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Everything posted by rabas

  1. So when you get to my time you'll realize it's a rigged lottery. But you hit the issue on the head. I'm selling a house in a Thai moo ban, almost certainly to a Thai though there is a small but growing number of Westerners. But times move on. 15 years ago they were building 'modern' Thai style homes, which are cheaper construction. Now with greater affluence and many Thai tired of big city Bangkok, some are moving back and building better quality homes. This is one reason pricing is not easy.
  2. Yes, I see them here. https://williampropertythailand.com/ Thanks for the tip.
  3. Good question and I probably will eventually. Two reasons. I've been in Thailand almost 40 years and I would never start talking business or money without being fully prepared. The second reason, it seems the next door neighbor has been making inquires. I assume selling a house in such moo bans is not easy so I don't want to miss the opportunity. Family is pushing me to work out a price.
  4. We built a house in Buriram, Ampur Phuthaisong about 10 years ago, which the family wants to sell. I designed and build the house but know little about the housing market, nor it seems does my family. My immediate task is to workout a reasonable price for the house and land, which raises a few questions. Any help answering them is greatly appreciated. Description: The house sits in an active moo ban with a mix of modern and old style Thai houses, and occasional new construction. It's modern design, ~150 sqm, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a Western kitchen and dining area with a large walk in attic. It sits on elevated poured concrete pilings. There is a separate concrete structure with a Thai style kitchen and dining area. The house sits on 0.77 rai = 1236 sqm. Looking at local listings (dotproperty.com and ddproperty.com) raises a few questions. 1. What is the accepted way to calculate house area? The West is pretty strict that only enclosed heated area is considered. Our raised concrete floor area includes the interior rooms and a living balcony under the same roof. Which parts can I count? The listings I've seen aren't clear. 2. Listings I've seen give a 'base price'. What is a base price? Also 3. It would also be helpful to know how much the cost of construction in say Isaan has gone up in the past 10-12 years. 4. (Land only) Can the local land office help estimate current land prices, or they only price very low prices for tax purposes? A few post construction pictures, the first two show the front open area that shares the raised floor and roof. Can I count this? The third shows the separate Thai Kitchen and dining area. Click to zoom.
  5. Screen cap of the sole Google hit for your above claim of publication urgency. Note the source.
  6. The red highlighted text from your post below is not found in your reference. It's a verbatim copy from a substak account posting questionable anti-vax info and other conspiratorial wifwaf to wit "Are Aliens Hiding Beneath Earth's Oceans?" Is there a reason you did not reference your copied misinformation source? For clarity, the real abstract only concludes: Male infertility peaks at 31-40 years, with lowering in men aged 41-50 years, IgA antibody reduced sperm motility, causing immunogenic infertility exacerbated post-Covid-19 vaccination or infection. The only original text I see you contributed is "Due to the urgency of these findings the study has already been released ...", which is probably not true as it's not found anywhere. A just published study conducted by researchers affiliated with King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia is warning that Covid mRNA injections are causing serious harm to fertility rates among men. The team of researchers was led by Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Alkireidmi and corresponding author Firoz Anwar, a pharmaceutical doctor. The study discovered that male infertility has increased significantly following the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers found that men became infertile after receiving a Covid mRNA injection. In the study’s paper, published in the renowned journal Current Medicinal Chemistry, the researchers explain that the immunogenic effects of IgA antibodies interacting with key sperm-related proteins cause men to become infertile. Substak reference : https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/saudi-scientists-covid-vaccines-are
  7. Warning: Russia reportedly just launched another multi warhead Oreshnik ICBM at Ukraine. Wait ... it seems to have failed after launch and fallen on Russia. Note how many of Putin's advanced weapons don't seem to work as claimed. Alternate reference: https://english.nv.ua/nation/ukraine-declares-air-raid-alert-as-russia-s-oreshnik-missile-threat-emerges-50487766.html
  8. I'm aware of both sides of the issue and that they are inextricably linked. Both sides have been discussed for a long time. To see how they are linked read here about the Saudi's October threats and Russian impact: https://www.politico.eu/article/vladimir-putin-war-economy-pain-saudi-arabia-sink-global-oil-prices-energy-russia-opec/ My only concern is stopping Putin, I'll leave politics to others.
  9. Your argument seems contorted, but your not linked links are broken, the first goes to a paywall, second just says site can't be reached. Rather than shadowbox soundbites let me just say the Saudi's often talk about and sometimes do lower oil prices. Most recently they threatened $50/barrel in October 2024. Lowering oil price has been discussed for quite some time as a means of further squeezing Putin's horrific war machine. Have you gone full Putin?
  10. Must be true. Lavrov announced 4 days before that Russia had no intention of invading Ukraine. As to MicroB's question about why Russia brought Victory Day uniforms to Kiev, they had no intention of wearing them. Now you know Russian propaganda.
  11. AIrport ATC thinks they can. In fact they normally have two controllers one for helicopters and one for commercial flights so obviously they can communicate with both. Unfortunately at the time of the crash only one controller was handling both functions. The ATC voice/radar video above shows the Airport controller calling to PAT25 multiple times. First asking if he sees the other plane, then instructing PAT25 to go behind it. Finally he issues a visual separation authorization basically authorizing both planes to take emergency action.
  12. Here's another video from youtube. 1. Air traffic control radar and communication from well before. [https://youtu.be/CiOybe-NJHk?t=93 2. Air traffic control radar and communication from shortly before crash. "PAT25 (patrol-25) do you see that plane?"
  13. Some have suggested the helicopter may have been distracted by an outbound flight but the outbound flight was well in the helicopter's rear and traveling away by that time. But, there was an equally distant and closing incoming flight, with its headlights pointing right at the helicopter. The much smaller Canadian plane that collided was approaching from the heli's upper left. So yes, maybe the heli was distracted by another plane. Who looks to the upper left when a big bright plane is bearing down from straight ahead. Here is a beautiful simulation (already) where you can see this perspective for yourself in 3D. What do you think?
  14. Because that's where these guys have to fly. This UH-60 Blackhawk's squadron, based near by, is responsible for flying officials and VIPS around Washington including to the airport. That doesn't make it a wise thing to do, but apparently Washington DC is a challenging air space. Some have suggested a problem waiting to happen.
  15. Good question. From my post you see Grok is well aware of Deepseek and how it works. How so if It takes so long to train? Learning and knowledge break down into 3 stages. Stage 1: Build an initial model (links held in memory) , which takes many months at full power. Once per major revision. Stage 2: These large models can be updated at significant but lest cost. Done periodically, as required by new info, not too often. Stage 3: On the fly. When Grok answered my question, he first looked at a number of websites and X posts to learn. This is current probably from some indexing. I,e., he is not yet trained on it but can go 'read up' before answering my question.
  16. The above video by Microsoft engineer David Plummer is a clear intro to what Deepseek is, and isn't. The clever part is its distillation process to turn larger models into smaller, good enough, models that use less hardware. But I do see a possible cat in the bag and asked Grok to confirm (we're already a mix of human and AI!). I post my question and it's answer for clarity. However it goes, Deepseek's arrival will be transformative. Me: My question is about the newly released Deepseek AI software and its operation. The question is specific. Preface: Deepseek is said to use larger AI models to train a number of smaller models that can run on smaller hardware and thus cheaper. Does this mean that 1) larger hardware and training is still required when training the smaller modules? and 2) does the Deepseek open source code they released include the initial large training model, or it only includes code for running the smaller models? (Spoiler, required and no not released) Grok: Larger Hardware and Training for Smaller Modules: Yes, the process of training smaller models through distillation or transfer learning still requires the use of larger hardware and computational resources initially. DeepSeek uses a large model (like DeepSeek-R1 or DeepSeek-V3) to train these smaller models. The initial training of the large model necessitates significant computational resources, but once trained, the knowledge can be distilled into smaller models that require less computational power for deployment. This is evident from the strategies mentioned where DeepSeek-R1 knowledge is distilled into smaller models, which implies that the heavy lifting is done during the training of the larger model. Open Source Code and Model Inclusion: The open-source release by DeepSeek includes models that are distilled from the larger models, particularly the DeepSeek-R1 series. However, the training code for the initial large models (like DeepSeek-V3 or the base models used for distillation) does not seem to be open-sourced. The comments on X and technical reports indicate that while the distilled models and possibly some of their training code are available, the actual training pipeline for the larger models, including the data and the original training code, are not part of the open-source release. This means users can run and possibly fine-tune the smaller models but cannot replicate the training of the large models without additional resources or information. In summary, while you can utilize and potentially further train the smaller models with less hardware, the groundwork of training the larger models still requires substantial resources. The open-source materials provided by DeepSeek focus on the smaller, distilled models rather than the full spectrum of their training process for the large models. End of Grok.
  17. My chatgpt doesn't agree! Me: Please comment on a hypothetical question related to COVID and vaccines. The hypothetical question is based on a scientific paper that is often quoted by those spreading misinformation. The hypothetical question is: Suppose I have a general population in say a city or state. Also suppose I am able to determine that half of the people will be exposed to the COVID virus and the other half will not, and I know who is in each group. I then decide to vaccinate only the half that will be exposed and not vaccinate the other half. After the pandemic I then analyze who got COVID and who did not. I should find that all people who got COVID were vaccinated and un-vaccinated people did not get COVID. Please answer this question: Dose the fact that only vaccinated people got COVID, in any way, support the idea that 1) the vaccine causes more COVID or 2) the vaccine is not effective in reducing COVID cases? Please comment on the scientific validity of using the result from a single study while ignoring results of all other studies. Chatgpt: (emphasis ChatGPT) This is an excellent question for tackling misinformation, as it demonstrates how context and understanding of study design are critical to interpreting results accurately. Direct Answer: The fact that "only vaccinated people got COVID" in the hypothetical scenario does not support the idea that 1) the vaccine causes more COVID or 2) the vaccine is not effective in reducing COVID cases. Here's why: [Full discussion below] Conclusion: Your hypothetical scenario is an excellent demonstration of how misuse of data and flawed experimental design can lead to incorrect conclusions. It is a valuable tool for illustrating the importance of proper study design, context, and the dangers of cherry-picking evidence in public health discussions. Full discussion: (click to enlarge)
  18. Here's your sign. A recent video of Putin meeting heads of academia exposes how isolated and fearful he has become. In it, he calls for Muscovites (an big part of his support base) to receive salaries on par with top Universities! He then asks how much that is and is shocked by the low answer exclaiming that's impossible and argues repeatedly. Watch his face and the attendees' laughter. Conclusion, Putin is badly out of touch and is also increasingly concerned about his support. Ordinary Russian's can't overthrow Putin but their suffering can encourage those who can like the top military leadership whom he has been attacking. The clock is ticking.
  19. The world owes you a deep debt of gratitude, though some may not understand. I grew up in Cold War Europe and traveled throughout the USSR and other Iron Curtain countries making it easy to see. We enjoy our freedoms because of people like you. Enjoy your leave!
  20. Print away! The West will provide free ink. Best way to destroy an economy. In fact, printing Rubles is what the Russian Central Bank is desperate to avoid. Problem is Russia is caught in the famous central bank's trilemma called the Impossible Trinity that says: A central bank can do any two of three possible actions, but not all three. The linked analysis explains why no matter which two Russia chooses its economy is doomed. A trilemma is a bit like being caught between a rock and a hard place in front of a Russian window. LINKS: Full analysis: https://youtu.be/7Lg6JZEtnOk?t=36 Russia fails the impossible trinity: https://youtu.be/7Lg6JZEtnOk?t=309
  21. The Russian Duma is so uncomfortable that Putin might restrict Russian citizens bank accounts that members have suggested passing laws to prevent it. Even though Putin ally Central Bank head Elvira Nabiullina said they would not. Can you imagine not believing Vladimir Putin? But the cold hard truth is that no government would ever announce freezing citizens assets in advance because it would cause a nationwide bank run. WATCH Russian source video, look at their faces: (also reported in Newsweek)
  22. The impetus to upgrade flight recorders with battery backup came from ICAO after a McDonnell Douglas MD-11 airliner crashed in 1998 when a fire burned through its wiring and investigators found the final 5 minutes of recording missing. ICAO then recommended battery backup should be added by 2004. ICAO is an international organization. But technical issues slowed the upgrade in part due to environment requirements. As of 2009, new US registered planes were to have battery backed recorders by April 2010, with retrofits on old planes by 2012. Planes registered in Europe would following in 2012. See [reference].
  23. Other than his 25 years of experience, the answer may be that landing gears are easy to drop but hard to pull back up. 737-800 landing gears can be dropped even manually but pulling them up requires hydraulic system A (of three), which is primarily powered by left engine 1. 737-800s have 3 hydraulic systems, A, B, and Backup. A and B are not symmetrical. A is primary and primarily (sorry) powered off left engine 1. B is powered off right engine 2. See this detailed functional description of 737-800's hydraulic systems: http://737exam.com/pdf/BOEING 737-13 Hydraulics.pdf So, if they retracted the landing gear to go around, then engine 1 was likely running. Note this is subtle. Systems A and B have partial cross backup capability so that on engine 1 failure during takeoff, system B can assist system A (on dead engine 1) to pull the landing gear up. But in the current case, engine 2 is assumed toast due to the bird strike. So if engine 1 was running before the go around, what happened later? Why no landing gear? Point 2 If hydraulic systems A and B both fail, the backup system powers minimal systems seemingly required for a worst case landing. These are: - Engine 1 & 2 thrust reversers <=== (observed during landing ?) - Standby rudder - Leading edge flaps & slats ( extension only ) - Standby yaw damper ( loss of system A & B
  24. The speculator sat in a 737 pilot's seat for 25 years. I'll listen to his speculation. Speculation is the foundation on which we ask testable questions in search of answers. Scientists speculate, investigators speculate, AN posters speculate.
  25. Good video. He offers various views assuming ordinary bird strikes are relatively survivable but repeats that the pilots may have inadvertently shut down the wrong (left) engine before landing leading to loss of hydraulics which depend on the the craft's left engine. See 10:50 and 27:00 in the video. It would not be the first time pilots shutdown the wrong engine leading to the loss of an aircraft on landing. The following is from planecrashinfo.com. Planecrashinfo has even stranger tales. My favorite is a flight where the pilot's windshield popped out dragging the pilot out the window only to be caught by his legs while the copilot lands the plane with the pilot still hanging outside.
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