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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. It seems that some people have never been to other South East countries, travel to Singapore, Japan or India. Slaves with three jobs, perhaps but at least they go to work to have nice things for their family and contribute to growth, not depending on robbing tourist or the sex trade. Waiting for a Frang to buy farms and support a village, yes were're so bad. Enjoying your computer and the chips that drive it, huh! bad West. As a last note I haven't seen a WESTERN country as part of the ASEAN system, be weary of CHINA big brother and enjoy their style of civil rights. Next time you have noddles, check where the bowl was made!

    Right on Brother: Right back at ya, Power to the people!

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  2. Ok, some readers let's keep the West out, those with modern technologies and the potenial to create jobs and modernize the infostructure. 200 % TARIFF on vehicles is smart,I think not. Does Thailand build ships, produce steel,water conservation for farming and power, ( check the flooding sats), export solar panels, medical equipment, etc... Yes, let us continue to have the red shirts and yellow shirts burn Bangkok, the South killing teachers and blowing-up buildings, oh yes, keep the West out. What planet are you from? But hea!, you all like your cell phones and facebook.

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  3. Mayor Chalermluck said, “Since I have been mayor, we have never allowed any businesses to operate on the beach. I lived in Patong for a year, besides the crowded beach area with vendors taking all the shade for equipment, dirty areas, no water for cleaning etc...

    The Mayor must live someplace else if he can't see the jet-skis on his way to work. When you go in the water you can taste the gas from the ski's, drunks riding close to the swim areas. He has no control of what goes on the water, fair enough, but what do call parking all of your crap on the beach (AKA; SAND), NOT WATER. What is the Mayor's problem, is he legally blind?

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  4. You should be aware your "B" which was provided through your company is void from your last day and a new one is required. You have seven days to leave country or face an overstay an obtain a new tourist visa or B visa if your new company will provide documents. As for the work permit you will need to apply at your new area. Is your new school through an agency? If so, you'll the same steps as before.

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  5. Find a 1,500bt a month room with toliet and no furniture and sleep on the floor like Thai's, eat lot's of rice and drink free water. Pay electric bill, water bill and don't forget room deposits and utilities. Enjoy being woke up with sounds of roosters at 2am and dogs barking next to your room, push the trash from the from of your door. Learn to take the free buses, you'll have no money for Tuk-Tuk's, or beer, girls, mags, movies, and TV as cable is not free here.

    But, try to have fun and live like a village person.

  6. We need to do the death penalty more to animals like that. If they are confirmed 100% guilty, do them quickly and save those tax dollars and put it to better use. A man like Charles Manson, what a waste for decades of the amount of money we have spent to keep this animal alive. And I don't mean 10 years on death row, a quick 24 hour turn around after sentencing , even before he gets his prison tooth brush. The world has bigger needs then bad apples.

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  7. Well, I may be in your situation in the future , I have gone through it before when I brought my Russian bride which I met when working in Saudi Arabia.

    1. She was funny to watch the first time I brought her to a safeway. Unlike here in Thailand they have a Lotus store, so, not to much shock.

    2. Does she speak any English? My current girlfriend speaks English very well. So, as other members as stated check into a college language course to help and meet other foreign people learning English.

    3. Driving, well, I wait a while on that.

    4.As for standing out as a young and Asia is something you must support as people in the US will come quick to her and she might shy away fro our in your face way.

    5. Asia food shopping is a very good Idea

    6. Missing family will be a big thing but you better plan on bringing relatives there and providing the cost. I had to bring her brother and his to the US and her mother.

    or provide tickets 1-2 times a year.

    7. Meeting other Asia women near by or in the town.

  8. They are not firing him but not renewing his contract, big difference. I worked three years at a school and my last semester I had to teach 7 subjects no English and so I refuse to go to English camps, teach police after school hours, hospital staff and other non-school activites and especially for free,so, my contract was not renewed.

    The school does not need to prove their point, you stay or go. As for the students, yea, they get to dislike you the more time you teach them because as a teacher you enforce rules like stop copying homework and doing it durinng class time, no cell phones, boys playing with their girlfriends in class etc... The older the students get the more Facebook mentality and lack of drive to be someone.

  9. The youth of today are the result of a combination of poor parenting and low grade education coupled with a lack of enforcement and poor role models. They reflect a large portion of the character and culture of this country.

    You've hit the nail on the head, add a little Yaba and it will continue and increase. As the males become more displaced with lack of education which leads to opportunies that at a young age decided to quit school and lack of parenting increases as the new young Thai's are following the steps of the West to buy off their childern and no clue what their child is up too.

    They are cleaning up the corruption in Thailand only to have these young gangs prepare to attack rich tourist and business people.

  10. Could it be the "Hospital" might see this as an insult? Hospitals here pride themselves on supplying the patients with everything they might need (whether they do or not is not the point) Saving face attitude is. Best you give to the Temples.

    Please, I was in the hospital and after cleaning my 3 x 6 cm open wound the nurse tried to put my old blood soaked ace bandage back in place, I was given IV's for 3 weeks and 2 nurses did not flush the IV and bruised my arm, they re-stuck me 39 times for a simple 5 needs to give me my meds. Save face, what about knowing how to do their job. I was released to go home and had to return in 7 days for another stay, they wanted x-rays, EKG'S and blood samples again and I tried to explain I just did all of those test 7 days before and as I got angry they got upset with but they could not remember doing the test, I'm a white guy and was the only white guy on the floor for 3 weeks, memory LOST or loosing face, how about proper medical attention.

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  11. There're asking but if your here I would write no warrants and then they would have to figure it out. I had DUI'S many years (over 10 years ago), these are misdemendors not FELONIES!

    Your police record will only show criminal records that are active within 5 years because you are on probation which means your not suppose to be here anyway. But unless a judge is looking at your records a police record would show only current probllems much like when a renter has a police check to rent an apartment. In the USA it would state no warrants at this time. But, remember if its a FELONY that's different. Good Luck.

  12. Again !! VISAs do not get cancelled, only Extensions of Stay , (if based on the employment you are leaving) !

    You do not get a work permit without having a "B" visa from your company and if you quit or get fired your "B" is cancelled by the company within seven days, trying working for AYC of Bangkok and see. Flashing a work permit around is useless, an extension of stay is a border run or immigration cost for 30 days. Work permit and "B" visa is gone.

  13. I've taught here for several years and within a week your company sponsor will have cancelled your "B" visa for work which means your stay in Thailand on that visa ends and if stay you'll probably be charged overstay fees and you mention 80 days overstay already at 90 you're band for 1 year. Maybe some people slide through but a business friend was 6 months over and order to leave and band for 1 year and he is married to a Thai and was a partner in a 10 million a month constuction business.

    Last year I took 2 fellow teachers to the Cambodia border to do a walk through, immigration was confused because their "B" visa was good for several more months and he wanted to know what they were doing. Well, 1 teacher just up and quit so everything just finished, the other was fired and as stated the company cancelled his "B"visa in 3 days which givs you seven days from the date of being fired to leave Thailand or fix your visa status.

    Immigation came to their house 2 days later to check to see if they were preparing to exit Thailand. Good Luck with the new Thailand.Trash the WP that means nothing.

  14. I've read the replies from members of this form about this person who is in deep shit. Well, some members have not been in the USA for a long time or have never had trouble with the law like Cal. man here. But, with todays threat level in the USA at stage 4 and stupid Americans trying to support the IS and all of the other threats in my country, do you think you'll make it pass customs in the USA aiport. I think not. I had a Dui only several years ago and my passport, license, were tagged within 24 hours. I only had a misdeminnor charge not a FELONY. He'll have plenty of time to reflect and prefect his plans with about 6-12 months in jail. And I'm sure he'll break probation rules before that. Didn't know other peoples Meds were Illegal bull everyone knows!

    Once he runs that's a life changer!

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  15. Forget the dinner vest, bring your bullet-proof vest and metal detector to dinner, clubs, 7-11's, bars, taxi rides, your own locks on the night trains to Bangkok.Reinforced car door panels ( I beeped a rude Thai blocking 2 lanes as he went into 7-11 and he kicked in my door and fender and I couldn't exit my vehicle to kick his ass because several others push my doors closed before the police came and waved me on and did nothiing to the Thai).

    The people here in a general population area are more dangerous then my country of America.

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  16. Remember your passport is the property of your country. I would make a photo copy of page one and your visa stamp but don't physically give it to them. Until the exact reason is given for their request, even then I wouldn't let them touch your passport. If they cannot answer you, I would contact the tourist police in the area which normally has English speaking officers who generally are helpful. If not they should be able to direct you in the right direction. Thai's, and I'm sure the bank would not be happy to see police enquiry about this matter. With all of the changes now, Thai's seem to falling into line to understand how to treat foreign people and feel the future change which is coming their way.

    The OP reads like the call ended right after the request was made. OP: did you not have a chance to ask the caller why the request is being made, and to point out that your passport is the same today as it was when they photocopied it ten years ago? Without answers to these questions, the bank is just wasting your time.

    It wasn't a short telephone call. The first two employees didn't speak any English, so I had to ask what exactly they wanted in Thai. (And my Thai is pretty good.) They couldn't explain. The third spoke some English, but again couldn't explain exactly what was required or why. (The major sticking point in both languages was that the staff concerned couldn't actually give the exact name, in Thai or English, of precisely what document they required.) I pointed out that I have lived in Thailand for more than 10 years and never been asked to produce my passport, other than to open an account or make a withdrawal. I also pointed out that no other bank has ever asked me to produce my passport without a good reason. (I'm rather grumpy like that.)

    The impression I got was that the branch had received some instruction from Head Office to verify something or other, and the local staff didn't understand. (I don't live in an area with many foreigners, so staff aren't used to dealing with them and their issues.)
  17. I'm all for people hustling for a living but not at the expense of others needs. Safety, why should I have to walk in the street with cars and motorbikes and risk injury. The trash they leave behind, the chance of fire from the electrical connections, could emergency services get there on time? In Patong where I lived for a year is the same problem, nice sidewalks but after 10am until late evening you have to walk in the streets with all the drunks.

    Yes, they need to move to a open space with some parking for bikes and cars. Life changes and ASEAN is coming and people from those countries don't want to see or walk through that mess. Has anyone been to Singapore? I lived there two years and they have areas for markets not on sidewalks like beggars. Bangkok is considered to be an International city, start acting like one.

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