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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Interesting, a GSM signal booster. It could work, put the base station on the balcony, look for signal, and redistribute in my home. If I were to keep the GSM phone. Weak mobile signals at high elevation are usually due to base stations being angled towards the ground. Downtown with many high-rises, some BS antennas can point upwards. My building is taller than the general surroundings.
  2. Like this GSM 'landline' they gave me? No connectivity and doesn't work well enough from the 20th floor to hold conversations. But the installer did say it should work anywhere in Bangkok as long as it can find a TOT 3G signal. Calls police station: "Record this call from my home phone for evidence. I am nowhere near the bank branch currently being robbed!"
  3. The singularly most staged photo I have ever seen. No faces, just carefully framed hands with party affiliation instructing a 'man in black'. From an article by Robert Amsterdam, the attorney hired by Thaksin to lobby the world about his goodness and integrity.
  4. "The number of coups in Thailand, successful or unsuccessful, is uncertain leading one academic to call for a concerted effort to make a definitive list." According to one professor at Chiang Mai University's Institute for South-East Asian Affairs, there have been almost 30 coup attempts in Thailand since 1912. Some count 11 [successful] coups since 1932 others count 13. wiki Do the math: Years since 2014 (last) coup = 9 Average years between coups = 91 years / 11 coups = 8.27
  5. Your asking the wrong question. The only important question is what will they shoot. The chance of them telling you that is as small as answering your technical questions about systems integration during war time. The Russians would also love to know. Now if you will excuse me, I have a bridge to find on a map. https://news.yahoo.com/military-expert-storm-shadow-capabilities-170700132.html
  6. It seems to continue, 2 kilometers is not a small advance but they don't specify exactly where in Bakhmut. From NEXTA TV twitter posted 33 min before this AN post.
  7. Final outcome. After discussions between the NT Laksi branch manager, the condo and myself, NT/TOT agreed to install a full fiber box to provide hardware landline ports and fiber internet for the whole condo. The new landlines will use the condo's existing copper pairs so no disruption of service. I'm told the order is already signed and will take about 1 to 2 weeks. That's fast considering the condo has been asking for years. As for my landline, they gave me a simple 3G wireless desktop landline, which I had told them won't work on the 20th floor. But they pleaded saying it was only for a week so I said OK. Don't complain about small things after winning the war. This morning the Laksi manager called to see how my new 3G landline was working but the connection was so bad we couldn't talk. After calling 3 times he said "Let me call you on your mobile." Lol. Overall though, the Laski manger was very helpful and worked hard to fix our problems. As one poster above said, to get problems fixed you need to go higher up. Once you find someone helpful, be very nice. Thanks to all who posted helpful comments.
  8. Is that a 3G connection where you can plug in a standard landline phone, or they also gave you an internet phone of some sort?
  9. You are exactly correct about keeping after them and going through higher people. I have a request into the Laksi exchange manager who will presumably call back soon, we will see. Like you noticed, the vodafone unit above is likely just a plug adapter. The electronics to implement the 2-wire connection is likely built into their equipment. A 2 wire interface requires a 20/40 milli amp current loop sitting at ~45 volts and an AC ring signal of almost 200 volts peak to peak.
  10. Good! Start by blowing up all the ammunition dumps with Wagner's newly promised ammunition. Som nam na สมน้ำหน้า is заслужено in Ukrainian, which means deservedly.
  11. I'm sure that's it but they still support 30 other people's fixed lines in my building alone, so they can fix it easily, especially if they have nothing else reliable to offer. There are probably some contractual issues involved if only I could find them...
  12. AIS Fiber to the premises (condo) distributed by ADSL. TRUE is planning fiber to the room but have been dragging their feet. BTW, landline POTS (plain old telephone service) is most reliable even surviving power and internet outages. But yeah, it's something they are trying get rid of.
  13. Good question. TOT is the only only operator with physical fixed lines that bypass the internet. These are being converted to fiber for the last mile but require a fiber to POTS phone-line distribution box, which they so far refused to install to support the ~30 landlines at my condo. TOT currently has ~3 million fixed lines. TRUE used to have fixed lines but they rented the hardware from TOT. TOT fixed line service here. (Thai) However, most telecom players now offer "fixed" Thai landline VoIP, which goes over the internet. That is only as reliable as your internet and maybe power. But these require an IP phone and won't support a standard handset without extra stuff. Their overseas long distance services are not clear. Just found this thanks to your suggestion. https://www.voip-thailand.com/fixed-landline-phone-numbers-thailand/
  14. I live in a condo where about 30 residents have landlines. I've kept a landline for years because mobile service on the 20 floor is often problematic and I need a reliable phone for emergencies. It also works well with my 1939 Ma Bell telephone. My phone line recently had a minor problem due to TOT's local exchange (not my line because I could still call out). I asked TOT to fix it. They said they would install a fiber line but there is no TOT fiber service to the building, yet. So I said, just fix the old line. Then they decided, without consulting me, to install an IP phone over 3G wireless, which I don't want either because mobile service is poor on my floor. In the meantime they inexplicably shut off my service. They've visited twice and I've called so many times via their useless call center. I only learned about the IP-phone idea today by accident. I also have no idea what an IP phone costs or what problems it may have with overseas services, etc. I just want them to fix my landline which of course they can because they support 30 other landlines to the building. Any thoughts much appreciated.
  15. "You seem primarily concerned ..." "you should support democracy" Nothing in the article nor your post contradict the singular point I made. Nor did I express any concerns or wants, which you wrongly presume to know. Interestingly, my extensive Thai family are from Issan and now split between Issan and Bangkok with a few down South and overseas. As they have learned more over the years, few now have any interest in either Thaksin or the ruling elite. Several younger ones liked the FFP. It is not surprising that Thai with hand phones can reason through these things better than we can.
  16. All of history. Thaksin is world renowned as one of the great dividers. To be fair, Thaksin is like a double edge sword, a dichotomy. To accomplish his own greedy ambitions he used the rural people and they did benefit substantially. But that does not mean he is a good person. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/nov/08/thailand-rural-urban-split -- Thitinan Pongsudhirak (Executive Director, Institute of Security and International Studies, Chulalongkorn University) "Thailand's farms became increasingly alienated from the urban elite. Thaksin recognised this urban-rural divide and shrewdly exploited it, ..." "Thaksin's sins are voluminous, and became the basis of the rise of his yellow-shirted opponents,"
  17. Reuters: Russia's Wagner threatens to leave Bakhmut, Ukraine says mercenaries reinforcing "Russia's main mercenary group announced plans on Friday to withdraw from the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, but Ukraine said the fighters were reinforcing positions to try to seize it before Russia marks World War Two Victory Day next week." Calling Captain HIMARS...
  18. ... and let me count the times any of these idiots told the truth especially in clear videos shown in the West Done. 0
  19. "First off, my comment was about AI." The NN's in my answer are AI, they're the heart that learns and does things like medical analysis and drives cars. If you weren't aware of that it's not surprising you misleadingly claim "the notion that AI cannot reason outside their training is false." It is a generally accepted property and certainly true in the context of my answer. But since we're likely at different levels, ... let's ask ChatGPT! So, I posed my initial statement to OpenAI's ChatGPT. Rabus: Can neural networks reason outside of their training? ChatGPT: Neural networks are typically not capable of reasoning outside of their training data. The ability of a neural network to generalize to new situations is largely dependent on the quality and diversity of the training data that it has been exposed to.... Click image for full answer:
  20. ... from limited experience. Forget ChatGPT, the chat layer is not relevant. Neural networks, and more powerful deep NNs, are commonly used for medical diagnosis and other recognition problems. These NNs must be trained on existing data sets collected from existing medical records limited by which variables are collected, etc. A NN trained on millions of ordinary cases would almost surely be correct in a higher percentage of ordinary cases. Going beyond ordinary, the NN will have trouble competing with a good doctor who has human intuition and unbounded experience. For example, a Thai doctor notices over time that most Thai over 40 with H-pylori stomach infections are resistant to all but one drug regimen, which influences his decisions. It will be years before this is fully studied, written up, and becomes practiced medicine. (I learned this when I was recently diagnosed with long term H-pylori.) Now multiply this by a million to account for all that humans observe and can reason about. In short, NN's cannot reason outside their training. They are useful in some situations but I will still trust a good doctor first.
  21. True, but, when doctors graduate they have lots of book learning and little practical experience. Good doctors, if you can find them, learn from experience treating 1000s of patients. ChatGPT can't. One of the biggest disruptions from programs like ChatGPT will be people believing they can do things that they can't.
  22. Ukraine's Captain HIMARS mansplains Russian cannon fodder that they have been lied to and not one HIMARS system has been lost, then asks them for coordinates. Quality media releases along with multiple fuel depot and train attacks suggests the promised offensive is coming soon...
  23. Pretty interesting. Here is a science article that explains their reasoning and shows the data (images) they analyzed. https://phys.org/news/2023-04-tianwen-zhurong-rover-evidence-latitudes.html
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