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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. This thread is not about attempts to force 'propaganda' on anyone; rather it's about a country legislating to jail people simply for existing.
  2. Should all public displays of community be banned, or only those communities of which you, personally, don't approve?
  3. The fact that some people still vigorously defend his behaviour after a lifetime of his cheating and lying helps explain why we ended up with the disaster that is brexit.
  4. 81? The BBC suggest that the number is lower, and some of those are taking steps to decriminalise homosexuality. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-43822234.amp How many of those are recipients of foreign aid? I can't say, can you? However, human rights should be a fundamental basis for all overseas aid considerations.
  5. Are those the reasons you don't like him or are there some possibly valid ones too?
  6. I hope all foreign government aid donors are reconsidering their support for Uganda in light of this. It is a pity that ordinary Ugandans will suffer if this happens, but all levers should be pulled to put pressure on the Ugandan government to block this bill.
  7. So your criticism of him is based on a scenario you devised in your head? Fair enough...
  8. As far as I know, it's not lineker but the government that decides who pays for the TV license. But the nasty party has significant experience in devising and implementing policies which cause pensioners to freeze to death.
  9. It's reassuring to see that despite the years of bank induced pain that cost us all, bankers continue to be bankers... Silicon Valley Bank employees received bonuses hours before government takeover
  10. Left or right is, of course, relative. If you see the BBC as hard left it speaks volumes about your own position...
  11. You should direct that comment to the person to whom I was replying.
  12. Because the Nasty party has always been focused on alleviating the suffering of the masses...
  13. To be honest, I am not sure where the evidence for Nerranam's claim comes from. I think most Scottish umbrage towards English football celebs is still directed at Jimmy Hill.
  14. Evidence that the right supported tax avoidance? You need to stop with these sweeping generalisations, especially when you make such gross mistakes in your comprehension of what you just read. I suggest you slow down and think before you post.
  15. So much noise about someone on the left being tax efficient - I don't remember such outrage when Sunak's wife had to actually be shamed into paying her fair share of tax.
  16. The BBC has already demonstrated it's tolerance of it's presenters expressing their own political beliefs when they ignored Andrew Neil's behaviour in trying to discredit the journalist who exposed the case for brexit as a Russian funded tissue of lies.
  17. Such heavy lifting being done by such a small word.
  18. I think it's clear that the government knows it's time is up and they are heading for the exit at the next general election It's just a matter of pushing through as many of the abhorrent, inhumane policies that they and their right wing fanbase love before they get kicked to the kerb. Hopefully before long we will be able to have a bonfire of the atrocities and start to undo much of the damage that this party has done.
  19. That makes less sense than your previous post. Has lineker ever claimed to be a socialist? Are only socialists allowed to express support for the oppressed?
  20. In order to be taken seriously when calling out the rancid actions of Sue Ellen, must one be living on the streets and wearing sack cloths?
  21. I have absolutely no idea who you are or what you do or do not know. I have never seen any of your posts before, let alone interacted with you. But in our brief exchange I have, ironically enough, surmised that you jump to conclusions quickly. Have a nice, if unnecessarily aggrieved and definitely incorrect Sunday.
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