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Everything posted by itsari

  1. What about the other 44 lives lost the same day on Thai roads?. RIP to the families of the 4 young men that have died needlessly
  2. Why does any Thai woman marry a foreigner would be a better question. Prostitutes are more likely to meet foreigners.
  3. Most Thais learn how not to drive when children sat in front of there parents on a scooter. Just passing down the unofficial highway code for the next generation
  4. True, but the baby never had a helmet on.
  5. Thought crossed my mind but tricky to do while riding a scooter.
  6. Nothing will change the 48 a day death total on Thai roads for a long time. Only yesterday I saw a mother breast feeding her baby on the back of a motorbike travelling at speed.
  7. Overloaded transport or loads not held correctly can easily become your problem. Keep out of there way.
  8. Suck it up when you have a criminal offence to answer
  9. I am trying to explain why the Phillipino workers are treated differently than Thai residents
  10. Hundreds of thousands of medical workers from the Philippines working in the UK 50,000 Thai people living with there husbands living of the system
  11. You obviously have little idea what to expect if the UK Government wants to get serious about fraudsters
  12. Ned Kelly government of Australia has fixed that years ago.
  13. Where your money is being sent to . Not so difficult to work that out
  14. If there is suspicion that you are committing fraud your bank accounts will be viewed to work out where you are living .
  15. More like Aseannow is full in than Thailand
  16. If a UK pensioner is spinning a yarn where he or she is living to receive more money from the UK government from his state pension while living in Thailand is not helping the cause of pensionists that tell the truth and suffering from it. I have seen a few fraudsters on this site bragging of their success . Shame on them
  17. With Thailand expected to receive over 40 million vistors this year I suggest the locals have to put up with some bad behaviour and think back to the covid era where economic ruin was all they had to look forward too.
  18. Best punishment if the accusations are true would be to have all the influental board members be forced to kneel on a concrete surface with a heavy weight around there necks from dusk to dawn.
  19. The Thai police missed an opportunity to arrest the foreign buyers the British drug seller had accumulated over six months. There will be a new dealer to take the man's place in no time. Make the buyers be aware of the consequences if the Thai authorities truly want to stop illegal sales of drugs. Of course there tourist numbers would be affected and we can't have that can they
  20. Half the country is the same for both parties, however it is now time for the republicans to show what they are worth and command more of the vote in 4 years.
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