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Posts posted by docshock13

  1. 5 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    As much seems to have been crushed or hushed up...

    One alternative would be in non stop international media coverage and warmings...

    As the Thai boys in brown uniforms seem shy to investigate, time to see if our western media is any better and does it's job to inform people?

    Funny enough, I learned of this through Oz media before it came up here on TV. 

    Which begs the question: Which news org/journo broke or leaked the story? Seems some in Thai media were aware shortly after the body was found (nearly two months ago). Curious to know the circumstances of suppression and subsequent release two months after the fact. 

  2. Two months to hit the news raises enough suspicion. Regardless of the circumstances of death, the fact that this story has seemingly been purposefully suppressed and kept out of the news warrants re-investigation. 

    Funny, the foreign resident who vociferously protested the Samui Times article last week made no mention of this death (no surprise). But it should make one wonder how he could write his letter while likely knowing about (or possibly having attended the scene) of this last death. It is a small island after all and he claims he attended the Witheridge/Miller crime scene. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    Theres a new Charles sabrahj or gang of sabrahj wannabes and it's painfully obvious.

    And just like in the Sobrahj case(s), the MO of the RTP and gov't is exactly the same today as it was 40 years ago:

    "The (Sobrahj) clan was interrogated by Thai policemen in connection with the murders, but released because authorities feared that the negative publicity accompanying a murder trial would harm the country's tourist industry."


    Though this time it is a homegrown killer with serious connections. Expect nothing to be done about the menace that lurks on Tao. 

  4. Reality is that it is every man for himself on the roads here and in every other aspect of life in Thailand (Thai or foreigner).  

    Protest all you want, the PTB simply don't care. It is a medieval society with smartphones and motorcars. 

    My comments are not meant to disparage the common Thai person that works day in and day out to provide for their families. However, the entrenched patronage/pyramid system that is Thai society will not change until heads roll (literally) and it provides little opportunity for them.  

    I am certain that most Thais are tired of the road carnage, exorbitant fines and corruption and nepotism in all areas of gov't (namely Customs, Land, RTP, Education).  But they have no choice, so they suck it up and try their best. 

    Nothing will change for them until there is a republic. 

    I respect their patience. 

  5. 15 hours ago, Somtamnication said:


    I will do a full trip report Tuesday.


    Short and sweet: guy looked at my paperwork for NON O based on married to a Thai and Thai son. He took out the real marriage certificate, did not look at the original tabien baan.


    Wrote M on the application, M on the receipt and M on some other paper. Done. Out in 5. Did not ask for funds.

    Thank you for much needed confirmation/clarification. Seems some have been telling tales for who knows what reasons. 

  6. 19 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

    The movement of the pickup after it had stopped after the initial collision was absolutely horrendous and unforgivable


    The initial collision was 100% her fault 


    May her and her son RIP


    Best wishes for the other childs full recovery

    Are you serious? For the life of me,  I am hoping you made a mistake by saying her and not his. The initial collision occurred when ur mate drove into some parked cars. And then decided to drive off (do a runner). Nobody is at fault except for your pal who decided that the law did not apply to him. Your post (blaming the victim of a fugitive) is in extremely poor taste given the circumstances. He should have pulled over after his first "mistake." 

    Perhaps try reading the OP and subsequent posts before passing judgment. 


  7. 1 hour ago, YetAnother said:

    perhaps someone can share with me why the import tax is 300%

    I am assuming your question is rhetorical. 

    If not, look at the gov't employees around your district, the material wealth they have accumulated (that you know of) and various schemes they are involved in. All on a pittance of a gov't salary. I will leave it up to you to do the math. 

  8. 44 minutes ago, anto said:

    Probably looking in his rear view mirror to check how far the Police were behind .They were chasing him as they turned up very quickly but were on slow 100 cc Honda dreams .

    Agreed. He was busy evading police at relatively high speed. Hence the lethal launch of bodies and moto lodged in the undercarriage (take a look at the damage to his pickup...impossible at reasonable speed).

    In any case, this bloke broke the law in so many ways. I have been pulled up on speeding but I have never had the cops here or at home ever have to resort to shooting my tires out. 

    This fella knew full well he shouldn't be on the road for one reason or another (hence the runner) and after the initial incident tried to get away with it. 

    His inability/unwillingness to take responsibility in the first instance destroyed many lives in the tragic series of events that unfolded. 

    Sympathy level for ol' matey=zero.

  9. 7 hours ago, NoBrainer said:

    First of all they most likely drive the cars to Europe and eventually to a friendly port in an eastern block country, before they are ever reported stolen.


    That is because they are bought on finance or from leasing companies, and are not reported stolen until they are long gone out of the UK/EU.


    Secondly, they don't disassemble them & re-asemble them here. They are shipped whole in containers that are never opened for inspection. Next step

    is XYZ supercar company says they assembled them here.


    Or they ship them in a container that is inspected and declare a very low value, and hence pay a much lower amount of tax on import, and because

    they never paid  much (maybe a low down payment and one or two payments) of the (already low) price of the car in the UK, that makes it quite profitable.




    Nailed it. 


    On another note, are these stolen and subsequently seized cars being repatriated? Seems like Customs is auctioning them off last I heard. And is not a public auction. Private auction by invitation only (i.e. for friends and family).  Only hearsay so don't take it as fact. 


    Curious to know what the UK finance & insurance companies have to say and if they have any recourse. 


    E.g. a foreign gov't ministry (or several) dealing in stolen goods. 

  10. y

    20 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

    I agree, i recon hes gone to town just before lunch seen quack & thought a few sherbets would the way to go whilst in town then planned to drop into the mall prior to going home at what 4.30 pm but all went tits up

    Sad situation for everyone involved. A critical lapse of judgment (for whatever reason) cost many dearly. Just hope the young lad that survived gets the blood he needs and can recover.

  11. Bottom line, mate should've stopped after the initial collision(s) and owned up and rang the insurance. Then the tragedy that ensued could have been avoided. 

    Not going to speculate about being unlicensed, uninsured OR being under the influence of drugs (prescribed or not) and/or alcohol (though one has to wonder why he would do a runner: a) he was out of it on his meds and didn't know he hit the vehicles in which case he shouldn't have been driving in the first place or B) he knew he shouldn't have been on the roads and tried to get away with one). 

    For whatever reason, ol' matey didn't own up in the first instance (root cause) and everything that followed is incidental. I.e. if he had pulled over after the first incident two people wouldn't be dead and another struggling for his life. 

    Trying to apportion blame to the victims and cops are moot points. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, sead said:

    Thats army and police prorities. What irritates me more is that no one is demanding changes. The people just accepts that it is how it is. 

    Things will change when and ONLY when somebody from Thai "society" loses a child or loved to one of these reckless van drivers. Until then, "the peasants" just have to be grateful they are "allowed" to travel in motorized vehicles. 

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