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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. Comon guys, when you board a plane show some common sense respect to passengers and crew. Always ridiculing the topic is easy but serves no purpose. Taking a shower and put on some casual cloths is already too much? Try to think how other people feel iso yourself. And flighing business does not prevent the weirdos on the contrary.

  2. Krimea was always Russia since 1780. Also during the USSR time. I think it was Krushchef who decided one day to annex Krimea to Ukrain. The reason was probably because he had more power in Ukrain since he was born in that region. So when the USSR collapsed Krimea was automatically independend with Ukrain. So most pf the Krimean population is Russian. I really dont understand the reaction of foreign powers against the annexation of Krimea to Russia. It is the will of the people and why suddenly this is not democratic?

  3. Do you know the story from Lafontaine "the cricket and the ant"? If somebody spend most of his money on partying, girls and luxury items, i wouldn't lend him a dime. If however he really had bad luck and landed in an unfortunate financial situation I would gladly lend/give him the money.

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  4. Believe me the import duties you have to pay are reasonable. You dont necessarily pay duty on the invoice value, if customs think that the real value is higher (even if this is not the case) you could end up paying import duty on their estimate plus a colossal fine. On flour import tax is high because customs assumes you can find local one, this is the reason why they charge 30%. So looks like you got a normal deal. You can always check import duties upfront, this would avoid surprises..

  5. Dear Keith, as you know from your previous marriage a dowry is still common in Thailand. I have witnessed many Thai men paying dowry to the firls parents. So in one way or another you will have to follow these expectations. The pick up is a nice gesture but the parents will not concidder this a dowry. However you can use this during your negotiations with the parents. For them it is all about losing face, in many occasions it is agreed that part of the dowry is just "facade" and needs to be given back the same day. ( mostly the gold part). Personally I would not go for the marriage, why should you?

  6. Why wasn't Suthep agitating for anti-corruption democratic reform when the Democrat party was buying votes in Hat Yai? Why wasn't Suthep agitating for anti-corruption democratic reform after the Democrat government was brought down when Suthep himself handed out prime land to Democrat supporters on Phuket? Why wasn't Suthep agitating for anti-corruption democratic reform after he was disqualified from office for, well, corruption?

    Why wasn't Suthep agitating for anti-corruption democratic reform when the Electoral Commission recommended that the Democrat party be dissolved for egregious and continual corruption?

    Could it be Suthep cares less about corruption and a pristine state of democracy and more about getting around that tricky problem of losing election after election after election. If democracy gives you the wrong result, the answer seems to be get rid of democracy. Very high-minded.

    The land case (1995??) was clean....no court and common sense could find anything wrong at it.

    Sure the Democrats aren't free of corruption, sure someone take 5-10%....but nothing like Thaksin or his sister (Yaowapha not Yingluck).

  7. Just go to any tourist place in Bangkok even temples. They try to sell fake entrance tickets etc...again I have seen many very professional guides who speak different languages. They are mostly hired by Tour operators. Ok they get there commissions at the souvenir or gem shop but this is accepted by all. The problem is more with the guides waiting you at the different tourist attractions. Another problem is that Russians speak Russian, no Thai, no English...Please don' take this personal, the same problem takes place all over the world, just don't deny it happens here as well! It is just not normal it has to be investigated by the DSI. And that's what attracted the interest by most of us.

  8. I agree with most previous messages, if you need a few glasses daily you already are in the danger zone. Checking for reactions from others points already in a certain direction. I understand your situation very much, i was years in denial and for me there was unfortunately only one solution and that was a complete ban on alcohol. I envy my colleagues and friends who can have a good night out on alcohol and quit for the rest of the week. I was born without the dimmer just on/off ...

  9. It is clear that whatever color they are wearing, they all want "reform" and i agree it is about time. But after the reforms, the police will go home with less money, the customs guy will go home without pocket money, the Sukhumvit shopkeeper will go home empty handed as he cannot sell fake brands anymore, the Farmacists will complain because they will have to sell patented medicines and not copies, the taxi drivers will have to drive around with official callibrated meters etc. etc. are they very sure they want reform because if you like it or not, reform starts at your doorstep!

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