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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. I presume that you have no idea how old I am. I also presume that you have never read the Edinburgh Agreement...
  2. Your post makes no sense. We have a democratic process which was followed in 2014. That doesn't mean that we are forever unable to change our minds.
  3. I would expect that it would be decided by the people. Who knows what they would choose...
  4. The SNP is not independence and independence is not the SNP. But in terms of government effectiveness, I wouldn't say that they were any more feckless than the nasty party. We are hardly in a golden era of government competence.
  5. And on a cultural level, nothing would change. Taking control of our own affairs and electing to be part of a larger, and demonstrably more powerful economic union would not change the relationships I have with my English friends, just as it won't change my relationships with my European friends.
  6. I think being a failed state within the EU would be preferable to being in this failed union.
  7. Can you point to those investigations? The level of potential fraud is many times more than that alleged to have taken place within the SNP - and it's taxpayers' money we are talking about so I would expect the police response and coverage to be greater too. So where is it?
  8. Are you suggesting that they want to keep a financial drain and a constant source of agitation for sentimental reasons? The UK government is more than happy to let ex servicemen live and die on the streets - why would they want to keep Scotland if it wasn't to their benefit?
  9. For that we would need a police investigation to establish the facts, and a court to establish culpability. That has not happened. The most reactive we have seen of the Met in their investigations of allegations of government criminality was then sending a questionnaire to the alleged perpetrators - and that was only after a prolonged press campaign and public outrage. But that's not happened this far for the COVID contract scandal, for example. Matt Hancock's mother, sister and pub landlord can all land juicy contracts to supply products that they have no experience in supplying while experienced suppliers are frozen out, and the police are not interested. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, surely one should investigate whether it really is a duck?
  10. Go on then what? Are you are unaware of the cash for honours scandals or the massive COVID contracts awarded to friends, family and donors of the Tory party? It is all there in the public domain - I would expect that even a little of it may have filtered through to you.
  11. Again, she has not been charged with anything. As I stated, I support a robust police investigation into the affairs of her party, and if she is guilty of anything then she should face the consequences. But does that make her odious? Maybe our thresholds are different but I would suggest that your justifications are as weak as your case for brexit.
  12. To the best of my knowledge, she hasn't been charged with anything, let alone found guilty. Are you privy to information that the rest of us aren't? I am not a member of the SNP nor have I donated money to them so I have no personal axe to grind, although I am frustrated that there is this distraction when the need to get our country free of the malignant effect of the UK is greater than ever.
  13. You are demonising a woman for enacting a policy which your own and many other governments pursues, and about which you remain either ignorant or silent. One might suggest that your hatred of her is somewhat irrational.
  14. It doesn't matter how tightly you clutch those pearls, it won't make her words hate speech. Nor will it stop people up and down the UK agreeing with her. And I most certainly don't make any excuses for wanting to free my country from the toxic, massively damaging effects of being in the UK.
  15. What utter nonsense - many people detest the Tory party and with very good cause. To detest something that exudes corruption and entrenches privilege, and is responsible for maintaining inequality across the UK is nothing to be ashamed of.
  16. What an incredibly arrogant response. You are essentially saying that Scots have been hoodwinked and are incapable of making up their own decision about the future of our country. And then you throw in this guff about hate speech. I know as fact that you are unable to point to a single example of this but I guess when you have nothing else, you have to rely on lies.
  17. That makes her odious? That makes her a politician. Do you really not have anything of substance?
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