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Everything posted by rabas

  1. My comment was only meant to help understand CPP motives. You pose a practical and interesting question. If geographic diversification of Taiwan's IC manufacturing industry provides expanded business, increased profits, and helps to insure Taiwan's freedom then why not? The US and the West have been diversifying manufacturing for decades because doing so was highly profitable and helped to expand IC business. In fact, Taiwan has already started to move in this direction.
  2. Cleopatra was mostly Macedonian Greek along with her Ptolemaic family who ruled Later Egypt from 305 to 30 BC. But even Egyptians were not black sub-Saharan Africans. Recent genetic research on mummies from the Middle Kingdom, which began about 1500BC, found that ancient Egyptians were mostly related to Eastern Mediterranean peoples. Modern Egyptians have a small trace (8%) from sub-Saharan African genes but that is more recent. Ancient Egyptian tomb paintings clearly depict Nubians from the south as black. So no surprise Egyptians are not happy.
  3. More rocket fuel than ever assembled before in one place. Fuel pumps alone require 3.3 million horsepower just to pump fuel to the engines. Crazy numbers. To quote Musk: Success maybe, excitement guaranteed.
  4. Best summary yet against CCP claims that Taiwan 'belongs' to mainland China. Even the Great Northern and Southern Song dynasties had little to do with Taiwan. You do know that the Qing (Manchu) are from Manchuria not China and are not ethnic Chinese like the Han.
  5. Lets say, for argument, that Britain's survival depended on some resource from some far away friendly nation. Never mind what, such dependencies are common nowadays. Knowing this, an antagonistic foreign power invades said friendly country to halt export of said resource to Britain, thus endangering it's survival. Would you then send troops far away to defend Britain? That is exactly the situation for the free world, Taiwan, and China because of Taiwan's IC manufacturing dominance, where IC technology and even IC manufacturing technology is driven by the West and the US in particular. Also note that the Taiwan strait is a massively strategic trade route for Western bound goods and resources. An attack on Taiwan is a direct call to war and has little to do with dubious CCP claims that Taiwan historically 'belongs' to mainland China, which it doesn't.
  6. Likely worse. Nikita Khrushchev did not want war. Putting nukes in Cuba would save money for his many agricultural programs after military demands for missile development. [ref] Putin is bat excrement crazy about nukes and power. [ref] Nuclear war is still unlikely though and there is no option other than defeating him in Ukraine. China today circled Taiwan with Naval and Air forces in an exercise. Rocks and hard places come to mind.
  7. Here it comes. OpenAI threatened with landmark defamation lawsuit over ChatGPT false claims In addition to disruption from what AI can do, blindly believing AI may cause even more.
  8. It's a necessary engineering step. The first flight with no astronauts proved its systems worked correctly to return the capsule to Earth. The second, free return trajectory step will test many critical life support systems. Artemis 2 will not drop into a moon orbit thus ensuring the capsule's return in case of problems. Landing is the hard part, Artemis 3 will use SpaceX's Starship to land people on the moon. Marketing? To the max but why not?
  9. Just for clarity, brain implants or other human interface devices are not related to AI. The idea of brain interfaces is also not new. In 1984 a friend developed an incredibly simple brain-keyboard interface that monitored external brainwaves from the visual cortex. The user looked at a keyboard whose keys rapidly blinked a color (like red) one at a time. Look at the letter A and the visual cortex responses 'red' precisely when the letter A turns red. He began working on this after he was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor in his brain stem.
  10. You miss that Putin's invasion of Ukraine in this day and age is in itself a new level of absurdity.
  11. It's very easy to detect. It's still radioactive (about half of natural uranium) and produces recognizable damage. So at least Ukraine would know.
  12. "Assistant Professor Napapong Pongnapang said the amount of missing caesium-137 is only 0.0005g compared to the 1986 Chernobyl explosion which released 27kg of caesium-137." Well that's clear. I can hear a sigh of relief from all Thai people. More useful, the total cesium in the lost Australian source was 19.9 GBq compared to 1.6 GBq in the Thai capsule inside the meter, or just 8%. Or 'was' until they melted it down in a pile of scrap metal. So what's next, more Thai radioactive 'health' cards like here. ‘Magic’ cards sold in Thailand to cure diseases ‘found to emit dangerous levels of radioactivity’
  13. Putin, Xi, and peace plan for Ukraine has about zero credibility. A secure, face to face meeting is more likely for military planning outside NATO earshot.
  14. You make the completely unfounded assumption that US bio-research involvement with China and Wuhan Labs (for what ever reason) is not in the best interests of the US and the global community.
  15. Total population of current NATO countries is 949.01 million. [ref]. Total population of the Russian Federation is 143.5 million. [ref]
  16. Somewhat misleading. The 5 x 13 inch cylinder is not a radiation canister, rather an old industrial flow meter used at the power plant. Here is a frontal image from this article. Deep inside the flow meter there is a small cesium-137 source used to measure flow, likely similar to the tiny one recently lost (and found) in Australia. Nothing like the famous Samut Prakan lost cobalt-60 canister, which was ~10,000 times more radioactive.
  17. Yes, been here 35 years+. My niece who lives with me gets frequent colds and always wears a mask. It's a well known Thai cultural fact.
  18. Nod off in the middle of class? You forgot that 8 liters of air you gulp every minute are filtered by 100 square meters of wet infectible lung tissue. Your two eyes, just sitting there, have only .00035 m2 (3.5 cm2) of exposed surface and a long way to the lungs past the disease fighting tonsils. If you don't rub your eyes you are mostly safe.
  19. 90-95% of Thais still wearing masks because of smog? And where were these masked crusaders before Covid? The only time Thai wore masks pre-covid was when they had respiratory infections that they didn't want to impose on others.
  20. If you could see what it can see you'd be worth as much.
  21. Technology such as stinger missiles are often upgraded with new variants and capabilities. One recent upgrade (2014) added new sensors and a target detection system for UAVs. Iran/Russia will learn somethings but this is simply a fact of war. The current stinger line is no longer manufacturable because its computer chips are no longer available. So it's unlikely that Russia or Iran can simply copy them. The US is also developing a new MANPADS system to replace the stinger.
  22. Today's 'house' is defined more by ideological closeness than by geographical closeness. China is out back in the woods somewhere howling.
  23. That OP image in not John Brennan. If you'd ever met John Brennan you would know. This is John Brennan. The person in the image is also not Bill Burns, it is General David Petraeus who was in related CNN video. The paragraph with Bill Burns name is not the image heading, so you have made several mistakes even before you start erroneously dissing NATO and the US.
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