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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. It's not gonna happen unless they try to create some lame 'parallel' caretaker govt.

    The election is for President of the Senate.

    Blue Sky is reporting the President will appoint the next Prime Minister.

    Not necessarily. They could restrict their candidates to the few existing cabinet members.

    Let's see what happens after the vote.

    Votes now being counted. Jutanon behind in the votes. Only about 50 counted so far.

    Surachai ahead.

    Looks like Surachai won. 96 to 51
  2. It's not gonna happen unless they try to create some lame 'parallel' caretaker govt.

    The election is for President of the Senate.

    Blue Sky is reporting the President will appoint the next Prime Minister.

    Not necessarily. They could restrict their candidates to the few existing cabinet members.

    Let's see what happens after the vote.

    Votes now being counted. Jutanon behind in the votes. Only about 50 counted so far.

    Surachai ahead.

  3. It's not gonna happen unless they try to create some lame 'parallel' caretaker govt.

    Blue Sky is showing a vote underway in the Senate.

    It sounds to me like they're electing a PM, not a Speaker.

    Will try to gather more information.

    The election is for President of the Senate.

    Blue Sky is reporting the President will appoint the next Prime Minister.

    Not necessarily. They could restrict their candidates to the few existing cabinet members.

    Let's see what happens after the vote.

  4. The cave man PDRC types here launched an all-out offensive against Asean at this thread, if only because Surapong is involved. Then you attack my responses to refute the PDRC types attempts to discredit Asean.

    I'm the citizen (so to speak) who grabbed the thief and you want the police to arrest me. Get your head screwed on straight.

    So you're saying an anti-ASEAN post or two bunched your panties so badly?

    I hate to break it to you, but on the average Reformer's list of things to care about, I suspect ASEAN, Suthep, and the ammart are not at the top.

  5. Your post is a ghastly revelation of how little you are in contact with realities here. The "reforms" would be conducted by the ammart only, for the benefit of the ammart exclusively, and of the ammart, to be imposed from above on the entire colonized population. You haven't any clue around here. My god. Your posts are vacuous but I defend your right to post regardless of how vacuous you may be.

    Typical Red supporter; can't come up with a cohesive response, so they start attacking the posters.

    • Like 1
  6. Suthep is dictator through and through ... there will be no freedom under his rule and you'd be pretty naive to believe there would be

    Well, then it's a darn good thing no one is proposing to make him a ruler!

    Being elected is democracy .... you don't like it called that if you are the minority .... quit telling the people what they must have and ask them what they want at an election ... THAT is democracy

    Sadly, no. Elections are just one part of democracy. Until people can campaign in all parts of Thailand, there will never be free and fair elections.

  7. I have no problem with this Surapong pretending to be deputy PM, but for the sake of everyone he should be carrying out his fantasies from the comfort of a padded cell, and wearing a straight jacket. Lord know the loony bins are full of exactly this type of Walter Mitty. Playing out his delusions on the world stage is an excruciating embarrassment to this once proud sovereign nation.

    Thailand, after the last remnants of the Shinawatra elite have been dealt with, will bear scars reminiscent of Moruroa atoll post the French military. Recovery time will hopefully be shorter.

    The only people that needed padded cells are those that sell to usurp power from the people. Have no doubt about, retribution is coming and it won't be pretty. And you'll have only yourself to blame.

    Do you think the farmers are happy about not being paid for their rice?

    Do you think the children and parents are happy about not receiving their tablets?

    Do you think the car buyers are happy about not receiving their rebates?

    Yes, a change is coming indeed. But I have a funny feeling it's not what you think it is.

    • Like 2
  8. If Surapong goes to the Asean summit next week it will be international regional recognition he officially represents the Thai Government and there's nothing Suthep or Abhisit can do except cry in their beer along with their PDRC cave men.

    Asean will issue another statement about the situation in Thailand. I don't think the ammart are going to like this one any more than they liked the prior Asean official statement of December. And what if Surapong did go to the summit and brought the new Asean statement back with him.

    The ammart would wretch. But only after the ammart got over the shock of it.

    If Surapong goes to the ASEAN summit next week he will only serve to embarrass himself and Thailand yet further. Had he an ounce of self-respect he would realize that.

    Your numerous rants about the ammart are really a waste of bandwidth. If the ammart are not law abiding, the reforms will affect them as much as Thaksin.

  9. He lied about receiving it either under oath or in court, can't remember which.

    I am glad to hear that Thailand is so moral and where corruption is repugnant that a PM would be removed for lying about being on a cooking show.
    He lied about receiving payment. That is he proved himself open to corrupt practises and was unable to follow the law. Not ideal in a PM I'd say.

    55555 you are a funny man

    he was so unlike all the other paragons of virtue who convicted him, that had never taken a payment they did not report.

    If that was the standard that Thai politics operated under, the only noise you would hear in Thai political institutions would be the sound of crickets.

    IIRC, members of the CC turned down pastry boxes filled with money. People like that should be applauded, and others who violate the public's trust should be banned from politics for life.

  10. Impeach her? She's gone already.

    She is gone, but still needs to be punished. I'm guessing she will get a fine of around 600 billion(or however much it is found that her clan have stolen from the Thai people) and with any luck a lengthy prison sentence to deter any future politician from emptying the state's coffers to enrich their family in such an arrogant and blatant manner. Fair is fair.

    The punishment is irrelevant because she will flee and the fine will be minuscule compared to the damages. That's the sad truth on Thai laws, but still I suppose it's better than nothing.

    It's not a fine; she could be compelled to pay damages.

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