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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Thai men have a saying about Thai women in general: Gae reo tai cha. Age fast die slow.
  2. If you saw the tall slender Chinese Malay girl that greeted me in a British accent the first time I went to Malaysia, you would understand.
  3. The West would not hold a referendum at gunpoint. Referendum by gun usually favors those holding guns. As if Putin or the Soviets ever told the truth anyway. During the referendum Russian soldiers (who weren't there) took over public buildings and Ukrainian military installations. Um, who should I vote for? More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Crimean_status_referendum
  4. There is no picture of Thaksin actually in hospital. Why a helicopter? An ambulance would be easier. After he couldn't sleep, helicopter+pilot was ready at 12:30am? With intense political pressure, the only evidence to 'show' he's in hospital: LOL, I believe! wink wink
  5. Where did I say you did? Your words that I quoted were in . . . . quotation marks! 'Knowingly unprepared' is simply recorded history.
  6. Your original point "It's been proven that Russia was not prepared for a conventional war against a tenacious enemy," So, starting the most massive invasion of a sovereign nation since the WWII era, knowingly unprepared, is pretty irrational. So, why do you assume a more rational future Putin? Concerning Russian esp. Putin's rationality, see renowned Putin expert Julia Ioffe's interview 'Putin's Road to War'. Below is a clip asking how dangerous is Putin. Also watch her full interview. Her interviews average about 5M views.
  7. On opening Schrödinger's box, the live and dead cats collapsed to FSB agents making fake videos from earlier recordings. Here is yesterday's, of an award ceremony at the HQ from before its destruction mysteriously filmed both before and after.
  8. First, I don't accept your premise that Putin would not take the rest of Ukraine because he would need nukes to attack NATO. It's a bit flawed like a Möbius strip. Likewise, the irrational nature of Putin's initial invasion does not argue for rational behavior going forward. Further, nothing about World, Russian, or Putin's history even hints that Putin would be satisfied with Eastern Ukraine. Remember he initially attacked Kyiv from the North West.
  9. You must read all the news with an open mind. Then reverse anything from the Russian State, if they say 'not shot down', it was. If they say 'he's alive', then he's dead. If it 'can't be shot down', then it's easy. Like that. Been that way from Soviet days.
  10. At Munich in 1938, Chamberlain got an international agreement that Hitler should have the Sudetenland in exchange for Germany making no further demands for land in Europe. Chamberlain said it was 'Peace for our time'. Hitler said he had 'No more territorial demands to make in Europe. Imagine believing that again, about a despot who already said he wants more. https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/resources/chamberlain-and-hitler/
  11. Question, did you have a sore arm, or was your immediate reaction mostly global?
  12. In her case it started directly with a Covid infection and just got worse. Covid is a very nasty virus and can cause problems throughout the body including the heart, circulatory system, and brain. In her case, the neurological issues are severe. But long covid is common, three family members living with me had it but lucky recovered in 2 to 3 months. In your case, two days after vaccination is close to peak immune reaction to the vaccine. It's hard not to associate your case with the shot. I can sympathize because chronic low level problems can be a real drag. Since vaccines represent the viruses they seek to stop, it's not far fetched to ask if vaccines could trigger long covid in rare circumstances. Maybe look up "long vax" or search for "can vaccines cause long covid". Here's one, there are several. NIH: PubMed: In rare cases, vaccines may cause Long Covid-like symptoms Good luck.
  13. You of course are entitled an opinion. But my deep lifelong Russian friends would likely barf hearing you. They of course love Russian people, cultural and scientific accompaniments, etc. But they hate Vladimir Putin and the Soviet/Russian state, whom they view as the destroyer of the Russian people. As one friend told me after losing absolutely everything at the collapse of the USSR, there is no personal loss too great to bear for ending the Soviet state. But perhaps you are young or read Russian propaganda. They'll also tell you don't believe anything from Putin's regime, it's all lies. Even videos of old Russian women filmed in villages saying we must burn all the Ukrainian children. It's all staged.
  14. No use because the washers don't work. They stole the washers' chips to use in air defense missiles, which also don't seem to work.
  15. A look at real long covid, forget the purveyors of constant misinformation. If you like science or physics you may know Physics Girl (Dianna Cowern) who has spent nearly 10 years explaining physics to millions on Youtube. She is one of the brightest, bubbliest, and happiest people you will ever see. Well, she was, until she got long covid. I think she is about 30. The video starts with her friend because DIanna can no longer speak. Do watch, it also shows her before, which is priceless.
  16. No. The only valid question is, how much hospital space is currently being filled up with Covid cases, and how fast is it filling. It's quantitative.
  17. Breaking Phillip J. Buckhaults, Ph.D., the researcher whose words were widely misconstrued here and elsewhere to suggest Pfizer's vaccine was highly dangerous, yesterday made a public appeal for everyone to chill. To those of you following my comments on DNA in the [Pfizer] mRNA vaccines. 1. The DNA is real, however the risk of this DNA is theoretical. There is no need to panic about past vaccination. 2. My comments were directed toward regulators and industry experts, they were not intended for the general public. The unanticipated wide distribution outside the intended target audience has caused unintended and totally inappropriate anxiety in the general public. Everyone calm down. Please. Full message here.
  18. Putin struggles to convince Russians his S400 system can protect Sevastopol. Watch till the end.
  19. Provide links and proof it is true.
  20. And that in no way means or supports your initial misinformation claim, in your words: 'the CDC has finally admitted that vaccinated people are at higher risk of infection from new variants of the virus than the unvaccinated population.' No. The CDC did not say that, admit that, nor is it true according to science. Not even close. Kindly refrain from such claims without proof.
  21. It was observed and proven by science not the MSM. Even I don't blindly trust the MSM.
  22. General destruction! At least 3 missiles destroyed building sections with the best views where generals likely sit sat. Early morning sitting at their desks soothing hangovers...
  23. Do you really believe it when they say ... most people believe everything they see/hear on the Internet is true. ?
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