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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. Certainly there were factors which exacerbated the outcome, but the main point is that there would have probably not have been a crash if the paparazzi were not chasing her car.
  2. To be fair, they chased his mother in similar circumstances and that didn't end too well for her or for 9-year old Harry either,
  3. Did you miss the bit in the article where it stated (my emphasis): "For at least the few minutes they were in Mr Singh's car, he did not believe they were in danger."? Or the bit where he said: "They looked nervous, I think they were being chased the whole day or something,"? Confirmation bias strikes again, methinks.
  4. Did I say that? Of course not, but the need for tact and diplomacy is paramount. She does not possess the qualities a strategic leader requires. She would be far better staying home and looking after her constituency like the backbencher she is, and should have always remained.
  5. I was a bit young to get into Neil Young when he was fresher of face, but thanks to my mate's mum having lots of his records, we would have after pub closing parties at his place and I would dominate the record player with NY records. This takes me back 30 years to those days.
  6. It is not a case of pick your side - it is recognising that a politician of genuinely staggering incompetence and a total lack of self-awareness is parading herself on the world stage, in one of the most fragile of geopolitical spats, as if she is Kofi Annan, whereas the reality is that she is very, very out of her depth. You don't send a clown to perform open heart surgery. She has no business there.
  7. Have most of the spivs who were at the forefront of pushing Russian backed brexit not already set themselves up with foreign residencies?
  8. The point is clear - it is not correct to state, as was posted earlier, that' the British do what we want' as if brexit had universal support. We did not vote en masse so any suggestion that there was universal support is an insult to those of us who could see its inherent stupidity.
  9. I am the one stating fact. You seem intent on creating a false narrative. I appreciate it must be difficult to accept, but it is an undeniable truth - a minority of the electorate voted in favour of brexit.
  10. I don't understand. You stated that I was twisting facts. What are the facts that you think I have twisted?
  11. But what is does not give anyone is the right to say that the UK electorate wanted brexit. Clearly only a minority were rallied by the Russians in 2016, but sadly the majority were not sufficiently enthused to prevent the disaster that unfolded. As for now, I think most people (the lying spivs who sold you the pig on the poke excluded) are experiencing the folly of brexit. Whether they were engaged enough in 2016 is irrelevant. The disaster affects most of us.
  12. I have met lots of people who didn't vote in the referendum for various reasons but precious few who were happy with the result. I think you are being a little biased to assume no vote can be taken as approval. And now, I can literally think of only 2 people I know personally who think brexit was the right idea.
  13. You wrote "the British do what we do" as if to imply that brexit had the majority support of the country. At least, that was what I inferred. If, however, you did not intend to suggest that brexit had the support of the majority of the electorate then I humbly apologise.
  14. I am not questioning the methodology, I am challenging your suggestion that brexit occurred because the British, en mass, wanted brexit. If that was the case, the percentage of the electorate who actively voted for it would be higher than the mid 30s, which if I recall, was the reality. The EU might not have gotten the support needed to prevent this ongoing disaster, but brexit in no way reflects the views of the majority of Brits.
  15. Of course, the vast majority of British people didn't vote for brexit in 2016, and even more British people want a return to the EU now.
  16. Or is she taking the Johnson approach and renting herself out as a 'keynote speaker' while she is meant to be working on behalf of her constituents?
  17. If confidence is enough to be categorised as strong then I can accept that, but confidence alone is insufficient to be an effective or convincing leader. Truss has neither the personal gravitas nor the intellectual capacity to be seen as anything other than a variation on the 'Dennis Rodman visits North Korea' circus. Add to that the baggage of her disastrous tenure in 10 Downing Street and I fear that she will accomplish nothing of substance while generating potential downside.
  18. Odnoklassniki seems to have changed over the years, but basically it was an early day Russian version of Friends Reunited, and was much more sedate than the edgier vkontakte. Maybe the limited moderation is what appealed.
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