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Posts posted by ATF

  1. thailandusauk, on 09 Jan 2015 - 04:45, said:

    I guess lobsters just as all seafood is always better from USA or Carribeans ?

    Where did you see the tail and not full body ?

    Thank you.

    The lobster tails are from Rock Lobsters. Those brown things that have a triangular shape. They're not bad but no comparison to Atlantic Lobster.

  2. colinneil, on 09 Jan 2015 - 06:46, said:

    ATF my wife had an official letter from hospital it made no difference.

    Immigration officer would not listen.

    Sorry to hear that Colin but the IO was definitely wrong.

  3. colinneil, on 09 Jan 2015 - 06:16, said:

    I overstayed last year 35 days. 7 days before my retirement extention due , i had a serious accident.

    Iwas unable to do my extention, due to being in a coma.

    When i was able to tell my wife she went to immigration, and was treated terribly by them.

    They insisted she pay 20.000 baht overstay( before anybody tells me it should have been 17.500) i know but

    they insisted she pay or they would get me deported.

    Fact she had proof from hospital of my condition did not matter.

    Never overstay if it can be avoided, immigration are a law unto themselves when it suits them.

    Your doctor and the hospital was negligent in not issuing a letter for an extension of stay on medical grounds. Most hospitals will arrange this for you.

    You say your wife had proof, but Immigration need an official letter from the hospital.

  4. OMGImInPattaya, on 09 Jan 2015 - 05:52, said:
    gandalf12, on 08 Jan 2015 - 19:22, said:

    Phratamnak hill is renowned for gangs

    So then what are we to make of the ad that pops up in this thread for a 25,000,000 baht house for sale on Pratumnak?

    It's probably the quietest place in the Central Pattaya area a few vey good restaurants but it's basically not policed and there are a lot of construction worker camps around there.

    Some nice hotels down on the beach front where you can dine outside with great views.

  5. fosseway, on 08 Jan 2015 - 20:20, said:

    Agree with ATF re. the Land Department value, and the Ghosts, and that may be a good starting point, however, Land Office valuations have now been raised, they are still well below the true value, for example, a friend has just bought an Ocean front Condo in Jomtien for 7.5 Million Baht, the L.O valuation was 5.2 Million. My Thai friend bought a house last year for I Million baht, the L.O. valuation was 700K.

    The lower valuation is for tax purposes so you don't have to pay so much transfer tax. The land dept value is the absolute minimum they will accept on a taxable basis.

  6. Anything is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

    However my first step would be the land department they have a list of land prices all over Pattaya.

    You can then make an accurate calculation of how much the house would cost to rebuild.

    Unless you are in a prime spot the value has probably decreased. Thai's avoid secondhand houses because of ghosts.

  7. It's mostly tourists from the Indian Sub-Continent who use these services, trying so save on a barfine and a couple of ladydrinks and then they are surprised when they get robbed.

    The definition od stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

    Time to start arresting the punters. The cops would also make more money that way too.

  8. They have frozen Canadian lobster in Foodland, they are red which means they have been cooked.

    Just defrost them and slice them in half from head to tail and eat cold with dressing.

    They are very good.

    • Like 1
  9. fitfalang, on 08 Jan 2015 - 11:21, said:fitfalang, on 08 Jan 2015 - 11:21, said:
    SiamSuzi, on 08 Jan 2015 - 10:10, said:SiamSuzi, on 08 Jan 2015 - 10:10, said:

    So a woman who expects a man to chip in on the expenses that it's going to cost for them to be able to see eachother is a prostitute in your opinion?!? I can't even continue a discussion with you because you are so clearly too daft to see beyond your own nose. I bet you don't do so well with the ladies, do you? Probably can only get a woman to stomach being around you if you actually do pay a prostitute. The girl isn't asking to be paid to see him, just for him to help with expenses! Duh! That's only fair! Why should she have to pay for everything?!! Gross!

    fitfalang, on 07 Jan 2015 - 09:35, said:fitfalang, on 07 Jan 2015 - 09:35, said:

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Not all of us are so ugly they need to pay for pussy. It was her who wanted to Europe in the first place, not me inviting her. She's a traveler and that's the only continent she hasn't yet visited. I'd prefer to come to Thailand for my holidays anyway..

    SiamSuzi, on 07 Jan 2015 - 03:12, said:SiamSuzi, on 07 Jan 2015 - 03:12, said:

    First of all, speaking as an American female, I do let the man pay... For just about everything. When we go to dinner, movies, and vacations. It's not because I'm a gold digger or don't have my own money, it's because that's the old fashioned way, and I'm not a submissive woman who caters to men. They can pursue and court ME until the day I'm married. Now this may be a Thai female you are talking about, but let's clear some things up. Men pay for women. Grow a pair and man up. Personally, there have been times that I've been dating a man who couldn't pay for trips, and because he was genuinely unable, I'd chip in financially, but honey please.... If this woman is coming to see YOU, be a man and get a part time job to pay for half at least. I'm what bizarro world would you expect a woman to pay her own way just to see you? Maybe if you were incapacitated in a hospital... Which you aren't. So get off your lazy bum and earn your share. Poor girl. Why would she date a little boy?

    So you mean you are like a modern day prostitute? "Earn my share"? so she can have a fun trip to Europe she's always wanted? You do indeed sound like a prostitute.

    No Suzi, I am not saying that.

    I am saying that a woman who expects a man to pay for everything in 2015 without chipping in, is a modern day prostitute. With your traditional values, I expect you would be then ready to take care of the kids, clean cook and do laundry too?

    If two young people of similar ages decide to go travel together, it's perfectly normal for them to pay for their own expenses, unless the trip is a birthday present or something. Besides, I have already offered to pay for all her expenses once she is there. With your logic, could I expect her to chip in for my expenses when I come to visit her as well?

    You are talking about me "earning my share" as if she is coming only to visit to sexually pleasure me, instead of the fact that she wants to travel in Europe. You are talking like if a woman comes to visits a man, its just for the mans pleasure instead of the fun of the trip for both.

    This is why i used the word prostitute.

    Look Buddy I think you should ask your Mother for advice on this one. Obviously you never had a real Father figure. He would say "Treat her like a Lady".

  10. h90, on 07 Jan 2015 - 19:00, said:
    mrtoad, on 07 Jan 2015 - 14:14, said:

    Any young person who wants to do Military Service should be encouraged, much better than being one of those little tossers hanging around Rasta bars, or drinking Lao Khao and expecting everyone else to pay for their laziness.

    After 5 years in the Rasta bar, you can decide to change and get a good job. If you got shot at the army it is off.

    (But I agree almost non decide to stop the lazy life and almost non get shot. So military is in average the better choice).

    The whole point of being in the Army is not to get shot but to shoot other people legally, but if you get shot you get a medal.

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