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Everything posted by rabas

  1. It's easy to show the bird strike occurred early during the initial approach from the south, and that the final landing was from the north. All you need is time of day and the sun's direction. The plane's right (bird strike) side is brightly lit by the morning sun as it approaches from the south and the sea. The later crash video shows the plane's right side in deep shadow and even sun reflections off the top of the fuselage. Further, a newer video shows the plane's initial approach even earlier revealing a series of right engine explosive bursts. Even before that, there appears to be a smoke trail suggesting that bird strikes occurred even earlier. Earlier approach video link here. Note, the video is shown at various speeds, the last is clearest. Approaching from the south, sun lit from the East. Landing from the mountainous north lit on the plane's left by the morning sun.
  2. The berm was known and reported from the beginning via social media. HERE HERE , etc. Any confusion was because there is a concrete structure/wall in the berm, so the plane did hit a concrete barrier, none of which relates to the cause of the crash. WIKI reports: "the flight belly landed long and overran the runway, crashing into a berm encasing a concrete wall that supported an instrument landing system array." Here you see part of the enclosed concrete support structure in the berm that the plane hit. CLICK TO ZOOM. Before collision. CLICK TO ZOOM These berms are used elsewhere, here is one in Canada that has been hit by jumbo jets, according to the article HERE.
  3. Why, the end of Putin's regime and possibly his whole global empire. Here's a detailed read about coming economic collapse. Elsewhere, calls are circulating in Chinese media to retake territory lost to Russia. In Iran, rioting has begun against the Russian supported mullahs. Persians want their country back. Syria already collapsed.
  4. Holy cow, your test link worked fine for me in the AN composer before posting but is dead after posting. Test, Here is an ordinary link from WIKI with text: The Odyssey Here I paste just the raw link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odyssey These work fine so some links aren't linking correctly. EDIT I just wrote a plain text email to myself with your failing test link and it works fine in all possible formats. So AN software may be involved.
  5. Since your earlier post below, none of your 'links' have embedded links, have an underline, or are clickable. They are plain text. Links before that are fine. Real links that you pasted in plain text starting with https://... can work by copying and pasting them in the browser's address bar. Did anything change in your software environment? Maybe try some variation, different device etc. I tried your last test link to see if it works on my desktop: Ukraine reveals handwritten letter of a fallen North Korean soldier in Kursk
  6. Alert: Apparently the ruble really is collapsing. Now at 110.98 and rising steadily almost 1% per hour. Something wrong.
  7. Biden and the EU greatly upped the ante by allowing long range strikes into Russia. Now, word from the new administration: BREAKING: Counterterrorism Adviser nominee Sebastian Gorka, says that Trump plans to end the Ukraine war by threatening to flood Ukraine with military aid, making current U.S. support look like “peanuts” This is called peace through strength. https://x.com/EYakoby/status/1861239932670312859 I will make a prediction: By or before Valentines day, the end of Putin's Russia and maybe Putin himself will be in sight. 3, 2, 1, ... "Do you want nuclear war? WW3? MAD?!"
  8. All factors in the Russian economy are worsening at an accelerating rate. Below is a summary. Remember, the head of the Russian state bank has repeatedly said in public that the broad economy cannot take the strain past 2024. Putin (and a few folks here) talk about Russia's GDP. That's meaningless because it comes from making bombs and weapons that blow up in Ukraine contributing zero (zip) to the economy. IOW, Putin is bragging about throwing money down the drain, as propagandist depots do.
  9. Wow. Ruble continues to drop throughout the day, This was an hour ago. The rate of fall is unprecedented for a currency.
  10. After investigation, it now appears that both the 2 undersea communication cables cut and gas pipeline cut last year in the same area by Chinese ships was Russian sabotage. Putin being Putin. The scheme, buy and control ships registered by shell companies in China and have Russians control them. The analysis Anton Gerashchenko is long so I provide a link. https://x.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1859933985444446489
  11. Not a squabble between neighbors, never was. Remember the cold war and the fall of the USSR? In 1994, Ukraine agreed to give up their nukes and became a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in exchange for assurances from Russia (<== this is Russia), the United States and United Kingdom to respect the Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in their existing borders. [WIKI]
  12. Confirmation is coming quickly. If not enough, soldiers took close up images of his face and exposed teeth that leave little doubt.
  13. Rinse - Repeat until: There are many reports but currently being verified.
  14. One more closeup from SpaceX control
  15. One small step for a madman, one giant leap for mankind. No one ever would have considered trying such a crazy thing, Truly unbelievable. Why did he do it? To save the extra weight of landing legs.
  16. Many studies hove found similar results. COVID is a nasty virus, this was known from the beginning. Here's one. He addresses the vaccine issue in posts below. [Link to paper in Nature] "the increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis reported in this study is significant in people who were not vaccinated and is EVIDENT REGARDLESS of vaccination status." I.e. vax status doesn't matter for that.
  17. Holly Molly! You didn't even read the abstract! From the abstract: "Data from the UK Biobank was used to identify COVID-19 cases (n=10 005) who were positive for polymerase chain reaction (PCR+)-based tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection (n=8062) or received hospital-based International Classification of Diseases version-10 (ICD-10) codes for COVID-19 (n=1943) between February 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. " There were no vaccines! And then you call the study trash...
  18. He is addressing the hypothetical question of what if Russia attacks Lithuania, again. NATO has never threatened Russia. NATO is a defense organization. Lithuania is a NATO member because they have been attacked by Russia before, as have so many countries. Occupation of the Baltic states : The initial Soviet invasion and occupation of the Baltic states began in June 1940... During the 1944–1991 Soviet occupation many people from Russia and other parts of the former USSR were settled in the three Baltic countries, while the local languages, religion and customs were suppressed in an "extremely violent and traumatic" occupation.[6][7]
  19. Putin knows NATO nukes and delivery systems are superior. If he does't, his generals who must push the button do. Putin's support and his defense ministry are in disarray, no one is going to push the button. The new definition of insanity is saying Ukraine must surrender because Putin is crazy enough to use nukes but believing you can trust a Putin agreement. It's all propaganda.
  20. BREAKING: Russia halts production of its only 5th gen Su-57 fighter after just 22 units. Compared to 1000+ US/NATO F-35s in service. F-35 is the second US 5th gen fighter after F-22. [ref] [more]. Yes, Russia has so far lost two! They crashed. That's the same US/NATO that has no chance of influencing the war in Ukraine, according to Putin's propaganda and its followers. "No use, give up, save precious Ukrainian lives." says Putin's propaganda with no mention of the far greater number of dead Russians.
  21. Another unstoppable, impenetrable, indestructible Putin 'super' weapon bites the dust. Russia's latest S-70 Okhotnik heavy super-drone went awry causing it to fly straight to Ukraine territory forcing Russia to shoot it down albeit a bit late. Analysis of the captured weapon shows it be another nothing burger. No one knows how the war will end but Putin has surely lost all hope of weapon sales with many countries now rejecting his systems. What you get when you keep locking up your top scientists. [LINK] Contrary to Russian propaganda, the drone does not feature advertised stealth polymers or advanced artificial intelligence systems. The use of the Su-57 manned fighter as a command relay for the drone was seen as inefficient, highlighting limitations of Russian networking capabilities. The S-70 lacks robust stealth technologies and does not feature network-centric systems comparable to NATO’s Link-16, instead relying on a basic radio link for guidance.
  22. You mean this Swiss Colonel? "He has been criticized for relaying several conspiracy theories , his denial of the Syrian regime's responsibility for several chemical attacks and for his positions favorable to Vladimir Putin , notably through the sharing of disinformation during Russia's invasion of Ukraine ." Read this link for a list of his conspiracy theories including that Osama Bin Laden was innocent! However, I doubt his pro-Putin conspiracy theories arise from his French-Swiss nationality. Why? Because after 511 years of strict neutrality, Putin has the Swiss siding with NATO. LINK So he would not be a reliable reference on much anything outside of Kremlin propaganda.
  23. In the civilized world, the beautiful girl decides which, if any, boy she wants. Same for independent Ukraine. The world cannot accept Putin's war of territorial aggression, rape, and pillage, the first since the World War 2 era. Criminal Putin has no right to choose.
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