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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. Why are people still laying in the boots? She is no longer involved in politics and has gone home to be with family, is there something so wrong with this that it makes peoples anger grow and they have to come out with all guns blazing. She has paid the price in court for her wrong doings so let the woman get on with her life.

    Wait, what? I thought the Reds were saying she's still Defense Minister...

  2. We are generating our own fear regarding civil war. It wouldn't happen. First before it can happen, the army will step in. The UDD knows the peril of direct confrontation and they can see that the situation is just lots of smoke but really no fire. The PDRC numbers are small for the CAPO to control and they don't have the support of their courts allies. When the arrest come after the court approved the warrants, the hired guards will have the gumption to offer little resistance. These are hired guns that are not loyal supporters and unlikely to put their life at risk for 500B. If CAPO successfully isoated Suterp and his core leaders, it is games over unless Suterp hide behind his supporters.

    I agree with you in part, except I'm more cautious. One never should say "never".

    But yes, Thailand isn't close to civil war. People who cry "civil war" are like people crying "tsunami" in Bangkok. It's not on the list of "most likely events to prepare for".

    Another thing I don't agree with at all. The army doesn't "step in" as some sort of peacekeeper in a civil war as you intimate. The army does not prevent a civil war. The army is a full-on belligerent in a civil war, involved from start to finish, taking and dishing out heavy casualties. THAT is a civil war. That's why they don't call it a "civil disturbance with some punching and four grenade launchers".

    Civil wars are exactly like cross-border wars. They only thing that makes they "civil" (heh, great word for a war) is they are contained within one country's borders. But they are real wars. They build up, they require arms, they require troops and training. Civil wars aren't 75 people in red shirts running through Bangkok alleys and civil wars aren't 82 people in yellow shirts closing off two expressways. Civil wars are REAL wars, only usually they are worse, with more casualties and more motivated fighters.

    There could easily be more violence than we have today, as horrible as that is. But that wouldn't be civil war, or anything like it. A civil war is a full-out, real war and it is far down a long, long road in Thailand, if it is there at all.


    What I meant by army stepping in is that the army chiefs will mediate before matters get out of hand or the army gets in between the two opposing sides. I don't think Prayuth will take sides when his retirement is just round the corner. Too much to risk for him.

    What he is doing right is that he is allowing the police to take the lead which I feel is more than adequate to deal with the PDRC. CAPO strategy of periodical announcement of arrest is clever as it not only sap the energy of anticipation; it also allow them to chose the time when the guards are done.

    There won't be a civil war even if Suterp snatch power and announce a parallel government as it will be Bangkok centric but seriously Suterp is too smart to carry out such foolish act. As I said, the PDRC is small and the guards are hired and can be neutralized by CAPO.

    Surprised a moderator hasn't talked to you yet about Suthep's name.

    Must be very busy these days.

  3. I find it difficult to understand where all the poisonous bile towards Yingluck comes from on this website. I mean, most of the Yellow Einsteins who contribute here must come from (judging by the low level of English) places like the UK and USA, where the standard of education has plunged over recent decades.

    So, why are people from countries like that, people who have NO SAY in the voting for governments in Thailand, why are they so violent in their opinions? They reduce politics to schoolyard shouting. Or to the kind of Pavlovian response to slogans you get in Orwell's


    Yellows Good, Reds Bad. One Suthep good, two Sutheps double plus good. One Yingluck double plus ungood.

    So, why the fuss over business that is not yours, brothers and sisters in mud-slinging?

    Please don't throw us Americans in with the fascists on this site. I assure you that most of us are as appalled by the moronic vitriol against her as anyone else.

    As for why the posters here act as they do? Some might be involved with the PRDC like I theorize our resident spambot Scamper is, others might just like the feudal system in the country because they feel it gives them power and a feeling of authority they failed to achieve back in the west.

    If you guys had really cared to find out, you might have asked a little more politely instead of using it as an excuse to insult people

    • Like 1
  4. Just got off the phone with my boss, the other Robert from America, Robert Rodriguez. And the word is that Machete Cortez doesn't like what's going on in Thailand. He's on his way over now as we speak.

    It's kind of too bad it has come to this, but it looks like Chalerm and co. are going to have to deal with Machete now.

    Only wish I could "Like" it twice!

    • Like 1
  5. Bought an external powered USB as could not get memory sticks to play by themselves via OTG cable alone.

    Now they play just fine but ...

    Anyone know why my Seagate portable HDD will not connect to the tablet ??


    So far, mine work with all the memory sticks I've thrown at it.

    If you have a problem, might be a good idea to contact the writers of Nexus Media Importer.

  6. http://www.shopat7.com/index.php?lay=show&ac=cat_show_pro_detail&pid=276960

    A lot of people, on Thai social media, are complaining about the quality on these units. It seems like they were dumped here, from who knows where, some speculate factory refurbs, or units out of spec that were supposed to be scrapped.

    I was looking at getting one during my visit to the U.S. a few weeks ago - there are a fair amount on eBay for $400 (16 GB) - but I decided to wait.

    That said, this unit has been sold out on the U.S. Play Store for months, and there is no real news on a replacement? Maybe something announced at MWC in Feb.?

    I bought three from JIB and couldn't be happier. No problems at all.

    Would happily buy more if I had an application for them.

    EDIT: Bought 4 if you count the one I gave to a friend!

  7. Paratroopers on the ground are nasty m-fers whether they are police or military. They are specialized in anti-terrorism, counter insurgency, mobile assaults and the like. As with the armed forces and their Special Operations Forces, the RTP Special Operations Units also include SWAT and commando units respectively that are well trained by the US, well led, well equipped and disciplined.

    The government has to move now to end this and the road has been cleared for the government to do so.

    While it may be true that as an oversimplified, general rule most special forces learn how to jump out of a plane, all Airborne Soldiers are not necessarily special forces. At least in the US.

  8. "If the deals went through, Thailand would be able to sell up to 4-5 million tons of rice stored in its warehouses."

    If and if and if..........

    Sell first and then give us useless statements, that we heard a million times before.

    More "ifs" than Calerm's "going tos" and Suthep's "final battles" combined!

    • Like 2
  9. Well lemme ask you this.. If she is not defense minister then who the hell is? That other guy became the new PM, the country has a Defense Minister at all times, it is never vacant.. She did not resign the DM, she sent for clarification from her legal office, i'm sure they will find there is nothing that prevents her from continuing her position as DM, until a new cabnet is sworn in after the election.

    Turns out the new Defense Minister is Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan.

  10. If only wishing could make it so...

    Yea well keep up the Yingluck bashing..

    btw who was the Defense Minister again? oh right Yingluck is still the defense minister, the CC's ruling does not ban her from caretaker DM or for the upcoming quorum, where she will face an impeachment hearing in the senate once the election is over and she is party list candidate#1 and then the impeachment process will fail to get 3/5s for impeachment, then she will be PM again with full powers, so might as well hold onto that DM portfolio, since she aint goin nowhere

  11. "Abhisit said he would not entertain changes to his framework,"

    you can't see that such arrogance is part of the problem? here is a second rate politician who did not contest the elections demanding adherence to his "framework" which includes the UNELECTED PDRC?

    Do you think Abhisit received his reform framework carved in stone from a burning bush?

    His position conveniently creates another bargaining chip for him. Abhisit can accept changes and be seen as a hero doing what is best for Thailand.

    Abhisit will never be accepted by the majority of Thais because of his slavish adherence to the ammart elite

    Thailand needs a leader who is willing to reform lese majeste, corruption and the judiciary - it doesn't have one - but it sure ain't Abhisit who had the opportunity to SHINE but chose to remain DULL

    He doesn't need to be. He only needs to be accepted by the majority of MPs as he was just a few years ago.

    Interesting that you didn't mention nepotism as one of the much needed reforms.

    Lese majeste is really a red herring (no pun intended) and a non-starter. We all know why the communists (Red Shirts) want to push that through, but people (such as Yingluck) who swore to protect and uphold the monarchy don't appear to be so keen. Do you have any quotes from Yingluck saying she wants to do away with lese majeste? Considering what she *has* said, it's almost like the Shins are using the Reds. Hmmm...

    And reforming the judiciary is also questionable. Had Yingluck not broken the law, she wouldn't have had problems.

    I'm not so sure the judiciary is perfect, but on the list of things that need sorting out, it's hardly at the top of the list.

    Requiring transparency and eliminating nepotism are a lot more important!

  12. For all those obsessed with the violence perperated or threatened by the red shirts should take a good look at the not unsubstantial efforts of the yellow shirts. Their thugs, oops sorry guards have continuously threatened, harrassed, intimidated and beaten not only opponants but innocent people. They have caused constant annoyance and inconvience to innocent residents and workers. Above all they are making Thailand a laughing stock around the world.

    All those people who readily jump to the defence of Suthep and what he is doing should cast your minds back to some of his anti foreigner rhetoric. Also ask yourself this would you put up with his crap in your own country.

    The only anti-foreign rethoric, nay, action, that has happened related to the protests was the government attempt to deport Satit Segal for speaking against corruption on a stage and threatening all foreigners with the same if they joined the protests.

    Which is ironic seeing as Robert Amsterdam was apparently speaking on stage at the red shirt rally yesterday, so guess one must enquire as to what CAPO is gong to do about it ?....arrest him/deport him, at the very least we should expect condemnation from TV rabid reds same as they did with the indian

    Seems like another good reason for NACC to investigate CAPO!

  13. its not just the reds who have been robbed of their votes it right across the spectrum so a lot of peed off voters across the land ready to roll with weaponry . the taxi drivers in BKK are livid at the mess caused by suthep .many are on the breadline without sutheps actions for 6 months .the wealthy elites have crushed them all into penury

    Bangkok is quite a bit larger than a half-dozen or so intersections.

    The truth is that Bangkok taxi drivers never had it so good. They charged OTT fares to people leaving the intersections, and the half-dozen or so blocked intersections gave them an excuse to take people the long way home thus increasing their income further.

  14. This is exactly why Thaksin wants Thailand. ASEAN is going to change SE Asia and bring many opportunities to the represented countries here. Thaksin sees big money ahead, and he wants his hands on it. He could give a rats ass about improving Thailand as a whole. He is only thinking of how rich he'll become. I really believe he has planned this over the past 10 or more years. I also believe he will manipulate everything to his favor of becoming "President for Life". Therefore, Thaksin will not loose, as he has previously stated. If he can't have it, then he will destroy it. God help the Thai people.

    Thaksin is already so rich he is drowning in it. What is he going to do with billions more - use it for toilet paper?

    The THB isn't as absorbent as Charmin, but it *is* cheaper!

  15. "Abhisit said he would not entertain changes to his framework,"

    you can't see that such arrogance is part of the problem? here is a second rate politician who did not contest the elections demanding adherence to his "framework" which includes the UNELECTED PDRC?

    Do you think Abhisit received his reform framework carved in stone from a burning bush?

    His position conveniently creates another bargaining chip for him. Abhisit can accept changes and be seen as a hero doing what is best for Thailand.

  16. There was no election before they wrote US Constitution and that worked out okay.

    Would you argue nepotism is a good thing? Of course not. So you recognize that reforms are needed. Yet you seem to argue that the very party that benefits most from a poorly crafted constitution should be responsible for improving it. If that's not putting the foxes in charge of the henhouse, I don't know what is.

    Thailand is in uncharted territory. All things considered, one shouldn't be surprised if Thailand ends up with an appointed Caretaker government as they push for reforms.

    Oh!yea i forgot- 'reforms'.. you mean like an amendment to the constitution that would increase certain penalties? yea well that has to be done through the parliament after the election. .it doesn't just happen from sutheps council and magically appear in the law, and even if the courts keep sacking these guys on bogus charges, that doesn't turn that seat over to the opposition, another PT deputy replaces him, the courts cannot change the balance of power in the parliament using this tactic, and it's doubtful that the nacc will try ti impeach that many MPs.

    It's a 5-ban today. Could be more after reforms. And considering the Senate vote was 96 to 51 for Surachai, it doesn't look good for Yingluck. And if it doesn't go well for Yingluck, it doesn't look good for the rest of PTP. After those 300 are gone, who's left?

    PTP was invited to join the talks. If the party fractures and the smaller parties join in, where does that leave what's left of PTP?

    And haven't you noticed that only the Reds are talking about Suthep anymore?

    Right Piichai! Yingluck and Abhisit debate and then she's gonna look stupid. OK fine, Abhisit runs in the election and in return he will get to debate Yingluck live on TV, then everyone will see how stupid she is and vote for him right?

    WRONG! In fact abhisit will not agree to that solution because then he would have to support an election instead of trying to push through a dictatorship labled "reform"

  17. It's a 5-ban today. Could be more after reforms. And considering the Senate vote was 96 to 51 for Surachai, it doesn't look good for Yingluck. And if it doesn't go well for Yingluck, it doesn't look good for the rest of PTP. After those 300 are gone, who's left?

    PTP was invited to join the talks. If the party fractures and the smaller parties join in, where does that leave what's left of PTP?

    And haven't you noticed that only the Reds are talking about Suthep anymore?

    Yea right, big concession that abhisit wont run in an election he has no chance of winning. and cut the 'reforms' crap please, your not speaking in a vacuum, 'reforms' means that an appointed governemnt takes over with full powers, and that the people doing the 'appointing' are basically the Democrat party establishment. Its not gonna happen, do you really think Abhisit can sneak that one through, like maybe no one will notice that a dictatorship came to power. You pdrc supporters are dreaming; even if a coup puts this unelected dictator and his council in power, they will be faced with an even bigger anti-govt protest.

    5 year banns? a deputy simply takes over everytime these guys are banned, the courts will not be able to force the PT out of power and they may not even get Yingluck out.

    The country is going to carry on w/o the real government, even though its still there and backed by capo, you can all just pretend that the caretaker govt is 'fake' but so is sutheps parallel government that he appointed at lumphini park and the only way a fully impowered PM is going to take over, it through the election.

    Abhisit has already said he wouldn't run in the election after reforms.

    What's stopping PTP from entering discussions; Suthep already bailed on the framework.

    If PTP doesn't join the discussion, there's a good chance the country will carry on without them. That could indeed cause a fracture within the party between those loyal to Thaksin, and those thinking about tomorrow.

    You can ignore it all you want, but PTP is in a very bad place. Not only is their power-base crumbling, there is party dissolution and 5-year bans for 300 or so of their best and brightest looming large in the very near future.

    The absolutely best choice and best chance for PTP right now is to work with Abhisit's framework.

    Right Piichai! Yingluck and Abhisit debate and then she's gonna look stupid. OK fine, Abhisit runs in the election and in return he will get to debate Yingluck live on TV, then everyone will see how stupid she is and vote for him right?

    WRONG! In fact abhisit will not agree to that solution because then he would have to support an election instead of trying to push through a dictatorship labled "reform"

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