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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. Law was something the Greeks and Romans developed and is still the normal language of the land called :Common Law which most modern societies follow. if anyone on this web who is a lawyer or has studied international law AKA : Warsaw pact 1949 etc... and more would understand the foundation was to progress with the changes of society but not wavied on pricinples of the history of law. I think Thai's have never learnt about older societies.

  2. Yes, the West brought the worst of the worst, but Thailand has amplified these negative things. A leader can only be if the people agree. But, in modern times Thai's like short cuts. Don't blame the West for this when here they encourage this in every fabic in society here. Instead of being moral, sorry a Monk with Cig's and a Blackberry dosen't cut the muster or the head Monk and his private jet.

  3. Does Thailand know this is the 21st century. I've travel to places in the Middle East 20 years and instead of a life guard was A JEEP with a 20mm gun, make me feel safe? I felt better to be worried about sharks!

    The proper way is for special forces to be in street cloths and mingle, Thai police on foot with no guns and able to communicate in languages to assist tourist but at the same time watching. Will Thailand ever leave the dark ages. I respect the KING and wish he were younger because he would address these issues in modern times as he himself has been a worldly figure and has done many great things here, but todays leaders here are out of touch except their own pockets.

  4. Hi, wish I had such a job but my 28 years in aviation was on the technical side instructing airline customers and mixing my personal experience into the lesson.

    As for sharing your personal history with your class is a BIG NO NO. because by the time what you share filters back to others ( in hundreds of versions) and company feedback to HR it can cause problems. When I was teaching here M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 I expose them to the positive and NEGATIVE use of mass media which includes FACEBOOK.

    Now, your instructing students into a world of high tech and safety and dealing with passengers. They will experience terror from mechanical problems, terrorist onboard, football matches rivals, drunks, etc.. My advise is to stage these situation in the mock up cabin you have if not use the class room. Don't forget medical emergency in the cabin, stuck on the tarmack no air-con, toiliets blocked, no water.

    These are stresses they will face, their focus if prsented correctly with divert them from seeking personal inside information on you but rather your professional level to deliver a proper training situation. They will see your professional side and your capabilites to imerse them in their subject matter. You must prepare them also to a FAR 145 level of training if they will fly internationally.

    And because most flight attendents are atractive, your biggest problem will be their EGOS among themselves, thinking impressing the instructor but the reality is they are embarking on an important job learning about CRM; Cabin Resource Management.

    Log onto the FAA site and download data about their career and show them the real world. Most ASIA'S haven't even flown on a aircraft.

    You hiring?

  5. I'm assuming your speaking about a teachers job. This is a normal process which takes 90 days, why? because they want to see if you stay before they invest 10,000 baht for your work permit. They should roll over your tourist visa to a B visa for working and then you get your work permit. The problem with delays many of you who come here decide to or think you can be a teacher but don't bring the ORIGINAL university documents etc.. with you. This will cause further delays. I've been here 5 years and taught for three and 2 times I had to go and get another tourist visa until they process me. Companies don't like to spend money because here in LOS people come and go in less than 30 days on the job. I seen teachers step off the bus as I waiting to greet them and turn around and go home. Except for beach areas you better be prepare for a rural teaching assignment, maybe a 7-11 in town and warm beer. Good Luck! You wouldn't do jail time. So people here have not experienced the situation and are arm chair advisors.

  6. I look forward to watching cyclist racing, carrying their umbrella at the same time during RAINY season June-July, let's see with weather delays the Tour da Pothole Thailand should only take 4 months instead of 28 days. Good for the Thai's, more time to steal the bikes and rob and hurt the tourist. I think after I rode 167 miles in one day that I would look forward to a good night sleep with the dogs barking and the roosters crowing at 4am in the morning to get me going again. And If I'm really lucky getting bit by mosiqtios and getting Dangue fever woud prove to be a great experince in the LOS.

    I think Lance Armstrong should be allowed to compete because you would have to be doing drugs if your going to ride 3,500km in Thailand. They need to make it a small circle because the roads would destroy the bikes and riders.

  7. Your on an island, how about putting electronic devices on the workers and wrist bands so usour the tourist can ID them. All others (Thai's), on curfew because they do not have enough money to act like a tourist unless they have robbed you of your cash and meet Russians and let they copy your ATM card.

    Electronic tracking, are they water proof to 10 meters and what is the deposit?

  8. Thai's are friendly but they observe your personal business and I've had them walk right into my house just to look around like I'm in a zoo. But, at work (I was a teacher), if you have issues they will not back you. Get in a fender bender all of a sudden you have 20 withnesses and its your fault because you have $$$$, but not for a murder.

    Enjoy the safe beaches with your wrist band and electronic ankle braclet, not water proof for diving and $$$ deposit. It helps the gangs who rob you track you more easily.

    It makes it easier to ID you at the hospital and bill you I.A.W. which hotel you stay in. Leave gifts and food in your luggage on the bus sleeping while the thiefs down below will enjoy your treats and help you get his cousins taxi to continue the Thai experience, don't worry about the meter its for a dash decoration only.


  9. Yes, it happens all the time in other countries but mostly in areas where tourist should not go. In a tourist town that generates millions of income, its the job of the police and city council to provide security in those areas. Perhaps if the police were patrolling the areas at the late hours and yes the bar scences and side streets their presents willl help. Instead after 11pm their home having a drink with friends or at the station. Do read about Las Vegas, New York city report so many crimes against tourist in such a short period of time? Daytime teenagers beating tourist?

    This happends every day day in every country, so what is the big news. Except time for thai bashing.

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