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Everything posted by rabas

  1. FYI, I don't see any changes. I just logged into my personal paypal account and see all my info, three Thai addresses, US+Thai banks, phone no., etc. My nationality is set to American, which I set a few years ago. My account is default US$, which I set in 2010 when I opened the acct. Q. Did you accept the new Thailand Paypal account rules when they requested? I did not.
  2. Correct, but it's the second kick down the road and this time there is no set date. I sense things are getting worse not better. They will eventually switch to PayPal Thailand but the rules may be different again. Who knows, maybe you'll need to log in every 90 days. Here is the full explanation PayPal Thai FAQs Just in from the nation: Thai customers can use PayPal until end of year (2022) BOT extends transfer deadline
  3. WE WON ! Paypal Thailand (read Thai govt) just rescinded all planned restrictions on personal paypal accounts as of March 7. I just received an email, here is the meat: We have been listening to the concerns expressed by our customers in Thailand, and we have been working closely with the Thai authorities to try and address these concerns. As a result, we are pleased to inform you that you can continue to use your PayPal account as usual. The previously communicated limitation to your account, scheduled to take effect on March 7, 2022, will no longer be implemented. What this means You will still be able to use your PayPal wallet’s current functionality after March 7, 2022. This means that you may continue shopping with your PayPal wallet, as well as sending and receiving money with your PayPal account. You do not need to take any action.
  4. It's all broke. Here's the full story from Thai Examiner as of February 12. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2022/02/12/bank-of-thailand-intervenes-in-paypal-crisis/
  5. This is unlikely the main factor for two reasons. One, the main source of vitamin D is sunlight (UV) and lack of sufficient exposure can arise for many reasons that are not related to poor health. Two, vitamin D can interact directly with the innate and adaptive immune systems, thus vitamin D can enhance the immune response in the absence of poor health. Some immune cells can produce their own active form of vitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] when needed. So the observed deficiency and benefits of supplementation are there with or without poor health. Here is an interesting article with more than anyone wants to know about vitamin D. The Relationship Between Vitamin D and Infections Including COVID-19
  6. I looked into it, see below links. Opening a US paypal account now requires: "To open a Personal account, you need to provide your first and last name, address, phone number, and email address." The address cannot be a PO box. More important, the phone must be a US number. You can buy temporary US mobile numbers, but, ones I looked at specifically say they can't be used to forward paypal messages and OPT authentication requests. So you need a real number, and the phone needs to be in your hand for OTP requests. If you find a way, please post back here. Good luck. https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/what-information-is-required-to-open-a-personal-paypal-account-faq2080 https://www.doola.com/blog/how-to-create-a-us-paypal-account
  7. https://www.vichaiyut.com/moderna/moderna-1.php Vichaiyut is on Rama 6 just off the highway. Can't miss it.
  8. Not a problem. I have a Moderna I can let you have at discount! You can take it now. The hospital *suggests* 4 months from Pfizer, 3 from AZ, but I believe they let you take it whenever you want. Mine was < 3 months. Problem solved. Hospital is in Bangkok.
  9. A few medical websites say exercise all you want without giving much evidence. OTH, Singapore's MOH clearly warns about excessive exercise for 7 days after mRNA vaccines, particularly for the young due to rare heart side effects. However, vision problems can be caused by transient ischemic attacks, which are similar see here. It might not relate to time between vaccines because vaccines clear from the body before the next dose. Swimming, cycling, lifting heavy weights should be avoided after Covid-19 jabs: MOH
  10. Surely something is wrong with the numbers. Far more TV/AN reports of posters and immediate family catching Covid than during Delta. I asked a nephew about the discrepancy and he said most Thai are self testing and self isolating on their own and not being counted. Pretty much everyone knows including the government and medical authorities. No problem, Thai style.
  11. Saliva ATKs do seem better for detecting Omicron. That begs the question about GPO's new 3 million 35 baht ATK test kits, nasal or saliva? Nasal, of course! GPO ad from: https://www.gpoplanet.com/
  12. I have a first lot Moderna coupon for Vichaiyut hospital on Rama 6. It's valid until April 30. A coupon is a guaranteed shot. Anyone can register a coupon using: Name Passport number Address of where you stay Mobile number to receive OTP (one time password for site login) After you register the coupon, you can go to the calendar and chose a date. The calendar usually has 10-15 reservation dates and new ones are added every 2-3 weeks. I already received one shot on Dec 8 2021, my wife is scheduled for one next month. If you install LINE they will seen you updates and you can ask them questions visa line messages. PM me if you are interested. If you decide to buy the coupon I can help you through the process. Vichaiyut is very flexible, you can change dates or even unregister the coupon and start again. You could even sell the coupon.
  13. FYI Alert. I seem to remember February 22 as the deadline to accept PayPal Thailand's new agreement. That is now February 18 2022 according to link "To continue using your PayPal account in Thailand you will need to take two steps by February 18, 2022:"
  14. Haseltine is a legend and top expert on viral diseases and developing drugs like Molnupiravir to fight them. He lists Molnupiravir as one of three possible causes of Omicron and his analysis is very detailed. Good read. But If Omicron arose from recent Molnupiravir trials, how can Omicron branch from the SARS2 family tree way back in May 2020? Must be more to it.
  15. Omicron dates back to something about 1.5 years ago, see the arrow, not descendent from main stream variants and not from the original Wuhan strain. It's presence is not easy to explain. Info from Trevor Bedford: https://twitter.com/trvrb/status/1464353224417325066
  16. The LFT lateral flow tests are antigen test kits ATKs. Lateral flow refers to the method and it tests for antigens. The hospital may do a PCR test to officially confirm his case. However, two positive ATKs from different sources almost certainly means covid. False positives are rare. I'm not sure what should be done but if the hospital confirms his case with a PCR test then the authorities may come into play. My guess is they might do something along the lines of what you suggested or at least tests everyone. If you want to know what the law says, a call to a Thai oriented hospital might help.
  17. Maybe a permission issue? When I click on it I get the following AN error:
  18. This is exactly what happened with a nephew and his family. They came in, evaluated everyone's symptoms, the living space, who could self isolate, and who could help take care of the isolates. One went to hospitel and the others stayed at home. All very logical. This was with Delta about 3 months ago.
  19. "It’s also worth noting that the FDA did not send an agency representative to the scheduling conference." https://sarahwestall.com/breaking-court-orders-fda-to-produce-55000-pages-per-month-of-pfizer-covid-19-data/ FYI. I did not type or use the words scheduling conference, I think that was another poster.
  20. Your file is not accessible, at least to me. Here is another reference via an external link: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/022-FDA-Brief-in-Advance-of-Scheduling-Conference.pdf Whoa, this link is also not accessible from here. If you copy the link to your home browser it should work.
  21. I assume you are talking about a company. I have a Thai corporation that legally uses my personal condominium address as the company's address. However, you cannot declare the condo as the company's address yourself. You must first go through 2 legal steps. First, you need to get written permission from your condominium that you can use your living space for the company's business. This may take some finesse. Second, you must register the address with government authorities, including in the company paperwork. In my case, I changed the address of an existing company. I was also required to go for a formal interview to explain the new arrangements before permission was granted. If I remember right, I had to set up work desks for me and one theoretical assistant. The lawyer that files your paperwork would likely be able to advise on details. The condo did allow me to use my condo even though it is not part of the condo's commercial area. So it can be done.
  22. The video references today's Reuter's story, here: https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/paramount-importance-judge-orders-fda-hasten-release-pfizer-vaccine-docs-2022-01-07/
  23. That makes more sense. In Thailand you pay 7% VAT on all purchases, which is meant to include items bought from overseas. I buy lots of small to medium sized electronic / computer parts from everywhere, which are shipped by post. Small items are usually delivered to my door, in which case I'm not asked to pay anything. For larger items, I'm often called to collect them at Thailand Post and always pay 7% VAT on the cost of the item. Even if the same item was delivered free to my door in the past. So Paypal Thailand is now enforcing Thailand VAT tax on purchased items. Quelle surprise. My earlier question to PayPal Thailand was about selling items, presumably overseas. I have heard that exports are not subject to VAT. Now I wonder why you paid 8.9%. tax.
  24. Did you buy or sell this item? What was the country of origin and destination? That may make a difference. I was told by PayPal Thailand that a business account selling items from Thailand would only pay 7% on Paypal fees and not the sales amount.
  25. Closing the pipeline to limit the fire's spread.
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