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Everything posted by rabas

  1. "It's everywhere, I saw it on the internet", he said. You so far have proven nothing. Maybe a good time to remember the wise words of Richard Feynman: “It does not matter who you are, or how smart you are, or what title you have, or how many of you there are, and certainly not how many papers your side has published, if your prediction is wrong then your hypothesis is wrong. Period.” There is no quantitative proof, even reliable data, to suggest the vaccines benefits did not far out weigh low levels of side effects, many of which are due to the virus SARS-2 not mRNA technology. [ref1,ref2,ref3] Ref3: "heart, kidney, liver, brain, and gastrointestinal tract." Richard Feynman was a master contrarian but I admire him because he was laser focused on truth.
  2. We have a meeting coming up next week. I'll see what I can do.
  3. True. But the West had neutron bombs. A neutron bomb has a very small 'blast' but puts out a vast burst of invisible neutron radiation that can kill tank crews with little damage to tanks or other major infrastructure. This was done because it was inconceivable NATO would invade Russia thus the battle would be on NATO territory. (You can count on Russia being the bad guy) You can see from Eastern Ukraine that Putin cares nothing for people. The only way to stop him is to demonstrate how he will be defeated.
  4. My condo is in talks with a company to install 5 charging stations in our outdoor parking area, which has some spare capacity. The condo will provide the electricity which we buy at a significant discount. The profit will be be shared between the charging company and the Condo, which will get the lion's share. So the condo association makes money, and, owners get on premises charging. The charging company will use internet marketing to advertise out location to maximize profit.
  5. There has been some question of how many $300M A-50 AWACS planes Russia has left. The correct answer is one functional and five not so functional any time soon or maybe never. Five are graveyard skeletons used for spare parts. Probably not much left in Russia's kleptocracy. I count 5 engines remaining out of 5 four-engine planes, and rust. [more info]
  6. Ask how it's going for Putin. He's the huge problem in the room, always has been. Now is because we didn't do enough before. No other way with Putin.
  7. Breaking Smashed! Three more high end Russian planes shot down including Russia's next to last $300M AWACS plane. Keeping one for Ukraine leaves nothing to guard elsewhere. Surely some generals must start questioning the Ukraine war's value. Just don't stand near a window when you do.
  8. Worse, we are advancing at an astronomical rate in directions we can't even imagine. Moreover, the just bolted AI onto it all, with no idea what AI will do.
  9. Why don't you base it on his current activities and not some 20 year old episode? Well near current, seeing Putin just killed him.
  10. Didn't say that. Statistica is asking for a membership before revealing the source. I thought you would know. Why it matters. Russian's have lived in fear of speaking their mind for a hundred years. It's worse under window man Putin. A random phone call from nowhere won't get an honest answer. You will only get the official state line. Russians I've known 20+ years will never talk about Putin politics over the phone if they are calling from inside Russia. You think they would answer a random unknown call and say "Yeah, love Navalny, great guy"?
  11. Again. Do you know the source of the survey data that concluded no one liked Navalny? Statistica is not showing a source. How was the survey performed?
  12. A survey about something in Russia? Do you know the source?
  13. I only reflect on the hopes and fears of lifelong Russian friends, not mine, not bias selected media. You might look at your own motives. A few posters simply run on high octane anti Western fuel, and even Russian propaganda.
  14. Really ? I haven't read anything about that MT Russian Nuclear Scientist Jailed 9 Years for Treason Jun 21 2023 Newsweek Russia Jailed Over a Dozen Rocket Scientists on Treason Dec 18 2023 Chemistry World Exodus of scientists from Russia has passed 50,000 since 2018 as more pack their bags to go 8 Jun 2023 Novaya Gazeta Russia is waging a war against its own scientists: special services are searching for traitors among prominent and elderly physicists. Not all of them live to hear the verdict BI India 3 scientists behind Putin's 'unstoppable' missiles were jailed on charges of treason. Russian researchers say they are now living in fear. Science Russian scientist facing treason charges dies in custody Advocates say state’s zeal for arrests has destroyed the lives of researchers July 15 2022 Many more.
  15. Why isn't it? Because Putin... Putin took a perfectly failed state, the USSR, and ruined it. They can't even win a war because of so much corruption. Putin's unstoppable missiles keep getting shot down, his impenetrable air defense systems keep getting penetrated. [watch Putin]. As for your Ponsi scheme sound byte, the US far exceeds Russia in oil production, now 13M to 9.5M bbl/day. Natural gas by even more. I already mentioned the golden economic goose, R&D, where no.1 US far exceeds Russia by a whopping 20 times. Why? Putin. He locks up scientists because he doesn't trust them. Russia's hallowed space program? Far behind and falling. Why? You got it, Putin. Corruption. In 2023 Russia is now 5th worldwide in launched objects, 30 times behind the US. [ref] Your ponzi scheme US launched 81% of all the world's satellites. I too would love to see a strong, free Russia. Best thing for the world. Would you join me in calling for a Putin free Russia so that it can happen?
  16. You missed the heart of capitalism, R&D, which leads to vast global production of useful products and services. The US spends nearly $700 billion on R&D each year, [ref] almost 20 times more than Putin's Russia. Per capita, Thailand outspends Russia on R&D by almost 20%. R&D, my background, is a form of speculation. Sorry to mention Russia, just trying to get back on topic.
  17. False and further off topic. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a true War of Conquest with the stated and now codified aim of territorial conquest and ownership. Such wars are rare since the World War 2 era. The Iraq war was not a war of territorial conquest. The only war of conquest involving Iraq may have been its invasion of Kuwait in an attempt to control and destabilize oil prices. Stop running guard for despot Putin.
  18. One of many Russian failures. Western technology is supported by a vast underlying industrial pyramid that Russia lacks because Putin's economy supports oligarchs and weapons over people. The old USSR also lacked high precision ball bearings, which were key to Western superior ballistic missile accuracy. And the beat goes on. As Putin threatens to nuke western satellites, Western technology advances to circumvent GPS by putting large atomic-beam clocks in a one inch cube ideal for even the smallest missiles and drones. [reference] A successful Russian future requires ousting Putin and handing power to the good Russian people, what Navalny was fighting for in his own way.
  19. COVID the disease is champion of heart, liver, brain, and gastrointestinal damage. Has been from day one. It's what happens when an animal or lab altered virus gets into humans. We are not accustomed to it, which is one reason to save people.
  20. It's Russians claiming Navalny is a hero. Did you see the mass rally in Georgia? Mostly Russians. The only link between Navalny and Assange is that Assange was functionally a Putin stooge. Had Assange released information only related to wrongdoing, not mass information damaging legitimate US interests, I might consider him a hero too. I doubt Navalny and Assange would like each other. OTH, Navalny was friends with Garry Kasparov, a truly brilliant Russian who also works tirelessly to expose Putin and save his country. Kasparov is in exile in part because he too tried to run for office. Putin would probably kill him if he could. Here is Kasperov on why Putin killed Navalny. If you really want to understand Russia, Putin, and the threat to the West, start here. If you don't trust media, you need to listen to folks like Kasperov.
  21. True, but so does 90 day reporting and the occasional AN post, but that's not related to Covid either.
  22. Mass rally for Navalny in Georgia where Putin can't lock people up.
  23. I agree we live in a world of hard found truth. My understanding about Russia comes from Russia, Russian friends, Russian experts. more Russians, and the USSR where I traveled in my youth. What WIKI"s founder really said was "he cautioned that the website can’t always be trusted to give people the truth” He's mostly refers to US politics. Never trusting anything from WIKI is like never trusting Rattlesnake because he echos Covid misinformation. About Navalny. Even if his highly suspicious convictions were real, which I doubt, it has no bearing on his numerous hero activities like exposing Putin's deep secrets, for which he eventually gave his life.
  24. Hero anyway, or maybe even because of... His 'convictions' were suspended but came at critical times as he was was running for election against Putin cronies. WIKI "Both criminal cases were widely considered politically motivated and intended to bar him from running in future elections[15][16]" Maybe even Super Hero for his efforts against Vladimir Putin.
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