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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. i understand why the police are corrupt, if you probably earn only 15.000bath a month, that 300pound =nothing.... it`s not the police fault, it`s the cheap charlie goverment.

    The way for them to stop corruption, is to have an anti-corruption investigative unit that does undercover stings on these cops taking the bribes. However, that would actually take some thought and organizing to do. As we have seen the Koh Tao murder investigation take many twists and turns, we all know that these guys could organize a piss up in a brewery with the taps wide open.

    Here is an example for the police to start with and show everyone that they mean business-

    forget it, they never have enough. Do you believe if they get an official salary of 50k they will stop bribing?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  2. There is a simple solution to this dilemma, Do not try or be duped into Bribing a Police officer. Better to just play along with the whole ticket thing, take the ticket, go to the police station and do the pay ticket routine at the station. It will cause you to loose time and money, but better that than the risk of getting arrested for bribing a Police officer.

    very clever indeed, so you have no problem driving back next day to Phitsanulok or where ever you were fined??

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  3. Can a motorist also get a 10000 baht reward when a policeman tries to extort money (rather than paying the fine formally at the police station)? They make it sound like its always the motorist trying to soil the credibility of the police officer by trying to bribe them. Nice bit of media for the international press, in light of that current farce on Koh Tao !

    this would indeed make sense. It should be a two way approach. In principle I have no problem to pay the fine officially. The problem is the police confiscates your drivers license and next day you have to go to the police station of that particular area. For example, if you are living in Bangkok and you are fined in Phitsanulok, you need to go back to Phitsanulok police station the next day to pay the fine.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  4. Gay sex is legal in the west bank.

    ILLEGAL in Hamas controlled West Bank.

    In both places, no legal protections for gays.

    You can't compare to pot. That's a choice. Being gay is what people ARE.

    So what? Just because you are homosexual it does not give you the right to break the law in a foreign country. If you don't like the law in Morroco, don't go there.
    exactly, foreign women will be locked up in most Islamic countries if they don't cover their skin. Sorry and in many western countries wearing a burka is forbidden. So indeed, one has to respect the laws of a country, it is just that gay people seem to use this topic to flag discrimination...

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  5. You could of gone back to the airlines you flew in on and told them that you were refused entry. They would be responsible for flying you back home. But, before they do that, they would find out why you were refused entry and I am sure that guy would be questioned. The airlines have a lot of say at the airport and in the country. They are in the business of bringing tourist to Thailand. The country doesn't need any bad press as far as tourism goes. They are losing money and the fact this guy is possibly taking "tea money" to let people in wouldn't go over so well.

    the airlines cannot be held responsible, i know this from experience...

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  6. Bangkok hospital service deteriorated over the past 5 years. I go there regularly, had tripple heart by-pass 5 years ago. Well two worked out well, one died off fast because they forget to close the half blocked artery...follow up was very poor and they confused all the time which tests had to be taken when. Last visit the doctor was looking at old pictures of my heart iso the new CT scan. I decided not to go back. Just to be clear, Bumrungrad is also not the solution, they nearly killed me during a artery balloon procedure and if you dont speak Arabic service will be poor.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  7. The Junta is a necessary evil, this country is unfortunately not ready for democracy, just look at the mess both camps created. Surely not at the benefit of the 60mill. + people.the only option is to run it as a private company which is also a true dictatorship. Just hope the CEO will be deciding for the benefit of the country.

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    posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette.

    10) Do not discuss moderation publicly in the open forum; this includes individual actions, and specific or general policies and issues. You may send a PM to a moderator to discuss individual actions or email support (at) thaivisa.com to discuss moderation policy.

    So nice to see a moderator stepping in to stop the grammar and spelling crap!

    For many on TV English may not be their first language and they may have more important things in their lives then learning how to spell a language as difficult and senseless as English.

    And yes, the criticism of spelling and language is off topic and not relevant to any but the complainer.

    Thank you for doing what a moderator should be doing!

    Should "then learning" not be " than learning" ?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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