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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Trump playing his old hits on Truth Social. The greatest “Witch of all times” he moaned. Then switching to his usual attack mode at Alvin Bragg, Manhattan district attorney whining that he should be solving murder and violent crime and not investigating him. Then foolishly incriminate himself admitting the crime that “it is very old & happened a long time ago”. This man has incoherent thinking and displaying psychotic symptoms and he is the top candidate for the Republican Party. Jesus weep.
  2. It's a wage problem. Those segment not paying a decent wage to attract workers. Most flocked to better establishments who pay well.
  3. Sorry mate. You really need to catch up with the latest report not a report in December that you linked. This may help you and be updated. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Chinas-Reopening-May-Not-Lead-To-A-Major-Jump-In-Oil-Prices.html By the way, I am a business owner for last 20 years in Thailand. You know a few friends in the tourism business who experience staff shortages which is a short term issue. They are many unemployed and those shortages will be filled. Supply and demand. Lastly please cut down your condescending tone.
  4. I sure know how economics theory on supply and demand works when oil is bought at a major discount from Russia and will not lead to major jump in global oil prices. Same goes to demand and supply for the hospitality service shortages. They will be filled. No shortages of part-time sudents needing some income. That's how supply and demand works.
  5. Many laughed and poked fun at prediction of 10 million tourists last year and was made to eat humble pie. Bearing any major crisis in the likes of covid, 30 million tourists are achievable with pent up travelers and lowering of airfares as oil prices recede.
  6. He reneged on his promise to put police reform as his priority issue just 1 year after he grabbed power. He said categorically in 2015 that police reform would be left to the next government. No reason was given why he back pedal on his promise when pressed by reporters. His promise like he said that he will never stage a coup is worth nothing. Thailand has lost a decade under him and he should never be near to any position of power.
  7. Fossil fuels can be scrubbed cleaner but they will never be greener. Better of spending the money on green energy transition than spending exorbitant amount to build scrubbers.
  8. Those hidden hands unfortunately are the senior police officer who have the power to recommend promotion and demand bribes. There also are involved in corruptions and are poor role models. Fundamentally the poor pay of junior and senior policemen entice them to corrupt. Most policemen are in debts. Prayut was told about this situation and his reply was the pay structure is too big issue for him to handle and the next government should address this. He is abdicating his duty and promise for police reform.
  9. DeSantis has presidential aspirations. Imagine edicts in Florida issued nationally. His reason that his edict is to prevent ünsolicited theories that may lead to student indoctrination" is similar to President Xi nationwide push to remove books deemed politically incorrect. DeSantis is leading the country towards authoritarian fascism. He need to be cancelled. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-books-insight-idUSKBN24A1R5
  10. IMF has indeed a poor record in forecasting. Only 6.1% of forecast was within a 0.1% point margin of error. Rest either under or over estimate. But calling Christine Lagarde a criminal is harsh. What did she do to deserve your harsh rebuke.
  11. This extortion news have gone regional and hurt Thailand tourism image. Still a chance for the authority to turn this around and use this news to their betterment. The corrupt cops must be severely dealt with the full extent of the law. No sacking or transfer but indict them and jail them. Imprisonment for extortion is between 5 to 10 years and fine. Make an example of these crooked cops as a deterrent to other cops and some closure to this bad image. Well at least until the next corruption very soon.
  12. Wouldn;t be surprise that a far right mob will suffice ginned up by Desantis action against CRT and take the law into their own hands. Don't discount that as it had happened not that long ago.
  13. My point is that Desantis is kind of snowflake when only 21% of the books disallowed incorporate CRT content. "21% of the books were disallowed “because they incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including CRT”.
  14. Of course that should be added when you don't have any real policies for the people. You can easily fool the gullible.
  15. Thaksin not on the ballot box. Bangkokians unhappy about the amnesty came out and protest in the millions. Their message was resounding and they dispersed soon after. The bus-in radical elements lead by Sutherp mainly from the south created the chaos and the coup. Rest of the country was peaceful. Personally I am against the amnesty. The government should be given the chance to withdraw the amnesty if not for the coup.
  16. Why? Australian students want to learn more aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. In Singapore, history of her origin is taught at primary schools. You have been hookwinked by the far right conservatives using culture war as a political leverage because they have nothing in terms of policies to offer to the general public.
  17. Will there be right wing nutters descending on libraries and ransacking in search of undesirable books like a sort of cultural revolution.
  18. Is history a type of harmful ideology. Desantis say yes. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/17/florida-rejects-math-textbooks-critical-race-theory
  19. Desantis like to call Florida “the free state of Florida”. What an irony. And the right advocators of the 1st Amendment nodded like sheep in agreement. Lol.
  20. Or seek retrial under the Thailand Re-Trial Act 1983. Grounds that there were political interference and that he was not present in court to defend his case.
  21. Not the same. Only Thaksin was charged for corruption and he was elected. Meanwhile the current non elected junta leader seized power and not charged for treason and will never ever be charged for corruption. https://thediplomat.com/2014/10/thai-junta-beset-by-corruption-scandals/
  22. If you read the headline fast enough, you would have thought this news from Afghanistan.
  23. Come on Trump, show them how you feel about EV by getting a diesel golf cart.
  24. If I recalled, all the past democratically held elections since 2001 were won by Thaksin's parties. Even the last 2019 election held under a much skewed military drafted constitution, Pheu Thai won the most seats in the House of Representaives. Hoodwinked for the last 20+ years? Time you acknowledge the people right to decide their government; not forced to accept by the military gang.
  25. It will meant coalition with PPRP and getting Prawit across the finish line to be the Prime Minister and re-trials. Only Prawit has the political leverage to pave the way for re-trials of his cases and possibly accomodating outcome. He will be free on bail awaiting the court appearance just like his nemesis Suthep and former PDRC leaders on a more serious sedition charges.
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