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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. Then your memory of it's history is as unreliable as your memory of it's name. It successfully completed 9 seasons, coming to a natural conclusion without any controversy. Since then it has been celebrated on the BBC in 2007. To say it was taken off the air because of its format is factually incorrect.
  2. You are really getting yourself in a tangle here. On the one hand, you are criticising those who object to actors playing characters who's ethnicity or sexuality doesn't match their own, but on the other hand you are criticising the practice of... giving acting roles to people who's ethnicity or sexuality is different to the character they play. I think even Schroedinger would be confused about where you stand on that one.
  3. Hello? Hello??? Did you mean 'Allo, 'Allo, the successful BBC comedy which ran for 9 series between 1982 and 1992 with a revival in 2007?
  4. Good god, JonnyF, you are protesting against cultural appropriation. I would have never thought you would go woke. Robert Powell playing Jesus - outrageous!
  5. Is there over-representation of any minority? Can you offer empirical evidence to back up that suggestion, or is it merely a gut feel?
  6. I am not sure to whom you are referring, but I presume that they would play the character appropriately? Is there a particular gay actor who camps up a straight figure from history?
  7. Sunak was in Glasgow yesterday at the northern branch of of the Tory party conference (as an aside, the photos showing the hall at no more than 20% filled are a joy to see} and refused to answer journalists' questions on the matter. I guess what you would expect from a weak, spineless man who's ideology is nothing more profound than accumulation and self-aggrandisement.
  8. If only they were Tories, they could cheat, lie, steal and offend with total impunity.
  9. Again, not all Christians stand with the Westboro Baptist church and not all Muslims advocate for death to homosexuals. The Ugandan parliament is currently pushing through a bill that is advocating for life imprisonment for homosexuals - a bill promoted and endorsed but Christians. Either all Christians are to be tarred by that aberration or you must accept that not all Muslims conform to your prejudice.
  10. There are extreme forms of every religion - the labels you threw out there can be applied to strains of Christianity and Judaism too. Likewise there are very modern Muslims who are fully integrated with Western values and eschew the negative traits you mentioned. You are a bigot if you refuse to recognise that.
  11. Labour and anti-Semitism or Tories and anti Islam - it seems that both parties have a sizeable section of bigots within them. Good to see Labour continuing to take a strong position against such people.
  12. How should those who vocally express opposition to Harry be treated? I presume you would expect similar treatment to those who object to his father? https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/sep/11/republican-protesters-arrested-king-charles-proclamation-events
  13. His association with the royal family? He is literally a member of the royal family! To a person, none of his relatives have anything to offer but that. He is no different to the rest of them in trying to maintain his relevance in a society that is increasingly realising that they are an undemocratic anachronism.
  14. But most of us are not meant to be some moral figurehead, head of the church of England, about to be anointed by holy snake oil from the church of the sepulchre at great public expense etc.
  15. A few gross generalisations there, Transam. Megan's been about a bit? Has she also had an adulterous affair with a married man while she, too, was married, as is the case with her future step-mother in law?
  16. Do you not think that allegations of ministers behaving inappropriately or abusing their positions should be investigated?
  17. Or the right to relieve the suffering of one incapable of making the choice themselves.
  18. The perfect post to illustrate the saying, 'if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail'.
  19. Such a difficult subject to even consider. I can't imagine the heart rending pain that parents in such circumstances must endure. I hope counseling is offered through the process and long after.
  20. Banning words seems very Draconian, but while foreign words can enrich a language (Draconian, for example), the invasive creep of a foreign language, like Japanese knotweed, can have a stifling effect on a culture. For official communications, where there is no Italian word for a circumstance then use the English word, but if an Italian word exists then it should be used. That people might prefer to use the English equivalent suggests, to me, that not enough is being done to promote the indigenous language. Maybe this will help promote it. In the same week that the Welsh government announced that Bannau Brycheiniog would, once again, assume it's correct name, its a good week for language.
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