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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. Yes, 2000 suspects, not enough jail space so many received 100baht fines and asked not to do it again in the same province, so, look out Patong new workers coming your way or maybe beach chair vendors or maybe taxi drivers employment will help to replace the drugs the police took this week. At 2000 per weekend they may have to rent prison space, I understand Gitmo in Cuba has some extra space these days as terriost are send home to the IS.

  2. Finally a good idea to drug test personell in resort areas as everyone knows as the workers need money for this addictive drug which raises the threat for problems aganist tourist. I have in the pass put my cash, travellers checks and passport in the hotel lock boxes assuming they were safe. So, here arrives tourist with a fistful of 1000 baht bills paying at the swimming pool bar, restaurant, tuk-tuks, so, we as tourist should learn also to be aware of the problem in resort areas and use common sense.

    I learnt many years ago always use small bills, leave the watch at home and if you really don't need the BlackBerry use a cheap phone for local use. Your life is not worth flashing valuables in public here.

    I like to see them drug test the overnight bus drivers and heavy haulers drivers at night check points. These guys are not coffee drinkers to stay awake but yet they drive 12-15 hours on the night runs. If the country is really serious to curb a drug problem then test people. We do it in the work place and military in the US and people who want those good jobs are clean especially when it comes to public safety.

  3. Well, a few western stars may come but I'm sure when they find out their sharing the stage with Ladyboys who have nicer legs then them and the press goes crazy that would be a career breaker. Who are these people who have jobs in the Thai tourist Ministry, man, I feel sorry for the PM who has so many wierd thinkers he trust in his government to develope good ideas.

    Lets start with the crime aganist tourist, fix the flooding problem, lets see rainy season hundreds of years here and still no flood control. Jobs for young people who don't finish school. I've never seen so many people hanging out not working and yet they bring people from Cam and Laos to work and Thai's won't do those jobs. I see the older women and men working not the youth. My friend has a young waitress working for him, pays her a decent wage and her young 20 year old husband takes her money each month and does not work and drinks all day.

    So, they believe bringing International Cebs will make a difference until they find out how many of these tourist have problems because they gather to watch their shows while someone is stealing their things or rental motorbike.

    You can't increase touristism until you fix the internal culture problem againist tourist.

    • Like 1
  4. talk talk and more talk........nothing else

    "The Immigration Bureau will facilitate the immigration process to make it faster, and will report the number of arriving visitors, and visitors' internal travel routes, as well as the visitor’s place of accommodation.

    The police will use this information to direct policemen in the area to take care of the traveler's safety. Meanwhile, the Tourist Police are appointed to work with tourism establishments to take proper care of their tourist customers."

    So although you will have to take the time to tell them your itinerary and where you will be staying, the process will miraculously be faster at immigration when you enter the country. But that's okay because now that they know where the tourists are staying, they will "use the information to direct policemen in the areas to take care of the travelers". Does that mean that each tourist will have his or her own policeman sitting in the lobby doing guard duty and ready to accompany the tourist everywhere he goes? It should be interesting for those who come for the services of bar girls. I can just see the policeman sitting in a chair in corner of the hotel room while the customer has his shag, watching for the girl to slip some knockout drug into the unsuspecting tourist's drink.

    Sadly, I learnt the hard way about that, so I would have the girl with me give her ID to the front desk and before I let her in my room I place ALL MY money, passport etc.. in the room safe or front desk, and I have a drink usually at the hotel bar outside with her and make them empty their bag on the table before I bring them in, if they refuse, easy find another fish.

  5. Well that takes care of the Xmas season.

    Yea, funny how short peoples memories are of Christmas past, I hope they are good swimmers. It seems some people don't put the ring of fire together!

    Keep your motorbike near by and be able to head up the hill.

  6. not to scare you but keep an eye on it, you might want to visit a clinc. When I was arrive here 5 years I stay in a really cheap hotel and was bitten in several areas on my lower leg. I was working and always going to clinic, for a while they heal up and thought nothing about it until. It seems the poison of I'm guessing a bug of some sort. Well, the wound heal but all it did was burrow deep into my flesh. I recently spend 4 weeks in a hospital ( this is 4 years of the same bite area), I have STAPHYLOCOCCI and currently have a 2cm by 4cm open wound which the BACTERIA ate its way down to leg bone . I'm taking meds but I can barely walk now as it ate all of my calf muscle tissue.

    I'm not saying you have this but don't scratch the and see a clinic. It can be on any part of the body.



  7. So,that's like the Thia Teachers who own lots of shops because credit is given to them, let's not forget the Police or government officals with million dollar houses while many Thai's still live in a wooden house with no hot water. Yea, I like seeing all of the new cars at the school parking lot and thier blackberry Phones.. Show offs in the West, well, they pay thier credit bill every money but here in LOS they appeal to the Kingdom for an extention of time, please.

  8. You want to know about pre-Nums, hide money overseas. You said you have some money. let me tell you junior, unless you have the tune of 1.6 million Baht to spend ( When in Love) is something you can't spend here, save your money and date at home and take care of your mother which seems your counting the days for her to leave the planet to join your working girl in Thailand you 2 months a year. if she has money, let her pay her own way to you.

    • Like 2
  9. Been in town 24 hours have you?, have you met the village? Does the word walking ATM mean anything? I lived and travelled throughout SouthEast Asia for 17 years and it takes years to find the truth about your heart and hers. I've met a Thai woman and I'm learning to Love her and she is still learning about me and it has been 2 years. I don't do buy a house, farm, motorbike, give money for family and have special needs. Sorry,it dosen't matter here or your home country but women will say what you want to hear.

  10. Before trying to generate money from the outside, how about improving the inforstructure first. A stronger education system without western teachers, have parents responsible for making sure their offspring get to school, don't copy homework, stop facebook 10 hours a day, drive when 16 not a 7 year old in traffic, stop selling Thai whiskey to 12 year olds, cig's, enough of the Mauy Thai boxing 10 hours a day.

    They want the outside world to come here and all of these blowhearts have never set foot outside of Thailand. We don't need to endanger of family more, I perfer Disney World (USA) level. Oh! wait they can copy that here if the machines don't kill you.

  11. Can they produce enough BamBo poles to support the cemet while it hardens? I don't think Ottis Elevator company will bid on this project. I can't proper water pressure to my toliet at ground level and want to go 1/2 mile up. I can see the office workers throwing the trash from the 125th floor out the windows. Who are these people, Tour La Thailand, International Playground Pattaya, trackers for tourist, again drug test for these positions should be the norm plus a real education not a relative appointed position. The more good the New PM does, the dumber the people he has to trust come out of the woodwork.

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