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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Posted by a character 'assassin' unaware that text kerning proves the image fake by the oversized gap left after replacing A in ANCESTORS with I, and that incester has no letter 'O'.
  2. The article discusses a steep decline in Indian life expectancy. In contrast to your out-of-date view, Indian life expectancy has steadily increased since 1920, peeking over 70 years in 2017. The sharp decline from COVID underscores that estimated actual deaths are much higher than officially recorded deaths, a fact true for all pandemics [reference]. IHME experts estimate total global COVID deaths to be near 20 million [reference]. Graph from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_in_India
  3. Thanks to all for your responses. So many repor such similar symptoms that it's clearly something going around. As one poster noted, it's not unexpected since Thailand's flu season coincides with the rainy season. WHO reports the two most common flu strains now prevalent in SE Asia/Thailand are H1N1_2009 and H3N2, both are typically fast onset with high fever, so maybe something else. I met one like him, didn't listen to my symptoms but said I had a deviated septum and ask when I would like to schedule surgery. My experience here is doctors who like questions are often good. Those who just give you 5 kinds of medicine are not much.
  4. I hope not! But symptoms don't seem to rule it out. However, TB is bacterial and so far there are signs of bacteria in my wife's sputum (by microscope).
  5. Did any of you have a fever? influenza A often produces fever but not always.
  6. Good question. I too wondered, the symptoms sound similar to recent stains of Covid. However, while it's technicality possible a new strain might not be undetected by ATK tests, it's unlikely because they look for parts of the virus that are less likely to mutate. Also, hospitals would eventually detect the failure because their RT-PCR tests look for different mRNA codes. Of course, you must also test frequently and at the right time. (Kind of like a S/N problem...) We, my wife and her sister, have used two ATK brands, which had not expired.
  7. Three immediate family members and one friend not connected with my family have come down with what appears to be the same long lasting respiratory illness. Symptoms are similar to a throat and chest cold with light nasal involvement. Seems to start in the throat and progress elsewhere. Nasal congestion with no sneezing, sore throat, and at times heavy bronchial phlegm. Little or no fever. No sign of bacterial infection. Three are still sick after roughly 2 weeks but in slow recovery. ATK Covid testing negative in all cases. First case was a 3 year old grand niece who likely got in in preschool. Does anyone know what this might be? Have you heard of similar cases in Bangkok or elsewhere?
  8. Thank you. The image is not a fake per se but should have been labeled an historical image of Soviet day food lines. I assume it was meant as a symbol of what may come because it was labeled as something that may happen in the future. Clearly no claim it was current. The original image is here, https://dzen.ru/a/ZaWseplNJTi27K58 Here is a new image from [ Reuters]. People are wearing Covid masks. Again only representative. Sorry if I misunderstood your response to mean the data was wrong. I have no interest in seeing Russians suffer as I have many close long term friends. It is only Putin that I disagree with, but so do my friends.
  9. First things first. Do you agree that Russian staple food prices are rising fast as I stated and provided widely acceptable reference for? Yes [ ] No [ ]
  10. Russian state propaganda mainliners amaze. You don't even address if the numbers are true! Lets check Statistica who report Russian food prices. Oh, wait, it's worse than Jason Smart reports. Russian red beet is a whopping 94% higher than end Dec 2023. Other items way up too especially Russian staple foods like beets, potatoes, cabbage, and onions. Link: [Statistica]
  11. It's Putin failing on all fronts. As the war and economy being to crumble, all he can do now is prepare to hide and spread propaganda for the gullible calling for Ukraine to give up. Satellites have now spotted an incredible array of new missile defense systems around his famous survival bunker. At least 7 Pantsir-S1 surface-to-air missile systems (maybe more), 11 S-400/300 missile systems (so that's where they went!), and several long-range radars. https://x.com/nexta_tv/status/181326944700979656 No, there are not 'hundreds of thousands' of Ukrainian dead even counting civilians. But Russian sign up bonuses are sky rocketing and still not many takers: https://x.com/devil_n_details/status/1812301555694977146
  12. Russian pain rising. Russia's stock market has crashed almost 20% since mid May and continues to fall sharply. Russia's 10-year bond yield jumped to a record 15.614% after CBR failed to hold it down. Super high bond yields indicate fundamental economic problems, like no one wants them. Price of basic food in Moscow has jumped 40% to 50% way above 'official' inflation of 9%. (how can that be?) Other essential items are being priced beyond average Russians.
  13. Bad news => worse. Bloomberg For reference
  14. The owner is pure Thai, Mr. Vitoon Eurtivong. Started from a small shop. Probably in his 40s-50s. Big fellow at least in circumference. Nice approachable fellow.
  15. All very true. However, these are not hypersonic Kinzhal missiles, which US Patriots do shoot down. These are slow moving, long range GPS guided cruise missiles with efficient turbo jets mounted underside and GPS guidance. As such, they are even more able to hit targets accurately. It was intentional. Then why were they not shot down? Because Russia recently added an RF transmitter to broadcast bursts of radio interference when it detects radar. Hold your hat, NATO/US will likely adapt as well.
  16. Purpose? Make Vlad feel like a man, most powerful man on Earth. Instill fear in his enemies. Proof? The wide range of other brutal acts including 3-ton glide bombs on civilian towns and cities along the front with nary a thought of warning inhabitants. All of his other doomsday weapons projects, etc. This is a kind of stone age mentality that was not uncommon through WW2. After taking Warsaw, Hitler ordered the city completely destroyed so 'no two bricks remained intact'. WW2 was so brutal as to subsequently curtail most such brutality and wars of conquest. Man made some progress. Unfortunately ex-KGB Putin, like a dormant bacteria, wants to reinfect the world with this old style behavior. The stakes couldn't be higher. Forget man's other pressing problems. In this day and age man cannot survive letting Putin win. Warsaw as Hitler liked it. Look familiar after 2 years of Putin?
  17. The images are from a video of a moving missile. Different frames show its movement. If you look closely, the right image shows the same clouds but the missile has moved lower by a bit more than its body length. From videos I've seen, this is about 2 frames. Never believe Russian propagandists.
  18. Clarification: The above video is by the Russian propagandist trying to claim the Russian KH-101 missile is a Patriot missile (scumbag). The below comparison images prove it is the KH-101, which has mid body wings seen in the video. Patriots have no such wings. A better view of the Russian missile that hit the hospital
  19. Russian propagandists are already spreading lies that Ukraine air defense is responsible, either directly or by shooting down a Russian missile. As ridiculous as that is already, there are now multiple clear videos showing at least one Russian HK-101 missile, undamaged, directly aimed at and hitting the hospital. It's time to let Ukraine hit anything anywhere they see fit. (Beware local Kremlin bots.)
  20. What is it? No description. Current world population? That's not related to ethnic mixing.
  21. You ignore my entire point! A thousand year China-Vietnam neighbor relationship strongly parallels that of neighboring Russia and Ukraine. true, Vietnam was briefly a French protectorate... No. Wait! France never bordered Vietnam, it's 10,000km away. Moreover, imperial Vietnam and its rulers existed in parallel with the French protectorate, in fact outlasted it. So your Western whatabout soundbite fails. FYI, 'Annam' is a derogatory Chinese term meaning pacified (conquered) south still used widely in China. But if you go to Vietnam and say Annam, you might loose a few teeth. Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine has also caused deep, long lasting bitter feelings, which motivate Ukrainians to fight against unmotivated Russian counterparts.
  22. This is not what the world is now, you don't read what you post! This is only the 8.4% of Hong Kong's population who are not ethnic Chinese, Hong Kong is 91.6% almost pure Chinese. The natural voluntary mixing of peoples under fair democratic conditions (where all citizens have the say) is fine. Forced mixing at the hands of far left social engineering, often for political purposes, is both criminal and highly destructive. from your unread reference: Hong Kong is a largely homogenous society, with about 91.6% of its people being Chinese (ethnically speaking, Han Chinese). The 2021 Population Census found (by way of self-identification) that there were about 619,568 non-Chinese people in Hong Kong, or about 8.4% of the population. Not all members of the non-Chinese groups are permanently settled in Hong Kong.
  23. I meant the nicer (tastier) restaurants you ate at before may not want you back in. I have a secret for you. Fast food is not the best food.
  24. We eat anywhere we want, she cooks everything. Why waste time searching for new restaurants never knowing what the food will be like? And old restaurants, the best ones, may not let you back in. Did you do something?
  25. Congratulations, that make sense. Of course, you could use Bayesian econometrics to analyze Keynesian economics but by that time it may be easier to just pay your $5 and go home...
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