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Posts posted by docshock13

  1. 7 minutes ago, reenatinnakor said:

    He has billions... Why didn't he offer the family more money? 100 million or something would have made him a free man and the other family happy.

    Sent from my LG-H990 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Coz they are greedy and selfish and think about nobody but themselves or kin? And they believe they are divine by amassing a fortune. Therefore in this society, they answer to no one. Sadly, in the messed up view of the amart, if the murdered policeman had more "merit," he would not have PUT HIMSELF in harms way and try to shame the family of the accused. As well as put them and the darling prince through such a public ordeal. Shame on the officer. He is to blame. 

    Messed up mentality. But it exists. 


  2. Sorry if this was brought up in a previous post, but were foreigners actually polled as to what THEY really think about Thailand?

    The pollsters might be surprised!

    A "we think that they think" poll is a reverse projection of stereotypes. 

    Not only do the poll results (if accurate) give an idea what Thais think of foreigners, but more importantly gives you an insight as to how they believe their virtuous society has become tarnished by foreign influence. 

    The brainwashing and hypocrisy continues to amuse. 

    I think if a real poll was conducted, one might find kindness of Thai people, cost of living, freedom (relatively speaking), 24/7 food and general ease of living (if one is here for legit reasons) on the top of the list for foreigners.

    Those are the positives. Negatives might be the scams, immi requirements (for the whiners), lack of feeling one has any rights etc.

    That being said, there is a considerable difference between expats and tourists. 



  3. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    This is Thailand. Even if they do get him back here, you watch the b@stard make bail and vanish again. Justice simply doesn't happen here.

    He is gone. Likely set up shop in a country with no extradition treaty. The arrest warrants and Interpol BS is just to quell public opinion and put up a good show. If he does show his face again in Thailand, it may be under a new passport with a new name from a dodgy country and authorities will claim he flew under their radar. Or he may have the audacity to defiantly just come and go as he pleases as he has done over the past 5 years. The guy has been in and out of Thailand numerous occasions since the murder and was here the day he was supposed to hear the charges. It is all just PR on behalf of the authorities. The brown envelopes have already been spent. If this guy even goes to trial, the family I am sure will demand a refund. It was a done deal long ago. 

    Though, I hope I can eat my hat if he is put behind bars. Real ones. Not monkhood or community service. 

    Justice is often elusive even in countries where there is rule of law. In the Land of Slimes, justice is a whore that goes to the highest bidder. 

  4. I use a transfer service. Online booking. Nice vehicles (Camry or similar) w/complimentary water. English speaking drivers. All well-groomed and well-dressed. Price is set during booking so there is no haggling/dodgy meters. 

    In terms of safety, security and comfort well worth the extra $$. 

    Also no amulets! So the drivers obey the rules of the road and drive like humans. Not speed demons anxiously trying to jump the queue to their next life.

    Hope the young lady receives the care and treatment she deserves. The taxi co. should step up and cover her bills. But given their hiring policy, not holding my breath.

  5. Catch-22. Banks and lenders won't dispense money on account spending is slow. Spending won't pick up unless there is cash in the economy. 

    I don't blame the banks and consumers for their cautious approach in these unpredictable times, rather there needs to be credible and viable fiscal policy coming from gov't house that inspires confidence in the economy (both inside and outside Thailand).  So far it has been smash-and-grab and every man for himself. As well as unneeded submarines, persecutional defamation suits, improving the "image" for tourists, populist band-aid/handout policies (which were condemned before) but now are ok and lip service to stamping out corruption. But nothing on a rigorously studied long-term economic plan. Just crickets among the cacophony of breaches of the computer crimes act, sedition charges etc.  

    Thailand is trying to put lipstick on a pig and a band-aid on the gaping wound that is its economy. 

    Having said that, having a transparent and level playing field for business would require those that are commanding this ship of fools to come clean. Never going to happen. Good luck to all who have chips on the table. 

  6. All joking aside. 100km in a day in this heat is a feat in unto itself. Never mind the critters. The training sounds grueling. I know I couldn't do it. 

    Wish the team best of luck! Though, I hope they are aware of the hazards that await them. I.e. I did not see any mention of acclimatizing the team to the coldest temps on Earth or the myriad mental issues they may face. 

    Hope they have proper gear and support! A backpack full of Mama and Doraemon pyjamas aint gonna cut it. 


  7. On 4/24/2017 at 9:32 PM, darksidedog said:

    I have had many people try to rip me off over the years. Maybe I let an occasional genuine opportunity pass me by, but I have never been ripped off, as I have the brains to work out what is plausible and what is not. Apparently in Thailand even University professors can't work that out. Which at the same time speaks volumes about the intelligence of the general population. If is almost too good to be true, walk away!

    Greed knows no bounds. 

  8. 1 hour ago, clockman said:

    Most Thais are stone deaf!

    Stone something...At a mate's in BKK for Super Bowl. His wife's phone rings. It is her mum. She proceeds to have a shouting conversation with her mum about what they ate etc. Mate says, "Honey, do you need to shout into the phone we are watching the game?"

    The wife retorted vociferously (as if we were all daft), "My mum lives in Chiang Mai!!!!!!"

    'Nuff said. 

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