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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. Looking at the pictures it seems like he was infected with Necrotizing Faciitis or 'Flesh Eating Bacteria". It's very prevalent here in Thailand. I have had it no less than 5 times, the bacteria is always present but benign until the skin becomes broken. A small thing like a mosquito bite can turn into a huge gaping ulcer. One of my lower legs had to be amputated because of this disease. This bloke was lucky he didn't suffer the same fate. See https://www.google.co.th/?gws_rd=cr&ei=ZoPLUoPxAaXZigf2xYDIDA#q=necrotizing+fasciitis

    I feel your pain as I have had this infection 2 times, once in Singapore and they cut 7 cm of meat out of my right knee area. Six months ago I landed in the hospital and feared about losing my leg which was a result of an insect bit from months before. One day my leg and infection came to the surface. The bad part is its just around my ankle which has been fused with 5 screws and the infection has been into my bone area and my leg up to my knee is still black.

    This is called a Super-Bug and its a big problem in Asia.



  2. Simple impound the boat for 6 months plus 20k baht fine. Proof of insurance to operate a business, wake-up 2015 ASEAN means money, progess and development for the future. So, do business like other courtries and emfore laws. Maritime law is one of the oldest laws that even applied to small vessels in a harbor area.

  3. I have to support the Old Thai law, show your arriving and your exit ticket and 20k bath. Sorry, to many bums land in a place like LOS and cause problems, think of the "HMS BOUNTY",

    i know I got busted on a quickie trip from Phuket to Sinapore rather than the exiciting ride in a visa run van. And for 6 hours you talk and some of these Tourist would say hey; I only have 500USD equal to stating Mom or Dad will send, right , not after 30 days.

  4. Amdsterdam has changes the rules about tourist visiting the coffee shops (420), so is a social moral wave coming to Thailand perhaps, but being a hounddog myself understands and at the same time it's time to reduce some activites to the many young people who are thinking there is more money in that job, rather to get a descend education in the 21st century and do your best.

    For decades, it starts at home and reinforced in normal society.

  5. I recently did my 90day also, and I had moved 5 weeks before check-in to a new address also. But my immigration office knows me for 4 years, I guess it depends on your relationship which unless you moved to a new Province that's touch.

    Has a side bar, has anyone read the new law for SIM card registration within a 6 month period, Frangs are by law to present a Passport to get a throwaway SIM card?

  6. I've ran out of fingers and toes to count in one month how many bus crashes occur in Thailand. Which is more safe, flying in storms or riding in a VIP bus?

    Here's a novel idea like in days of old in my country USA, truckers, over-the-road drivers had CB's to communicate such thinks as road conditions, accidents etc.

    How about the bus company makes a simple phone call daily to the authorities about the status of the roadway . Just like aircraft which get weather updates prior to departures. To simple to do?

  7. Just great! Another several days were the banks are closed which means if your receiving funds from overseas like me, I no access to my funds which means I can not spend money to enjoy the long holiday. So, now I must budget my April funds to have a nice 5 day holiday in May. Thanks Thailand.

    ASEAN countries which intend to invest here will find it difficult to do business transactions from different time zones will not like this arrangment which includes their labour force that will be here.

    When you can not more money transactions, they your not making business.

    Yes, I know ATM'S and the Malls. But, some like me must go in person to the bank to due transactions with my passport only!

    This avoids those ATM scams and being robbed at one.

  8. My main point to her was that we have to do whatever we can to get more affluent tourists to come to Phuket. And people with boats are wealthy. But there are certain crazy bits of red tape and rules that stand in the way of improving the boating industry. Thai news.

    So dumb ass average tourist who own industry but not a boat get special attention beyond 30 days. Excuse me, I fly in 30 days, retirement check-in and these get a free pass. Put these 2 in jail Thailand.

    Learn about maritime law , beach 12 mile miles out and use your speed boats to port or pay the fees.

    Arrest these 2 idoits.

  9. NIEM will be able to install these devices at state offices and public places in Bangkok and other provinces.

    How many western tourist experience a heart attack in state offices? I spent months in a hospital in SISAKET and the nurses poked me 39 times in all parts of my hand and arm for IV treatment when I only only needed 5 points of entry.

    No one speaks their language ( of the victim), and you're going to let let someone charge you up like a light bulb?


  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Anyone remember the Sukhoi Superjet that crashed in Indonesia? They were cleared by ATC to descend to an altitude far below the highest peaks in the area and ended up crashing into one of them.

    I don't have the greatest respect for Indonesian ATC and I am a pilot.

    Sent from my ASUS_T00I using Tapatalk 2

    I agree a person with an aviation background also but I believe pilots have t to be responsible which knowlege of their airspace. Perhaps they were decending thru the peaks where the airport appoarch was ? That jet is a project with Boeing and this aircraft is bascially a new 737NG which would have modern avionics don't you think?

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