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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. Indeed, and a deal with the EU would be far more beneficial than the US which uses ISDS, that can lead to governments being held to ransom. The ISDS system has been criticized for its perceived failures, including investor bias, inconsistent or inaccurate rulings, high damage awards, and high costs,[3] and there have been widespread calls for reform. Since 2015, the European Union has been seeking to create a multilateral investment court to replace investor-state arbitration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Investor–state_dispute_settlement
  2. So no New Chang because it is 'only' 4.8, yet you drink Dunkel at 4.9. Can you really tell the difference? Fairly obvious just looking at it.
  3. It is my understanding that the change is related to the reports being automated, possibly Phuket is not at that stage yet. You said your report took 70 minutes which would indicate human intervention. I had one last year that took 2 minutes, thought at the time they may be testing for automation. If that is the case there could well be conflicting stories for some time.
  4. It is all about policy, and as I was told by an HSBC branch manager, the policy is discretionary. They kept mine open as my income was being paid in. The question of tax didn't arise, the manager could see income from DWP.
  5. To be quite honest I think you are going to end up disappointed. My neice had excellent results but not good enough for medicine, everyone wants to be a doctor. Forgotten how many uni places she was offered ranging from veterinary to chemical engineering. She had her heart set on medicine so applied in China and was accepted on an English speaking course at Sun Yat Sen uni. A difficult route and took about 8 years to get Thai licence, lost a year due to covid. Started off doing agency work but now delivering babies at a government hospital. In June will start another 3 year course on Obs & Gyny at hospital in Bangkok. A really difficult profession and your granddaughter needs to give it serious consideration.
  6. In disguise with shaved tails.
  7. Rats with tails -no thanks.
  8. At the end of the day you need to do what the IO holding the stamp asks, if you want the stamp. Even if they have made an error there is very little chance of backtracking. "Something new" is par for the course. I have had 6 home visits and last week was the first where the witnesses had to be in the photos. I think the neighbour nearly had a bowel movement when the IO called him over - to take a photo at the gate which included the IO.
  9. Go by the squirrels, if the hole is small - not ripe, if half eaten then they are ripe. I know the problem, bit difficult to tell when they are 15 foot in the air. Wife gets annoyed when I pick them too soon but I like to get there before the squirrels, they soften up in a few days.
  10. That has nothing to do with alcohol, purely coincidental. High wine prices are in place to protect domestic producers, many imports suffer in a similar way.
  11. Not my problem, I know where it is.
  12. There will be variations with each. I didn't need to have a UK address when starting, I didn't pay VAT as an overseas user for several years, but think it is now only overseas business accounts that escape the VAT.
  13. No such river, there is Loch Ness and the River Ness, which runs between Loch Dochfour and Inverness.
  14. I also use Ukpostbox and have done so for over 12 years. I started with my son but he kept putting letters to one side and then forgetting. I have found the service quite useful, I took BA to court while in Thailand which would be a bit difficult under any other arrangement. They initially send you a copy of the enevelope and you have the option for each item on what to do with it. With the basic service you get an ID number which you use in conjunction with their address. If you go for the Street address you choose an address from the list, mail is then just sorted on the name. They will also send out letters for you, upload the letter and they will envelope it and post in UK, far quicker than any other method. It is all about considering the pros and cons and deciding what suits best. One downside, which probably applies to all the services, post that requires a signature from addressee is not accepted.
  15. Just a heads up for those using the Sri Ratcha office that from 23 Dec 2024 it will be moving to a new location. It is to the north of Sri Ratcha on the left towards the sea, shortly after the new Central building. When we passed the turning on Thursday there were no signs up as yet. Link will probably show as restaurant, Google not aware yet. https://maps.app.goo.gl/fUr4Vf9nMKVVr3vg8
  16. If the payment is processed via Bahtnet, it can only be done when Bahtnet is online, think the time is 08.30 till 5.30pm Mon - Fri. BAHTNET (Bank of Thailand Automated High-value Transfer Network) is a financial infrastructure serving for Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) of large value funds transfer between financial institutions or other organizations maintaining deposit accounts at the Bank of Thailand (BOT) https://www.bot.or.th/th/our-roles/payment-systems/Payment-systems.html
  17. I have been transferring with HSBC for about 20 years, early doors it was £25 to do it in branch and £17 online. About 2012 the online fee dropped to £4. When Wise came along I crossed checked every transfer I made against Wise for over 6 months and found little difference so just stuck with HSBC, although they have now pushed the fee up to £5. I usually do the transfer in the afternoon here and funds in account by mid day following day.
  18. I have made payments to Canada regularly for several years and they have always taken 3 days, maybe Thai banks, rather than Wise, are changing their ways.
  19. OK , I missed that bit and please accept what I said previously.
  20. You asked the question - "What province was that? " I don't know the ins and outs but there seems to be a consensus that online reports are dealt with by your local office. Last April I did an online report and had approval in 2 minutes, had to be automated, far too fast for human intervention. At the same time others were complaining about waiting days on end, go figure.
  21. The OP could return on a new SE visa which would take him into March and then do a 12 month extension. Not much difference between new extension and renewal. With a new visa, re-entry would be a moot point.
  22. "as a non-UK resident for tax" An assuption, as far as I can see he never said that, only that he didn't pay tax, a different matter. As a UK national he would be UK tax resident by default and remain so unless steps were taken to change that. Becoming tax resident in Thailand does not automatically remove tax residency in another jurisdiction. You have my apology if I missed something.
  23. Not really, the majority will have put their NI into workplace/private pensions and be relatively well off. Very few that are subject to the full force of the UK government discrimination will consider moving.
  24. Your words, in response to the OP and which are presumptious. "Strictly speaking as a non-UK resident for tax you should not declare you are in order to open a new account"
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