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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Reuters Factcheck: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-data-idUSKBN29J2TH watch till the end...
  2. MedicalExpress (May 2023) sourced: British Medical Journal: More than 1 in 6 unvaccinated people report health effects of COVID two years after confirmed infection
  3. This is not correct. If I travel near the speed of light, I age very slowly (even my watch slows down) but you will grow old and die watching me. Also, why do you assume aliens age quickly?
  4. But then he adds "But where is the evidence?" video Good God George! Only he would know. He was head of China's CDC when they deleted the entire 20,000 virus database from the WIV's website on Sept 12, 2019. If there was evidence, it was in there. September is also the best estimate of when the virus originated. [ref] Entire Wuhan Institute virus database taken offline on 12 September 2019
  5. No... But when we keep landing spacecraft on Mars we are. See you soon, Martians!
  6. Columns Of Russian Troops Leaving Donbas Back To Russia -- After a volunteer raid near Belgorod, the Kremlin withdrew part of its forces from the front. https://charter97.org/en/news/2023/5/25/549398/ "The Russian command is transferring part of the Russian troops from the Donbas to the territory of the Russian Federation. They will strengthen the borders of the Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk regions, the vulnerability of which was clearly demonstrated by the raid of Russian volunteers from the Freedom of Russia Legion and the Russian Volunteer Corps a few days ago." Kyivpost Anton Gerashchenko, a Ukraine Interior Ministry official, reports similar withdraws suggesting some Russian troops are being sent to reinforce areas further south in eastern Kherson and Zaprizhia sectors, in the path of a potential Ukrainian assaults. It begins.
  7. Exact reason the US did not agree to the proposed purchase. BANGKOK – The United States (US) has rejected the request Thailand for the procurement stealth fighter jet F-35 sophisticated. The reason is that the Southeast Asian country is not ready in terms of infrastructure facilities to accommodate the fifth generation fighter jet. ref
  8. Your US data clearly shows Omicron was significantly worse than Delta in the US. See CDC here for variants. The Thai data is also correct as is my earlier global results for Omicron vs Delta.
  9. Delta and Omicron deaths are probably similar. The graph is a global average so individual variants are spread out. Delta did not get going even in England until after the 2nd highest peak (deaths). https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/one-year-since-the-emergence-of-omicron
  10. this is simply not true at all. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Power posting doesn't change facts. It is factually true... The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (world experts) report 18,572,492 estimated Covid deaths and 7,727,905 reported deaths as of today.
  11. I somewhat agree about mandates, it all could have been done better. OTH, the vast majority of cases that spread Covid were not high risk groups, rather, younger mobile people and everyone else. Lots of graphs show this. Had they been able to cut spreading in half, high risk deaths would have dropped accordingly.
  12. Just some questions to clarify the issue. -- If you do not switch the breaker on and off, does the compressor (cooling) ever turn back on by itself? -- Is this a split unit or a single unit? -- Has the unit been cleaned recently? --Do they mean it is happening a lot to other rooms in the condo? Is it happening only in the last month or 2, or all along? --Is this your aircon or it belongs to the condo (i.e., all condo aircons are the same model) The recent hotter than usual weather can add new stresses on aircons or power systems.
  13. Faulty logic. Just because climate phenomena existed in the past doesn't mean they're not affected by climate change. The currently predicted strong El Nino almost certainly is. It follows a highly unusual 3 year, wrongly timed La Nina that drove California's recent drought. A new paper now shows the abnormal La Nina was triggered by massive particulate matter from abnormally severe Australian bushfires 2-3 years ago, almost certainty due to climate change. Here are refs, some with neat graphs and videos. https://news.mongabay.com/2023/05/australia-bushfires-may-have-caused-global-climate-phenomenon-la-nina-study/ Original paper: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adg1213 https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graphics/2023/05/20/graphics-el-nino-is-building-what-this-means-for-the-worlds-weather/70211954007/
  14. Very true, Russia has always been behind in petro and many areas of technology. Russia is a conundrum. It has some of the best scientists and engineers but under Putin's kleptocracy did little to develop Russia's technological base, consumer industry, or anything except horrific weapons and oligarchs' personal wealth.
  15. Any suggestion Western views of Russia's problems are propaganda are destroyed by Yale professor Jeffery Sonnenfeld, top expert on Russia's economy. In truth, it's much worse as even Western media is inadvertently repeating parts of Putin's complete wall of lies. Listen to the fascinating no holds barred interview: Summary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU0resswOds Full unabridged interview https://youtu.be/B643JWVOO2g?t=141
  16. Russia — 6,257 (1,458 active, 3039 available, 1,760 retired) United States — 5,550 (1,389 active, 2,361 available, 1,800 retired) France — 290 available United Kingdom — 225 available [ref] Note: US nukes and delivery systems are more reliable. The MAD policy holds. Putin is highly unlikely to start a global nuclear war. Interesting fact. Maintaining aging nukes' reliability requires much higher technology than making them. Only the US has such high tech.
  17. When Putin and his cronies hang in Red Square. Don't buy the propaganda that Russians all like him. They don't, especially ones with some education. They know he has ruined the country and prevented it's advancement. Aside from minerals and oil controlled by Putin's cronies, Russians have almost nothing. They also know all Russian buildings have windows.
  18. Again wrong. If exposed... ... to sufficient virus to have a 50% chance of infection, adding a properly fit N95 mask will reduce your chance of infection to 2.5%.
  19. Wrong. 10% infected means 10% of the people exposed got infected. 10% pregnant means 10% of your girlfriends got pregnant. Your just being silly now.
  20. Wrong. A mask stops all SARS-2 particles equally. It doesn't know what strain its blocking. If a virus is 50% more infective with an N95 mask, it will be 3000% more infective if you take it off. Your reasoning that its so infective you don't need a mask is backwards.
  21. Just arrived. here: https://nextstrain.org/nextclade/sars-cov-2?branchLabel=aa&label=clade:22F
  22. Even worst case, a properly fit N95 mask still reduces your exposure by at least 95% for respiratory exposure. IOW, a 9.5 hour flight with mask is equivalent to a 6 minute flight without a mask. Of course you can also by N100 masks but they're expensive. It's 'at least' because the 95% rating is for worst case particle size, which is usually 0.3 micron.
  23. That was just the internet. Enter stage left, full blown AI ...
  24. Very big explosions. Below is a google map satellite view of the ammunition dump outside the city. https://www.google.com/maps/place/49°27'05.6"N+26°52'34.3"E/@49.4515622,26.8736309,572m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d49.4515587!4d26.8762058 No matter the significance, the free world must stop Putin's attempt to change the world by criminal warfare. Slava Ukraini.
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