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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. We are all smarting to the tune of £46 billion that her incompetence cost us - but it's her who is putting her head above the parapets once again. Try to keep up.
  2. An excellent article in the Guardian today about the worst PM ever to blight the UK. I am not sure why she has popped up again now, and why she thinks she is worth paying attention to, but I believe the maxim goes something like 'never interrupt a Tory when they are making a fool of themselves and their party'. Almost a year after her disastrous mini-budget, ex-PM says she was right and the economy and everyone else was wrong
  3. A 30-something year old man with a 16 year old girl that he called 'the child' - 20 years doesn't make that any less disturbing.
  4. Your take on this is somewhat different to your take on the Huw Edwards story iirc. Do you hold media personalities to different standards depending upon how closely their politics align with your own?
  5. One important thing about the ECC that I didn't fall foul of, but only by good fortune rather than being aware of it - you are required to keep each of your monthly extension certificates to present when you request the ECC.
  6. These are the facts that matter: Britons would vote to rejoin the EU The majority of UK voters want to join the EU. The wreckers are in the minority. Time to undo the damage they caused. To be honest, I have never been that interested in football - I didn't even know it was on till I saw it on the BBC app.
  7. The will of the people, having seen the total shambles of an aftermath of the brexit vote, the complete inability of any of the vote leave proponents to actually deliver what they promised (although what they promised was so nebulous and ethereal that this is moot) and the devastation that brexit has had on industry across the UK, is now firmly in favour of undoing the colossal mistake of 2016 and rejoining the EU. Please respect that.
  8. The fact that there are private individuals with the personal resources at their disposal which could tangibly impact geopolitics at this level is truly scary. Such resources are too critical to be left up to the whims of petulant egomaniacs.
  9. Doesn't just happen in China unfortunately. Raw sewage dumped into English waterways 800 times a day
  10. Yes, you are correct - the mortification is still lingering... I wonder if part of the issue is possible tortured subsurface conditions in Japan?
  11. What a horrific thing for the poor woman to realise - I hope that she has no lasting effects from it. It reminds me of the Ian Banks novel, The Wasp Factory - a disturbingly brilliant read.
  12. Despite being pretty narrow, it contains a huge amount of water - more water than all the lakes of England and Wales combined. https://www.nature.scot/landscapes-and-habitats/habitat-types/lochs-rivers-and-wetlands/freshwater-lochs#:~:text=Loch Ness is the largest,English and Welsh lakes together
  13. There is an argument to be made that the relative affluence of the west was achieved at the cost of many developing countries, and that while we were not party to the rape and pillage, we benefited and continue to benefit from it.
  14. Oh I feel my age - you are, of course, correct and I was out by a factor of much too much {I am tempted to say a factor of 1000 but I don't have the confidence to be so bold...}.
  15. Thinking on it some more, 1 million tonnes of water over 30 years would require about 90,000 m3 injection per day every day. I am no reservoir engineer and I know nothing of the geology of the area but I would suspect that that sort of injection rate would be unsustainable long term. It would be interesting to see an expert's assessment.
  16. Injection into subsurface formations as a means of waste disposal is a very standard practice around the world. As per the article, the reason that it is not being pursued here is political expediency rather than technical feasibility. It definitely feels it's being rushed for reasons unclear.
  17. Rwanda, Bibby Stockholm - I think only the most blinkered would not look at the performance of the UK government and shake their heads in disbelief. It's nothing to do with political bias and everything to do with the seemingly endless series of gaffes that this government of mediocre, talentless post-turtles creates.
  18. Ignore the medium if you must - but the facts remain that the government took 4 days to take action.
  19. You are the one cheering on the villains in the piece. If you want the nasty party to get back into government, by default you are ok with the degradation of standards that their policies have caused across the UK.
  20. No, the government knew about it for 4 days before they took action. Contractors told about legionella on day asylum seekers boarded barge
  21. What is it about rising levels of inequality, record levels of child poverty, record numbers of working people having to use food banks, that makes you so happy?
  22. David Davies says that the UK government is showing startling incompetence in the disastrous commissioning of the Bibby Stockholm. I disagree. There is nothing startling about it at all. Anyone with an ounce of wits could tell that anything and everything this shower is low grade grifters touches turns to custard. They are only good at graft and low-level fascism. Bibby Stockholm evacuation shows 'startling incompetence'
  23. Is it the type of device that gives you a unique number that you require to log into your account? I may be wrong but I think that those devices are unique to you so if you use device issued to another person, the number generated will be wrong.
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