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Everything posted by SoilSpoil

  1. Game, set and match. They all win, from sitting lot to PT and Shinawatras. Voters? Democracy? Who cares. This will come back to haunt them as inflation levels are sky high, debt levels are beyond reasonable and global economic events are frightening. Not a good time to take control.
  2. Clonazepam is a newer generation benzo, highly addictive and and extremely painful to withdraw from. Messing up your GABA receptors is the last thing on earth you wish to do. Amazing that Thai doctors prescribe them like they were paracetamols. I'd go for Atarax or melatonin, in combination with a long walk.
  3. Pau Bangkok Pau, were his famous words back then. And it did.
  4. I think indoctrination would give too much credit to the teacher here. More a case of ignorance, as he probably doesnt know any better.
  5. I always admire you for the level of kindness in your comments, but to claim I have no idea is wrong. Why bother to post is rather personal, denke sie nicht?
  6. Why would someone in his right mind investigate whether someone was not charged?
  7. Sounds like your average Thai school teacher and exactly the reason why kids don't express their opinions.
  8. Yes, they would. It's called extra judicial for a reason.
  9. Just go to the MBK/Stadium footbridge and watch the 'scam' unfolding when a foreigner lights up a cigarette. They will follow each smoking foreigners in pairs of 2. Easy money.
  10. He understands, just doesn't like it. His life's work and legacy mirred with corruption, greed and crimes are at stake.
  11. True, alcohol might be the worst drug of them all. Withdrawal can lead to serious Gaba issues. But that doesn't mean that other drugs are good for you (psysically). Cannabis, for example, makes you lazy and can lead to depression.
  12. Addiction and substance abuse can have serious side effects such a libido problems, mental health issues and social awkwardness. You can always find help.
  13. Wonder what their coopertest results are? Or was it Tommy Coopertest?
  14. Full circle, deja vu or Groundhog Day? The Newin clan are the ultimate back stabbers. First they dumpedThaksin in favor of the Dems and no they help Thaksin's PT. 2 feared mafia clans joining forces.
  15. Why would an Asian country need to worry about a war in Europe? Do western countries stop trading with the Saudis or Israel, just to give an example?
  16. No way, he is a 'good guy' and therefor allowed break the laws.
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