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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. Is this really the sign of a mature and confident country, where a small coterie of ridiculously over indulged ingrates rely on such embarrassing juju nonsense to try to inspire awe and wonder in the minds of the drones who support them? There is no such thing as holy oil. In reality, it is nothing more than snake oil, produced for the fools who stare on in slack-jawed adulation.
  2. But that's patent nonsense unless you are suggesting that the UK government doesn't govern for the whole country, but for England alone.
  3. I took from KhunLA's post that he does not think that all subjects are ignorant, only those who confer mythical importance to the royal family. As one of Brian's subjects, I tend to agree with him.
  4. So akin to reaching consensus with the missus and kids about what you are going to watch on telly tonight, except with lots of economic pain?
  5. Yes, but besides the voices in your head, how do you tangibly experience this 'freedom'?
  6. Leaving it too late, or are these celebrities more aware than the government is, of how terrible the optics are of such lavish celebrations at a time of national crisis, for a man who has done nothing constructive for the country his entire life?
  7. How do the benefits of this newly regained sovereignty manifest themselves?
  8. Oh how I wish that were true, and that my country was free of the malignant effect of being governed by Westminster.
  9. Maybe a more apt analogy would be Gary Glitter's niece being kicked out of the home her granny gave her, by her father so that his brother could live there.
  10. Not quite the same - Harry wasn't gifted the NHS by his late grandmother.
  11. Taking that premise a step further, Chuck doesn't need houses up and down the country either. Give him and the home-wrecker a nice 2 bed semi in the country somewhere and return the rest of the munificent residences to the people. Much better value that way.
  12. But you can see the trend - in fewer than 10 years, support for the monarchy amongst 18-24 year olds has halved. That should worry even the most positive of monarchists. But already a third of the UK either supports the abolition of the monarchy or is nonplussed. Hardly a tiny minority. I wonder what Wills has planned to ensure that his life of privilege at the tax payers' expense continues.
  13. The poll that sky refers to is a poll of US residents. It speaks volumes, however, that anyone would rank an alleged pedophile higher than someone who is, in reality, no more than a bit gobby and over exposed. Thankfully, we can rely on the young to see things with more objectivity. "As recently as 2015, 69% of 18- to 24-year-olds said that Britain should remain a monarchy. By 2018 this had fallen to 47%, and in polls from 2020 onwards, prior to the Queen’s death, it has averaged at just 35%." https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/sep/16/britain-grief-polling-figures-monarchy-popularity Have you anything to back to your suggestion that it's only a "tiny minority" who want to see the end this afront to democracy?
  14. I don't think that the hammering you refer to is from all areas of the socio political spectrum. It seems that those who subscribe to the 'sensibilities' of the Express and the Mail are more likely to get bent out of shape by them whereas those less fixated on returning Britain to a mythical status that it never actually held are less exercised by them. I think what they are actually doing, however, is highlighting to more and more people of the total ridiculousness of the entire concept of royalty. So well done Harry - more and more people are hopefully recognising that your clown family is long overdue being removed from their position as number one benefits claimants.
  15. Good to see that a level of scrutiny and transparency is being introduced. Late, yes, but better than never. If only other governments were as willingly open about their politicians' affairs...
  16. Ozimoron said that trump blamed her for his losses. You claimed that she was responsible for causing them.
  17. Still head and shoulders above the nasty party. Personally I am looking forward to fresh impetus from a new leader. Hopefully this will galvanise those doubters and ensure we break free of this 300 year burden that has dragged my country down.
  18. Within Scotland, she is the most popular leader in UK politics. The thoughts of people in other countries is irrelevant - even former one term presidents.
  19. Well how about this court case from November last year where the UK government argued in court to allow transgender females to be housed in female prisons? Recent enough for you? "A female prisoner, known only as FDJ, brought a legal challenge against a MoJ policy which allows prisoners to be housed according to their gender identity 'irrespective of whether they have taken any legal or medical steps to acquire that gender'. ...the MoJ argued the policy pursued a legitimate aim, including 'facilitating the rights of transgender people to live in and as their acquired gender (and) protecting transgender people's mental and physical health'." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10240525/Transgender-prison-population-rises-fifth-two-years-Ministry-Justice-figures-reveal.html
  20. Implying? I stated a fact - the bill passed with cross party support. Labour, Lib Dem, Green AND TORY! Yes, it also got Tory support. Just like some SNP voting against it, some Tories voted for it. But your big beef has been: Care to comment about the article I linked to? The thing that you are slamming Scotland for as if we are a country of deviants is already happening in your country and you are totally unaware of it. "A report published by Fair Play for Women claimed that at least 41% of transgender women in prison were known sex offenders, and that the actual number was likely to be much higher. According to their figures, there are 113 transgender women in prison, and 13 of these were housed in female prisons. " https://chamberuk.com/opinion-transgender-people-and-prisons-what-do-we-actually-know/
  21. It was passed by the Scottish Parliament - with cross party support. That you didn't know that is unfortunate but it is the politics of another country so your ignorance can be forgiven. But your ignorance of what happens in your own country - is that so easy to dismiss? If English politicians are so concerned about female prisoners in Scotland, why are they less so about English female prisoners? Do English women not deserve the same 'protection'? "Transgender politics – like any politics – can be divisive. Yet in the case of Karen White, who is legally still a man but was put in a female-only prison, both sides of the transgender rights debate are united in the belief mistakes were made. In September last year she was transferred to New Hall prison in West Yorkshire. During a three-month period at the female prison she sexually assaulted two other inmates." https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/oct/11/karen-white-how-manipulative-and-controlling-offender-attacked-again-transgender-prison
  22. I initially thought about starting my response with "You do realise, don't you" but clearly the answer is no, you don't realise that the bill which was passed had cross party support - Tories, Labour, and SNP all voted together in favour of it. This was not an SNP bill alone. If only the people who are so quick to slag off the Scottish government had a little bit of a deeper understanding of Scottish politics, there would be a lot less bluster like yours.
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