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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Anyone living here through Thaksin's full tenure has an very good idea what he does and doesn't like. Human life being one thing he frequently demonstrated disdain for.
  2. Do you know the phrase 'get you facts straight' ? 1 twisted fact + 2 missing facts => denial. No one said the initial vaccines would stop Omicron. But that is alluded. But if you read my words carefully, you can see where the experts failed badly. Can you see it?
  3. Don't forget to bring back two airliners full of cash worth billions when you come. Talk about abuse of power...
  4. That's sound advice. No, that's respiratory advice. But still good advice.
  5. That correct, and precisely what a vaccine does, give you symptoms to develop immunity in a much safer way.
  6. Not exactly. Science is the process of challenging ideas and misinformation. But challenging ideas requires evidence and reason. One can't claim a peer reviewed study in a top journal is 'absurd' without evidence or valid reasoning. Richard Feynman is famous for suggesting we must challenge the experts (not science) but he also notes we must listen to all the evidence, not some, not what we like, and don't say "science says", rather "the experiment or evidence has shown". 30 years ago he clearly foresees today's problems of soundbite misinformation: "I think we live in an unscientific age in which almost all the buffeting of communications and television words, books, and so on are unscientific. That doesn’t mean they are bad, but they are unscientific. As a result, there is a considerable amount of intellectual tyranny in the name of science." [ref] So go ahead and say someone is wrong, but show evidence or join the unscientific.
  7. Anything asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. -- Hitchens' Razor You provide no evidence for your claim that the scientific modeling in the Lancet paper is nonsense. You also twist the scientific meaning of 'assume' to conspiratorially suggest vaccines don't work. But you know math, modeling, and error bars so you also know it's straight forward to prove your point, within reasonable limits (via simple calculation), Perhaps you should make the effort to back your claims, or retract them?
  8. Depleted Uranium for everyone. A just posted video of a Leopard 2A6 tank in Ukrainian service. At precisely 16:00s you can just see the black tip of a depleted uranium round being loaded, at which point the video is clipped. These rounds fit all Western tanks in Ukraine and are recently improved to insure penetration of the most modern Russian armor. Sorry Vlad.
  9. In Thailand, what you see is not what you get, or maybe not there at all. You'll never 'see' by reading foreigners in Rolling Stone or New Mandala. The cultures are not translatable. It's like peeling an onion and at the end there's nothing there, not even the peels, and your hands are dry. Nothing happened, except your money is gone, and there is no evidence, was it there to begin with? Your friend Mr Thaksin was just as bad and worse at the same time, on a Thai scale. He made two big mistakes, possibly he too didn't fully appreciate Thai culture. He left an ugly trail of violence behind him, and openly played the I'm better than you game. Both very unacceptable in Thailand. So now he's gone. And no, he's not coming back. Or maybe he will come back and also not be here, and no one will know what happened, Thai style.
  10. Thanks, but my ~40 years here is enough to understand Thai corruption. Not sure about your original question. My question was do you or anyone believe Mr. Thaksin did not abuse power. Perhaps helpful, Thaksin entered politics early in 1994 via the very charismatic Chamlong Srimuang. Later when Thaksin was removed from power Chamlong expressed regret at getting "such a corrupt person" into politics. [1]
  11. Why would anyone believe a Thai politician who made billions, much while in office did not abuse power?
  12. Some positive news. Michael Kofman, Russian military affairs expert, suggests Putin's utterly horrific, anti-mankind destruction of the dam will not have a significant effect on Ukraine's offensive. In part because they were unlikely to cross the river in the affected areas, which Russia had heavily fortified.
  13. You're correct, thanks, I grabbed the wrong photo in haste. That's a WWII image after Joseph Stalin's secret police blew it up to stop the German advance, which was another tragedy for Ukraine. https://www.rferl.org/a/european-remembrance-day-ukraine-little-known-ww2-tragedy/25083847.html "Ukraine suffered heavy losses both during World War II and under Stalin."
  14. Really? Putin is now bombing Kherson as civilians scramble to save their lives from floods caused by Putin's war crime bombing of Kakhovka Dam, whose reservoir would qualify as the 6th largest lake in continental Europe. And you still believe Russian propaganda?
  15. Hopefully, some suggest this will also damage Russian defensive lines. Maybe don't blow up the Crimean Bridge till they leave.
  16. An Swedish simulation of what blowing up the dam will do. World class mass destruction. Obviously meant to stop the Ukrainian counteroffensive. If so, maybe Ukraine can proceed to takeout the Crimean bridge.
  17. Alert Reports are coming in that Russia has blown up the Kakhovka dam. Flood levels in Kherson Oblast are rising rapidly and this could cause immense destruction. -- The Inhulets River is now reportedly flowing backwards away from the Dnipro. -- The M14 highway flooded out north of Vesele, Kherson Oblast. -- The Kakhovka HPP is completely destroyed and cannot be restored. -- In Nova Kakhovka, the local zoo was flooded due to the explosion and flooding. All animals died. -- This could impact the #Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant. I suggest holding a UN vote to remove Russia from the UN Security Council. If the Russian ambassador objects, take him in the bathroom and drown him. You can follow here: https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1665979164585869312?cxt=HHwWgIC-xabO354uAAAA
  18. You address what I never said! Like if I say "this is a tall grass" then you claim trees are taller. True, but meh... OK, the science. I said The SARS-2 betacoronavirus that originated in Wuhan and its derivatives eventually proved to be much more infective and mutated faster than scientists expected for a coronavirus. Many papers and lots of cool graphs discuss this, especially Omicron, which now holds the record for the fastest spreading virus ever and a mutational nightmare. As hard proof, scientists have now discovered at least one biological reason for SARS-2's unusual mutation ability, which proves the point. read here "Researchers have found the first experimental evidence explaining why the COVID-19 virus produces variants, such as delta and omicron, so quickly." the underlying publication
  19. Used to be an apple a day. The good news is that apples have TONS of mRNA...
  20. Your post misrepresents the question in the video, as did the politician asking it! Here is the cold, non-agendized science. During initial vaccine trials, neither Pfizer nor Moderna performed extensive tests to medically prove no transmission because the tests are expensive and time consuming. Nor were these tests necessary. However, the extremely high observed efficacy rates, > 90%, leaves no doubt the vaccines prevent a high infection rate for early variants. It's a duh moment. The Israeli nationwide trial clearly showed a large reduction in transmission. This has all been discussed and fact checked, which you must have missed. So why were they ultimately wrong in the long run? Because of SARS2's unusual and unexpected infectivity and mutation rates.
  21. When shlt hits the world wide fan, I'm running to Thailand! Wait... I've been here almost 40 years. I'm fine.
  22. I have a friend who has worked around top Army folks for decades. I asked him the same question and he gave me the same answer. Move Forward won and the Army will still be around and have its share of power. A peaceful transition period with shared power may be an ideal step forward. The trick to prevent weaponizing the situation will be to keep vindictive Dr. Mr. Thaksin at bay.
  23. Here is an interesting summary article about IgG4 and vaccines by the rather brilliant expert William A. Haseltine. It describes the various mechanisms by which it works. https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamhaseltine/2023/01/13/emergence-of-igg4-in-long-term-vaccines-winning-or-losing-the-race/?sh=3cf2b1cb6fd4
  24. What you call daily hospitalizations (2633) from your link are actually reported as: Weekly COVID-19 cases in hospital and ICU and case notifications, Australia, 01 Jan 2022 to 30 May 2023. That sound like the total number in hospital averaged over a week. Thailand's numbers are 'new' hospitalizations per week 2970 and per day 494.
  25. Not scientifically or medically accurate. Vaccines can prevent you from getting infected and it can be shown that you did not actually have a 'mild' infection. This requires a control group, then you can show the vaccinated group got fewer infections. See the large Israeli Pfizer study on early vaccines strains. Note, the word 'infected' varies but must be defined around real world measurement methods. A definition based on what one imagines might happen inside a cell or nose is not medically accurate. So what was claimed at the beginning was medically correct at that time. Read this, it may help clear it up. https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o298 They found that reduced transmission occurs mainly when the vaccinated person really does not get infected.
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