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Everything posted by heybuz

  1. Nothing more delightful than a bit of nookie.
  2. No,weve enough of our own to whinge about at home ,from real ale to can't get good curry even though the curry comes from an indian restaurant and nobody has ever explained to me what the magic ingredient is in real ale.[my old man was a pom transported by his family in 1925 for being a naughty boy called in those days a "remittance man" as the family sent money for support, at the age of 16.
  3. i stand corrected
  4. If he has been away for that length of time to qualify for free health care there is a waiting period of two years on return, maybe the gov will take pity on him as I'm guessing he may have old timers disease.
  5. Just watched a report about the legalising of ganga in thailand and part of it was an interview with Anutin ,i was surprised he came over quiet well not the bombastic person i thought, maybe we don't see all. They also disclosed his wealth as they know it ,he is a baht billionare not a dollar one according to the report ,i also noted one of his flight crew was a falang on his private jet I'm surmising he was one of the pilots i doubt he'd be serving drinks.
  6. I have mild COPD my specialist said to get COPD all you need is a pair of lungs, car fumes , smoking,in my case concrete dust from dry sawing concrete but you can get it from all types of pollutants.
  7. Nice people nice country just a bit cold for me, but well done.
  8. have returned from thailand a few weeks now, i found where i usually stay that the vibrancy that was present a few years ago was gone and appeared depressed which spread to me unfortunately and after visiting friends in chang rai i was glad to go home, maybe im getting to old but things i turned a blind eye to i began to notice more and more" rubbish ect". Shall return though just to see if it was all me and nothing else, i caught covid while there which didn't help after avoiding it for years in my home country 55. T HE Iimmigration at swampy was the most helpful i can remember polite and helpful in suggestions on extending my stay, but it just didn't feel right to me ,maybe in a couple of months when half of Thailand is high on wacky bakky and smiling again .
  9. yes it was about the same as thailand is now we rode in the back of pickups or utes no belts all care in gradually.
  10. I wouldn't worry about the big nose comment ,i get a lot of similar comments at the urinal i just shake it off.
  11. They can do a lot of the services they deny some,such as transferring an account from original branch to another without going to the original branch.Ihad been trying on and off at what is my closet branch with the same answer can't be done must go to original branch, well its marvellous when you know somebody with a bit of pull and millions in said bank, my thai mate nephew of a former prime minister and former adviser to the gov took me to his branch and within in an hour all done even though i had lost the bank book years ago and no police report it took an hour and signing of about five signatures.they set up my phone with there latest app which is much better than my home country one in my opinion. I put it down to laziness and me being a foreign peasant.
  12. The ccp fears there own people more than any outside threat chinese history.
  13. 19 crimes wine from liquor barn in oz sells for 425 bht on recent exchange rates' also like it but for only 50 bht difference price not bad.
  14. not so easy when they close the consulate in your city. making you send all your guff 700 ks to their embassy plus non refundable payment by postal order which costs more and the chance of it not coming back in time.this time i just went visa exempt for a month instead of my normal 2 months ,after not having been for nearly 3 years i wasn't impressed a noticeable vibrancy in my opinion has gone from the area i normally stay in at bkk also my other choice of place chang rai,maybe me getting old but it was to me noticeable. i have since returned home and may try again in november ,as a side note after not catching covid at home in 3 years i managed to catch it in thailand.555
  15. The bottles are a little larger though.
  16. Thai mate has a big photo of a top cop where he is at that he displays on his premises which seems to keep the flies away.
  17. was a while ago she nearly let me go but grabbed me as i walked away and took me to another bloke to pay.
  18. I got fined, may depend on who is on the counter at the time, it was one day i miscalculated my leave date.
  19. thai mate says no less than 20 no more than 50bht
  20. Probably done a deal leave prince andy alone and you can have assange
  21. Suppose the powers think that now thailand will experience millions of tourists ,i have my doubts with recession looming in most countries cost of living sky high and from what i can see the cost of visiting thailand doubling in the last two years.The doubling costs of visiting Thailand are my experience over costing in the last week others may be different.
  22. even the most plain looked attractive with a mask. "so do i"
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