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Posts posted by ATF

  1. Crazy chef 1, on 19 Jan 2015 - 04:03, said:

    the price my dear - the price nowadays almost nobody is looking for quality

    Unfortunately you are correct. Most wouldn't care if they're eating roadkill as long as the price is right.

  2. YeahSiam, on 18 Jan 2015 - 21:26, said:


    ATF, on 18 Jan 2015 - 21:17, said:

    I was too busy making money although I have the equivalent of a degree in Electrical and Mechanical engineering which my company sponsored.

    I bought my first house when I was 21.


    Bit late to the party weren't you? A

    five-year old could've bought property

    from his pocket money in Oz 25-30 years

    ago. Guess your paper round didn't pay

    much back then, huh?

    Houses have always been relative to income but I was earning over $10,000 USD a month cash in the '80's most people are struggling to earn that now.

  3. sdanielmcev, on 18 Jan 2015 - 21:22, said:
    ATF, on 18 Jan 2015 - 18:59, said:

    To anyone who wants to learn Thai I would suggest you start learning from another Falung and get yourself to the stage where you can teach yourself. It will take around three years to get to a decent level and many more years to become close to fluent. Don't get put off by the tones they will come naturally with repetition and Thais will actively discourage you from learning Thai but you need to get past that.

    Regarding people who are paranoid about Thais constantly gossiping about them, I can tell you they don't. If you get gossiped about in your own country then you will get gossiped about here but Thais will almost always do this privately.

    From my perspective, I disagree Thais discourage learning Thai. Most I meet will correct me, very patiently. And you are right about the gossip. People gossip about the numbnuts.

    Agree if you are in an office environment they will help you but we've all been in a restaurant where the waiter will ignore you and look at your GF to place the order.

  4. The Snark, on 18 Jan 2015 - 20:32, said:
    ATF, on 18 Jan 2015 - 20:22, said:

    No they looked almost the same as a crab with much shorter leg to body ratio than a normal spider. The freshwater sea snake I caught had a paddle on the end of it's tail. It was banded red and black.

    Could it possibly have been a mygalomorph? Google and check their pictures. Very curious. Your snake was probably a Leaf-scaled sea snake (Aipysurus foliosquama) It's very difficult to go by their color as they morph in numerous variations.

    Similar to this but they had two rows of eyes and the body was broader. I know of no snake that lives in freshwater except for the one I caught.


  5. The Snark, on 18 Jan 2015 - 19:46, said:
    ATF, on 18 Jan 2015 - 19:23, said:

    When I lived in CM I used to see these huge spiders that looked like crabs and were about the same size as a small mudcrab about 4" across the back not including the legs.

    I still don't think these have been classified. I also caught a freshwater sea snake in BKK never seen that anywhere either.

    Did it look like this? This is Heteropoda Venatoria, a Huntsman or giant crab spider. They get up to 7 inch leg span or so. This is a mommy that just popped, using our carport for a nursery. Venatoria, aka the sewer rat of spiders is common around the world. A very beneficial predator and more or less harmless to humans.


    But did you see one with the yellow chevron markings as pictured?

    No they looked almost the same as a crab with much shorter leg to body ratio than a normal spider. The freshwater sea snake I caught had a paddle on the end of it's tail. It was banded red and black.

  6. bangkokjulia, on 18 Jan 2015 - 20:09, said:

    Thanks ATF. After looking at the Peter Dickinson reviews, the photos he provided looked like great advertisements for food poisoning. Are the owners from any particular race, and based on said photos, do the owners actually eat their own 99 baht breakfast?

    These guys are so mean they probably live off the leftovers, if there are any after the plate lickers have finished.

    • Like 1
  7. bangkokjulia, on 18 Jan 2015 - 20:01, said:

    Can anyone enlighten me as to why these types of establishments appear to be popular?

    Well Julia it's a double sided scam. The owners hope that you will buy a few beers or an extra tea/coffee and the punters steal the ketchup and other condiments and sometimes the cutlery too.

    It's a lose lose situation.

    • Like 2
  8. neverdie, on 18 Jan 2015 - 19:45, said:
    ATF, on 18 Jan 2015 - 19:41, said:

    Did they visit Konying's breakfast emporium?

    Is that one of the places that's a bit slow to bring the 1 baht change?

    I understand you have to wait at least half an hour.

    • Like 1
  9. When I lived in CM I used to see these huge spiders that looked like crabs and were about the same size as a small mudcrab about 4" across the back not including the legs.

    I still don't think these have been classified. I also caught a freshwater sea snake in BKK never seen that anywhere either.

  10. To anyone who wants to learn Thai I would suggest you start learning from another Falung and get yourself to the stage where you can teach yourself. It will take around three years to get to a decent level and many more years to become close to fluent. Don't get put off by the tones they will come naturally with repetition and Thais will actively discourage you from learning Thai but you need to get past that.

    Regarding people who are paranoid about Thais constantly gossiping about them, I can tell you they don't. If you get gossiped about in your own country then you will get gossiped about here but Thais will almost always do this privately.

    • Like 2
  11. wow64, on 18 Jan 2015 - 16:57, said:
    ATF, on 18 Jan 2015 - 16:25, said:

    A high IQ without education is like a car without wheels. People with high IQ's usually figure this out or educate themselves.

    The others usually end up as street smart hustlers working on the fringes of the law or out and out gangsters.

    Awesome... If you have a high IQ but no formal education you end up as a gangster.. Umm anything to base this off?

    Sent from my c64

    Running a criminal organization is no different from running a legitimate one except it's illegal. Seems it's mostly people with low IQ's in prison while their masters are living the high life. Pablo Escobar, Bernie Madoff plus many others were and are geniuses the list is endless.

  12. shl500, on 17 Jan 2015 - 23:02, said:
    ATF, on 17 Jan 2015 - 12:17, said:

    Jack if you do the car and bike tests at the same time you only have to do one written test and only sit through the boring four hour video once.

    The links for the questions are correct...I renewed mine last week.

    However you only get 2 chances at the "E test per day" and if you fail 4 times you have to wait at least 2 months before you can retake it.

    As for the video you will be excused that pain because your a farang. Just the colour eye test the braking test and the "E" test and your done.

    Took me a total of 2 hours start to finish.

    If you are renewing your licenses you don't need to watch the video but I'm surprised they made you re-sit the test.

    If you have a recognized foreign license you used to only have to do the eye and braking tests. Maybe it's changed now.

  13. Lukecan, on 16 Jan 2015 - 21:15, said:

    I dont get why people dont believe he made 3k $ usd from forex trading? LOl its easily doable, but can you do it consistently? That is the real question. Most brokers offer 1 to 30-40 leverage anyway so someone with a balance of 10-20k can open a position worth 500k.

    Any broker that would give you that sort of leverage is completely irresponsible or is trying to scam you because your 10-20k could get wiped out in hours.

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