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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. Exmouth swimmer fined for 'wee in the sea' This is beyond parody. If she had used the public toilets, it would most likely have ended up on the same place anyway. "South West Water had ‘spilled’ sewage into Exmouth seas 97 times this year so far and has pumped sewage continuously for over 2,500 hours in the last 4 months"
  2. So which is it - you took the quote out of context to score cheap, tawdry points, or you simply didn't bother to to understand the context of his speech?
  3. If taken in isolation rather than in the context of the full speech then you could be forgiven for making such an incorrect assumption. If cheap, tawdry point scoring is your intention, however, I don't think you should be forgiven for selective quoting. Humza Yousaf's speech in context after Elon Musk 'racist' allegations
  4. Off topic, but I am utterly bewildered as to why so many politicians see this issue as a hill worth dying upon.
  5. There perma angry right need to rail at something lest they be forced to howl at the moon.
  6. One terrorist state attacking another terrorist state.
  7. No, I didn't, but I am of the opinion that the last 14 years are more relevant.
  8. Best wishes to her and also her father in law, plus the many thousands of other Brits who have been diagnosed with the same dreadful illness since Charles went public with his diagnosis. I hope that each and every one of them receive the best of care.
  9. So that's what it will take for you to stop your regular disgorging of bile and hatred towards her? That's quite an ask on your part. My understanding is that she's a regular visitor to these hallowed boards.
  10. Or might it be that our government is less focused on the needs of the many and too concerned about the needs of the few? Certainly, regardless of it's provenance, 14 years of Tory government has been a disaster for the UK. This is on their watch.
  11. I am unsure what point you are trying to make. Are you suggesting that what happened to you and to him should be downplayed? Or do you think it was beneficial for your development? Do you think that you are a better person because of the abuse that you suffered?
  12. Wrong Revealed: how Prince Charles pressured ministers to change law to benefit his estate Prince Charles exploited a controversial procedure to compel government ministers to secretly change a proposed law to benefit his landed estate, according to documents uncovered by the Guardian. Official papers unearthed in the National Archives reveal ministers in John Major’s government yielded to his demands amid fears that resisting the heir to the throne could spark a constitutional crisis. Ministers backed down to “avoid a major row” with the prince, effectively allowing him to force the hand of the elected government.
  13. And they do use those powers - to their own benefit. Revealed: Queen lobbied for change in law to hide her private wealth The Queen successfully lobbied the government to change a draft law in order to conceal her “embarrassing” private wealth from the public, according to documents discovered by the Guardian. A series of government memos unearthed in the National Archives reveal that Elizabeth Windsor’s private lawyer put pressure on ministers to alter proposed legislation to prevent her shareholdings from being disclosed to the public.
  14. The ones who vilify Harry tend to be the ones who deify his father and brother.
  15. Karl Wallinger sadly died this week, much much too young, so here is my favourite track of his. World Party - Ship of Fools
  16. Jacobite? I laugh at the ridiculous concept of royalty of any hue, but your little England mentality seems to be strong. Meanwhile, the UK royal family is falling apart at the seams. Let's hope that they continue to raise people's consciousness to their dysfunctionality.
  17. But this thread is not about me; it's about the apparent machinations of the UK royal family.
  18. I make no apologies for enjoying both the royal family and the Tories in turmoil. Conversely, I don't take pleasure from regular people in torment. Unlike Tories and, I assume, the royal family.
  19. Indeed, I am baffled by my interest too. It's a bit like watching the Tories melt down - despite my disdain for them, I can't help but watch on with fascination as they make mistake after mistake.
  20. My republican sentiments aside, can you not admit that the soap opera is riveting? Should our betters be unquestionable?
  21. Genius! I think they need to sack the flunkie who released the photo in the first place, and give a massive pay rise to the one who thought up that explanation. I am genuinely impressed at their quick thinking!
  22. Now normally I couldn't give a flying fig for our incredibly expensive, incredibly mediocre royal family, but this latest gaff is as fascinating as it is hilarious. But it raises serious questions about in just how much contempt the royal household holds us plebs that it tries to palm off the population with a Photoshop so bad that a 5 year old would be embarrassed, to try to suggest that all is not a disaster in buck house. No wonder Harry wanted out of that toxic cesspit. News agencies recall image of Catherine, Princess of Wales, citing manipulation concerns
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