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Everything posted by itsari

  1. Mask use prevents 20 percent less infections say the people that have studied the situation . I am therefore ready to wear a mask when away from home . What ever the law may be . These spoilt individuals are asking for problems .
  2. I agree , 7/11 would be a great alternative . Oh that is not easy either as many are closed
  3. I doubt that he will even realise the accident is at least 80 percent his fault . Therefore i doubt if there will be any change to his driving .
  4. Speed must of been high to manage that scale of damage . Really cant blame u turns . One drives to the condition of the roads at the time . There are warning signs that there are u turns ahead . Hard for the driver to live his life with any satisfaction after the death of his three friends .
  5. Our Vigo is seven years old and never gives problems New battery one time but that was down to stupidity of the owners .
  6. Face masks dumped on the streets every few meters in my area . Unbelievable disregard for there fellow citizens .
  7. There are many dogs , cats and pigs around here in Thailand . This has to be the reason for the surge in sales . Save there animals before them selves . Complimentary
  8. Long as the women here can not gain access to credit all will work well with your strategy.
  9. That would take eight days with my bank using a ATM . Got it now?
  10. You appear a little short on what is needed . I was referring to the quality of Thai Airways shares
  11. I for one see the point the member was making . I also know you learn from comparing what other countries do .
  12. Basic salary of 3800 baht a day ? Are you joking ? Many make a basic salary of 250 baht a day
  13. Any Thai citizen working for 250 baht a day picking fruit must wonder what the devil is going on .
  14. They want workers that know what they are doing . Construction work takes many years to learn
  15. Shortage of workers does not surprise me . I have witnessed many males in Thailand refusing work which is not there usual occupation . Females i have seen are more ready to accept what ever is going .
  16. I spend 12000 a month and manage a skin full of beer in the process . Use a fan , maintain the house my self and wash the Toyota at home . I have a pension which i save the majority . How you spend 65,000 defeats me .
  17. Any individual will think again about depositing more than one million with a Thai bank . If not they should;
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