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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. I fully agree with Dave, most long-time expats have a more realistic view. They also know that girls who go to Pataya are not necessarily hookers. How dare they to judge like this, just go to Pataya on the week end or long holidays, there are more Thai people on the beach than farangs!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  2. Seeing how dumb some guys responses here are. I can see how the girls get away with all they get awy with.

    What i dont get is are the guys really that clueless???????????????

    I am sure this forum will appreciate your valuable contribution...your IQ must be at least 80 ( i could be lying)

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  3. Be careful with the information coming out of an IP search. Did you also try to find your own IP as a control? I did and mine resulted at a location in Japan while I live in Thailand! God thank my wife didn't check....

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  4. stopping same sex couples from taking babies out of the country is good.i have no problem with people having a same sex partner but do not believe they should come here looking to get children they cannot have naturally.basicly same sex partners cannot have babies with each other and therefore cannot have children.i am not religious at all but do believe in the natural order of life.

    i completely agree with Keith 101, no problem with gay people, but keep children out of gay relations. This is my personal opinion, suppose these babies would be able to vote, what would they agree? By the way I thought surrogate babies are genetically 100% from the parents and the surrogate mother got a fertilized egg from the real mother inplanted right?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  5. Yes, rape the rapers and torture the torturers and kill the killers. The current system clearly doesnt work so why not try this one? How many killers were already released and killed again? How many rapers and child offenders repeated their crimes? It seems to me very unjust that somebody is released early knowing he commited premeditated murder, cut her in pieces and flushed everything down the toilet. We are such nice forgiving people...

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
  6. I have coronary heart desease and already got triple by-pass. So I got used to how to eat, what to avoid etc.. Some very good posts in this topic. I would like to add, never eat the egg yolk, this is a real cholesterol bomb, squid is bad and so is shrimp( although there are contradictory articles). I don't smoke ( anymore) this is a real killer and whatever "goodies" you eat, smoking will kill you. I also stopped all alcoholic drinks, just check the Russian statistics and you understand why alcohol is bad. Some people seem to be immune and survive any onslaught on their health. I have no choice, the only thing that really had an impact on my life was the alcohol ban, very difficult, less fun, less social but gives me a clear mind and good health. All this slows the desease down and I have a very active life. A high price to pay but so be it, I don't want to regret anything when the end is near.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
  7. I think taking over an existing business gets you over the start-up hassle and probably your investment will be concidderably lower. I took over a small hair salon for my GF sister. As her sister is a real good hairdresser she became profitable very soon. We are not talking about fortunes but the salon generates a net profit of 15-20k per month. Whatever small business you start, clothing, coffee etc. success will depend on the person running it. Avoid to employ extra people. Keep it small and simple. She needs to be better than the rest

  8. Sorry, but...

    fires might have been caused by aluminium phosphate interacting with relative humidity

    What is aluminium phosphate doing in a rice warehouse ?

    Try to contaminate the rice above 10 ppm ( 10 microgram per kg ) and you can forget your export to the EU

    Aluminium phosphate is a solid material when exposed to moisture it release toxic gasses which will kill insects rodents etc.. The storage cannot be accessed for 3 days. This is a very comon practice and allowed for rice disinfection. The aluminium phosphate will start burning when there is direct contact with water such as a drip or leak. This will create a fierce fire which cannoy be extinghuished with water.
  9. GMO is the alternative for bigger crops, which can grow in places with less percipitation, can protect themselves from insects etc... Or the old fashion way with lots and lots of insecticides which for sure have impacts on health and nature and possibly alter the DNA of the insects to God knows what.. Make your pick but remember every year there are more mouths to feed. And dont worry you will not develop leaves on your ears nor roots on your feed!

  10. "Teebe" is giving all the reasons opposing a nuclear reactor, but gives no alternatives. Nuclear energy is the best of choices but indeed unfortunately not perfect. Coming generations will be able to take care of the nuclear waste but will not be able to turn back Co2 load in the atmosphere... A nuclear reactor is indeed an unefficient power beast but with zero Co2 emission. Hopefully science will find the holy grail with the nuclear fusion reactor (tokamak) which is far better but not realized yet. Hydrogen as one sugested needs a lot of energy to be produced so not really "The solution" but indeed a perfect way to store energy produced by solar panels or wind turbines..

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