Peter Fitzroy Godber who clean up corruption in Hong Kong. Any politician or police officer that fits this profile in Thailand?
  15. Even before the coup, he promise "No coup'. Lost decade under him. He got to go.
  16. True but the old and dumb expired faster than the young and dumb who hand around longer and get plum committee assignments and even as de facto party leaders. ????
  17. Better to have old and wise than young and dumb politicians - Van Jones
  18. Kind of own goal when she called for competency test for politicians over 75. Will anger Trump as well as the older Republican voters. https://original.newsbreak.com/@eden-reports-1601258/2926594267089-they-re-too-old-gop-challenger-takes-a-swipe-at-biden-trump-with-call-for-competency-tests-for-politicians-over-75
  19. DOJ will only indict if they have airtight evidence. Apparently DOJ has insufficient evidence from Greenberg related probe. Looks like his wide ranging preemptive pardon for any crimes he committed before Trump left office will be not needed for this case. Doubt he will sue as the process of discovery will be unpleasant for him.
  20. To be clear of Trump's damages to the constitution and democracy and will do that again if he win in 2024. Trump threatened the very existence of the constitutional democracy with his election subversion, delayed the transfer of power for weeks and refusing to acknowledge defeat. The country can't risk another attempts to attack democracy by Trump ever again.
  21. Trump did tried to weaken democracy during his term. He attacked the press, admired dictators, lied to the people for selfish purposes and schemed to overturn legitimate election results. Fortunately the guardrails of democracy held and institutions designed to check autocracy were intact. If he win in 2024, he will be emboldened. Will the guardrails hold the next time?
  22. These lightweight candidates really stand no chance in the primaries. Even DeSantis has a 17 points deficit against Trump. Better chance to hope and wish for the worst of Trump. Bottom line is that it will be a lost cause for the Republican Party and probably the House in 2024. https://morningconsult.com/2024-gop-primary-election-tracker/
  23. Don't have the balls to make the announcement while hiding behind the scene watching Trump attacked him and family. Appeared weak and indecisive but bold enough to take jabs at soft targets.
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