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Everything posted by leverito

  1. of course someone completely different is conducting these poor and illiterate people
  2. Thai cat…So dramatic.Thai dogs,Thai cows…
  3. Mmmm….This prison can be #1 in the worlds prison championship as there you can have a mobile and as there are electrical sockets in the prison cell.
  4. Why are you so cruel? What are you missing?
  5. After 75 it’s hard to be stoic,when you see your body parts are destroying one after another. And to be a whinger will make you more and more older and sick.And nobody will like you,even friends and relatives. The only way as I understand is to fight and fight against the age and 1000 age related issues,to fight and slowly retreat …
  6. For high blood pressure-grape seed extract,hawthorn extract. For cholesterol-red yeast extract. But for high blood pressure exercising will help better. And for cholesterol a specific diet will help better.Google diet for healthy cholesterol.
  7. So easy people… But does he asked monks before changing? Without getting monks resolution no any change will be seen by Thai clouds.
  8. I don’t believe … Too incredibly story.
  9. Giving a gift of life to others and earning some small money for parents life
  10. Thai astronomers found a very very new galaxy,never seen before. Thai academics found the treatment from all ailments.
  11. I think 70-80% of Brits and Aussies living in Thailand are rude and aggressive. The worst part of the society who choose Thailand as a new home.
  12. Thai academics are the best academics in the world. I remember some years ago they found some extra-healing Thai herbal remedy against Covid. But after they forgot about it…
  13. No any pollution if you live near the sea.
  14. A phantasy is phantasy and no difference what year they target…2035 looks better,easier to perceive.
  15. Chinese products seems better than Thai made lab diamonds
  16. Sunil in fake cheap ‘gold’ office? What they really have is only good marketing. ‘And ‘golden’ toilets…
  17. Friendship supermarket is not fare from your preferred Buakhao,you can find several whole wheat and even more healthy breads there
  18. Is it Kerry your forwarder?
  19. Find out the fifth,tenth and 15th and then you can do correct decisions
  20. Scuba scuba3 says; ‘Cambodia, take yourself in advance’. Are there that pills?
  21. Sleep not on your backside.Try to sleep sitting. ‘And don’t worry for breathing by mouth,it’s not a big issue.
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