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Posts posted by poweratradio

  1. Why did you mot lable the map according to the options in the poll?


    Purple = North East, = Essan???

    Some in my area consider it Essan, some Northen, some Eastern.

    This could skew the results of your pole.

    Consistency is important in science.

    Yeah when I saw the map, I found I live in a different part than I thought? Go figurer...

    Well that is just blind attention to detail

    • Like 1
  2. Why did you mot lable the map according to the options in the poll?


    Purple = North East, = Essan???

    Some in my area consider it Essan, some Northen, some Eastern.

    This could skew the results of your pole.

    Consistency is important in science.

    Go to your room....

    • Like 1
  3. I'd be surprised if Bangkok or Pattaya doesn't win it.

    Issan will win for the sheer amount of Europeans married to the naive farm girls of that area and also the naive europeans who are supporting whole families there.

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  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    hmmmmmmm ..... notice how thai companies are all apologetic and sorry once social media get hold of their bad behavior.

    Pattee should be fired without waiting for some more stupid comments from his side.

    For me NOK air is now a no fly zone as Thai will be soon but I have booked one flight already and they don't want to give the money back.

    I am sure you will be sadly missed but fondly remembered. 5555555cheesy.gif

  5. hmmmmmmm ..... notice how thai companies are all apologetic and sorry once social media get hold of their bad behavior.

    On the other side of that coin...one can look at the fact some disabled people have an I am entitled attitude and continually slam that opinion at everyone in their way. The story surely indicates that the staff were will to help in the absence of a wheelchair but it seems the disabled WAS stubborn and his wife was just a pure Tyrant with the onus on RANT.

  6. To all the people complaining about farangs dying in Thailand....really?? I agree some did nothing wrong to deserve it.

    But do you think no Thai people die under same circumstances? You just don't hear about it because nobody on Thai Visa

    gives a shit about some poor Thai man dying. It has a lot more to do with people's social circles and choices than being

    a foreigner.

    It also could be gullible oil workers who are pulling the 3 months on 1 month off working off shore. Falling in slut love and then leaving the girl to be honorable and trustful for 3 months until they return and then only to find out their slut girl still had itches while they were gone but had found others to scratch them for her. Balconies and parking overhangs and now broken mirriors with door knobs are the new demise methods

    More like 28 days on, 28 days off. Talking in general terms, what you say happens frequently. However, random generalisation is appalling and particularly so in this case. The lady in question did not ask Iain to smash in her window, thereby cutting his leg so badly that he bled to death. That was his choice, as was getting into a relationship with her in the first place. Alcohol fueled anger caused his death, not her.

    Okay and what genius was holding the unused tourniquet? Geez. Lets all just watch a man bleeding profusely bleed out for crying out loud.

  7. Go to another country and get drunk and stupid!!!! I am sure it is all the fault of the farang!!!! they cause all this headache.....and they get a big headache in return....

    probably acted all tough and cool, disrespected thais and maybe even tried to flirt with 7-11 girl.....this will not end well!!!

    he is not helping us smile in land of smiles......back to UK to work in gravel pit!!!!

    <deleted> How many of these attacks are done by cowardly Thais who take advantage of someone if they are drunk or injured? Almost all of them. Those cowards who attacked him only did so because he was compromised. If these Thais were in the West they would have been beaten so bad they would wish they were never born.

    Let's face it, Thais can't fight. When they go abroad they cry about the first person who doesn't smile at them but when foreigners go to the 'land of smiles' they attack them in large groups when the foreigner's back is turned. Why? Because they are afraid of getting the beat out of them one on one.

    Those cowards wouldn't be considered real men anywhere else in the world -- which is also why Thai women date westerners.

    What a load of crap you spew. Where do you think Mixed Martial Arts began. Can't fight eh? Get real. My wife can rip a Muah Thai bag to shreds and that is the Thai way. Kick boxing is a norm here and now look at how vicious cage fighting is in the West. MMA UFC.

    • Like 1
  8. Go to another country and get drunk and stupid!!!! I am sure it is all the fault of the farang!!!! they cause all this headache.....and they get a big headache in return....

    probably acted all tough and cool, disrespected thais and maybe even tried to flirt with 7-11 girl.....this will not end well!!!

    he is not helping us smile in land of smiles......back to UK to work in gravel pit!!!!

    Oh, well done Colombo! Let's blame the foreigner. If he got slapped on-on-one, I'd say "fair play". But he was set upon by 3 of them. Nothing justifies that. You might think about that first before speaking garbage.

    Oh how do you know that he didn't say to all 3; come-on ya bastards, I'll take ya all on, come on try me, burp, puke, swing, miss, fall, get up, curse, swear. There is NO defence for public drunkenness.

  9. True, but how do u know the guy was to blame just coz he was intoxicated. He was attacked by a group of cowardly Thai guys who go around looking for trouble a lot of the time.

    Another farang who thinks hes 10 foot tall and bulletproof.

    If he had have kept is mouth shut and smiled like most of us, i am pretty sure he could have staggered home.

    Full marks for at least wearing a shirt.

    Yeah right and drunks never shoot off their mouths. Wakey wakey. Oh by the way like my good old daddy told me a long time ago. NEVER TURN YOUR BACK TO A DRUNKdrunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEEfKmimwR

  10. I'm really interested to know, what safety measures the Thai planes do not implement.

    There must be something really wrong that the Japanese and now the Koreans don't like.

    I started thinking if I should ever fly again on Thai planes.

    Anybody can help here?

    Costas, I'm sure that Thai airlines are operated just as well as Thai railroads, Thai tour buses, Thai highways, and Thai bar fights.


    I noted in the article that Thai regular flights will continue and that it is just CHARTER flights affected by the ban.

  11. The birth of my daughter(dont tell my son)

    there have been so many things in my life ,its been one hell of a wonderfull ride ,some lovely wives ,along the way ,having enough money not to have to worry to much and as i come to the last part of the ride a fantastic wife and son who not only love me but in the wifes case earns good money as well ,what a bonusclap2.gif


    1. When mountain biking in Spain, after a full days hard slog to the top, now in the evening sun, hurtling down listening to the rocks pinging on the frame, trees blur by, not using the brakes I 'let go' and trust my bike knows what to do. Then I leap, going airborne and everything goes quiet except the rush of wind, glancing over the side of the mountain and thinking "oh dear, I've really over played my cards this time", passing over a chasm made by the summer storms, then landing on the other side ..... pinging of rocks return. OH WOW! I could cry when I think of the ecstasy that followed, and the realisation of how sweet life can be. Like a Zen Koan.

    2. Going out on a Sunday in a friends boat in Widnes heading out to the Mersey. The weather turns bad, no life jackets, no ship to shore, no way to reach the shore. This is it. It takes all day and most of the night to weather the storm, and by some mercy we didn't sink, managing to bail out the bilge water manually between us all. Reaching the shore I fell to the ground (in dirty oil like sand) and just laughed, and laughed, and couldn't catch my breath it was such a good feeling to grasp that sand between my fingers. It's also the first time where I really felt that nothing could scare me any more, like the adrenaline tanks had all been used up. That's a rare feeling as I am generally fairly anxious for no reason. I wouldn't choose to experience it again, but it was an experience worth having.

    3. Top of a mountain again, this time in the snow. No real drama in this one, just the feeling of standing on top of the world, breathing in the sharp air, with the bluest sky I've ever seen, in the company of some of the best friends I've every made.

    4. Thailand with my Ex, all scrubbed up for a friday night out with some other couples, my significant other riding with me on the bike, and the feeling of for one time in my life of being a complete person.

    There are many others, but they were the first four that came to mind. There is a fairly strong correlation though to the high often coming after the actual event, and that rush of 'omg this experience is amazing'.

    Wow what a wordsmith and totally boring and totally unrelated to Thailand BORING>coffee1.gif

  12. Spending 15 months going through hell with social services, child welfare workers, solicitors, and the ex, frustration, anxiety and anger, to finally get my day, and my say in a Court of Law.

    I got full custody of my 4 kids and a settlement of £3,000 to buy her out of the house.

    I can't even describe the emotions that went through me at that point.

    That day changed my life forever.

    Not Thailand????? The nerve!

  13. For me;

    I was born.

    To bring enlightenment to this world as the sunshine comes out of my ass.thumbsup.gif

    for you- not for the entire mankind...

    Gee I quote Costas from another thread he responded to and wonder why he never used these words of wisdom on you. QOUTE>You are not really looking for any answers, as you said you know all and you are so confident.

    You are just looking for gossip. <UNQUOTE

  14. You are not really looking for any answers, as you said you know all and you are so confident.

    You are just looking for gossip.

    But have to say, I did admire that glass of yours.thumbsup.gif

    Where can I get one for myself?

    The written word is sometimes tough to get the feel of, one can read more into than is there. Costas2008, I didn't get that feeling at all and enjoy the spirit of the OP's post.

    The correct answer is as previously written:You are not really looking for any answers, as you said you know all and you are so confident.

    You are just looking for gossip.

  15. As I understand the story, the deceased (RIP) kicked his way into his EX girlfriends shop/bar and whilst doing so seriously badly cut his leg, (and I've seen the pictures!), and whilst he was smashing the place up, he bled so badly that by the time the police/ambulance arrived he was too far gone to recover and died in hospital from blood loss. This is a very sad story, but lets not make a murder mystery out of it. I visited the scene, there was glass from the window/door of the premises all over the place and blood everywhere. Furthermore, his EX girlfriend was not some young bar girl, but a mature, educated and very nice woman. I am terribly sorry that Iain died in such a way, but let's deal with the facts as much as possible please.

    If he wasn't gone when the ambulance got there then he should have been saved. Stem the blood flow add Liquids liquids liquids. I suspect dudley doo right and the keystone cops showed up and went OMG wow gee. what a mess. He is the one. Better take him to the hospital. How? Now you mean?. Okay! Want a give me a hand.

    Thought I would add crap to your invention without the link.

  16. To all the people complaining about farangs dying in Thailand....really?? I agree some did nothing wrong to deserve it.

    But do you think no Thai people die under same circumstances? You just don't hear about it because nobody on Thai Visa

    gives a shit about some poor Thai man dying. It has a lot more to do with people's social circles and choices than being

    a foreigner.

    It also could be gullible oil workers who are pulling the 3 months on 1 month off working off shore. Falling in slut love and then leaving the girl to be honorable and trustful for 3 months until they return and then only to find out their slut girl still had itches while they were gone but had found others to scratch them for her. Balconies and parking overhangs and now broken mirriors with door knobs are the new demise methods

    • Like 1
  17. Yes, it's possible for her to bring in the bike if it's been registered in her name for at least 18 months (though it will be a paperwork nightmare and there are no guarantees)- no, it will not be tax-exempt, and will likely cost an amount that would make it a foolish venture in light of what can be purchased locally.

    Here's the official info- http://www.customs.go.th/wps/wcm/connect/custen/individuals/importing+personal+vehicle/importingpersonalvehicle+

    Note that the laws have actually tightened up and that the information in that link is a bit dated and makes it seem like a more straight-forward process than it actually is. The government has made the personal importation of vehicles nearly impossible over the last couple of years, and it's basically become the sole province of professional importers.

    You should have added this disclaimer sir to your bold 2009 link above. (WARNING: The information in this website is intended as a general guideline only and subject to changes without prior notice. It does not in any way replace or supersede Customs and related laws or regulations. Before relying on the information on the Website, users should independently verify its accuracy, completeness and relevance for their purposes.)

  18. I'm probably the only person in Bangkok who wears seemingly the same outfit everyday, 365 days a year.

    -Plain white t-shirt (have 10)

    -Cargo shorts (1 Khaki, 1 olive green)

    -Cartoon boxers (have 12)

    -Black and white chucks (have 2 pairs)

    On days I know I'm gonna be out in the sun for extended periods I wear a baseball cap and Ray Bans.

    That's it. It takes me 30 seconds to get dressed and I get my laundry done once a week.

    Finally someone akin to my own heart and manner of dressing but I have one question. Does the T-Shirts have a pocket? My wife says I look like a homeless person in the above attire. Do you receive any like criticisms?

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