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Posts posted by swampdonkey

  1. Normally 10 % but some also hit you for 7% vat as well

    You will find it at the bottom of the menu or shown as ++ also on the display board outside if in a mall where there will be an advert for what you think is a bargain.

    I generally avoid these places

    I would much rather see a menu with the total price

    I'd like to know where you are eating. I eat out nearly every night (admittedly same 8 or 10 spots) and all have the ++. I seen this trend rise more steadily over last 3 years. Now I have no idea of any nice place that doesn't have it.

    BTW: The minimum wage is 300 baht for a 10-hr/day. Most places open around 10AM and close 10PM; a 12-hr/day for which employees are not compensated for 2-hrs of work. So I don't particularly mind if a 72-hr/workweek worker (if they do get 1 day off) shares in service charge splitting at the end of the month, especially when their salary is only 7,500-10,000B/mo. (Provided, of course, the boss isn't pocketing the service charges.)

    Sounds like you need to get out more

  2. do they have your passport ?

    I would think not, don't you, unless the OP has got his / her priorities completely wrong!

    Only asking as a lot of these rental joints insist on the passport.

    I know what you mean, but that practice hasn't really gone on for years at most places, if not all.

    It's normally a photocopy of license or passport these days as most people aren't stupid enough to deposit their passport.

    Also, as a foreigner you are required by law to carry your passport at all times in Thailand (I know very few would actually do this), and your DL would be required whilst driving.

    What law ?

  3. Made an enquiry with booking com for 11 nights from 23 Dec to 3 Jan and was offered some 300 hotels with prices ranging from 2000 Baht to 4000 Baht and that included up market places such as Hilton, Marriott etc etc. These are the cold, hard facts!

    Doubt very much you priced the Hilton.

    at 2 - 4 k.

    I actually did price it for Christmas and it was 18k per night

  4. I know this term only from the US.

    In more than four years I never came upon a bar or restaurant with "service charge" separately specified.

    (does not mean that might be such places, but should be rare)

    An appropriate tip can be given / coins left in the wrapper.

    What an appropriate tip is not so easy for me to tell.

    You find them in many malls in Bangkok

  5. Normally 10 % but some also hit you for 7% vat as well

    You will find it at the bottom of the menu or shown as ++ also on the display board outside if in a mall where there will be an advert for what you think is a bargain.

    I generally avoid these places

    I would much rather see a menu with the total price

  6. Amazing Thailand !!!!..... I am a UK passport holder so I can travel thru Europe no problem get a job etc...

    I knew as soon as the ASEAN deal was set up that Thailand would never play ball.... You cant even come here and paint a picture and sell it. Not even make a penny whistle... Only Thais.

    I saw on BBC World that ASEAN members wanting to work here in certain professions have to sit the Thai exam written in Thai....Why is this you might ask? Well I know. They are basically useless and corrupt so anyone coming from outside straight in wont have gone thru the pay to get you whare you want scheme they have here.

    If you come to set up a company there is also the underlying current of local mafia that will drive you out if you are more successfull than them, there is many a westerner that has paid with his life on such schemes and ideas... being ASEAN wont help you in or out of LoS....

    You should read up some more about ASEAN.

    It is not about free movement for labor

  7. Now where did I put that passport? totally forgot, must have left it somewhere...

    Ah well time for a new one.

    That would likely be a crime which he's obviously trying to avoid.


    asking your country for a new passport is no crime

    Filing a false police report is.

    Why would you need a police report if you lost your passport

    What crime has been committed ?

    • Like 1
  8. Hmm. Bourbon Street is looking good...

    I like that no need to book option...

    If previous years is anything to go by Bourbon street will be very busy.

    Best to go a hour or so before you want to eat and have a drink outside on the terrace.

    Last year at 8pm there was around 10 people in front of us waiting on tables

    And it had been the same all day.

    The year before we ate outside on the terrace to save waiting.

    The food is good with plenty of choice

    If you go you will not be disappointed.

  9. I'd try getting a new passport and return with a tourist visa and the return ticket and proof of enough money. I think what worries them is you being stranded with no money or ticket home. What country are you from?

    A new passport may not be much help.

    On visa application form it asks for dates of last 3 visits to Thailand.

    Immigration can also get all the information they need from a name and date of birth search

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