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Posts posted by Pmbkk

  1. 2 hours ago, starky said:

    Maybe I should just go and get AZ again next week or maybe mix it up with a little bit of Pfizer this time.


    I had my first covid jab yesterday - Pfizer - in London.


    The place I got it done was also administering second doses of Pfizer to people who'd had AZ as their first vaccine.


    I thought they were only giving the same type in the two doses, but apparently not.


    I may try a bit of AZ as my second dose - spread my bets on variant coverage ????


    • Thanks 1

    The reason I would think an IDP would be required/helpful is a Thai driving license is written in Thai - and as most Europeans don't read Thai & thus wouldn't know what your "license" is/would cover without it e.g. vehicle type, type of license.


    If you just turn up with a Thai license I think you may well encounter problems at a rental firm(unless it's Honest John's down the back alley). IDPs are not expensive so would be helpful at a minimum.



    • Like 1
    • Confused 4
  3. 16 minutes ago, wobblyjohn said:

    I think if you only have a Thai license you will need to get an international driving permit 


    My wife just said the same. That's what she did - she has a U.K. one now. 


    I renewed my UK one - 10 yr (whilst in the UK) a couple of months ago and it took about a week to get a new one from submission to receipt.


    You can do it all online - you obv' need a UK address for the D.L. and Royal Mail delivery.

  4. 13 minutes ago, sherwood said:

    So are you saying your wife is not from Issan or she is mute. 55

    Love my Issan wife to pieces but the OP is not far wrong in his appraisal.

    Takes time and a fair bit of patience. 



    She is from Issan... I thought that was obvious..

    Your view/experience maybe - not mine 


    Are you saying your wife has been around a bit and then she ran out of patience and settled for you? Maybe deaf and mute?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 1 minute ago, bigyin said:

    One further point is that the above link is actually from last year when the app was in use. It actually slowed the process and people started booking appointments even after using the app so they put out this message.  They should really take it down now.


    The link is dated:


    UKVCAS Service Status


    25 March 2021

    This status update covers:



    Looks like it's of benefit to UKVCAS to ensure an appointment is necessary and chargeable(in most cases), whereas the online IDV application is free. Both sets of info' ultimately go to UKVI. One just means individuals have to organise/pay/travel/attend an appointment.


    I would have thought even now, where the emphasis is to limit travel where possible & work from home if possible an app' would be the more sensible choice.


    Thanks for that looks like we'll just have to wait and see at the time whether we get the invite or not for the app.


    I did a search and found a useful link from UKCVAS dated 25 March 2021 and IDV:





    Don’t book an appointment after using the IDV app


    IDV app


    Don’t book an appointment after using the IDV app

    The processing of all UKVI applications is based on the date of application and NOT the date you submitted supporting information via UKVCAS. UKVI have assured us that booking a UKVCAS appointment rather than using the IDV app does not mean that your application will be processed more quickly.

    UKVI have asked us to cancel appointments for applicants that have submitted their UKVI application using the IDV app. This is because their application is already in progress by UKVI case workers. If this affects your application, you will receive an email which explains the next steps.




    HI, I just spoke to my wife re this as we will be applying for the ILR later in the year.


    She has been following a couple of Filipino girls on youtube re their ILR applications.


    She said that they didn't need to go to an office for a BRP as they did it on a new  app' - the app' is called IDV, it's apparently linked to UKVCAS. Was introduced by the government last year.


    I just did a check on youtube and I see a few videos on the subject.


    Seems to negate the need/cost to visit the office.

  9. On 3/26/2021 at 8:23 AM, ubonjoe said:

    You can apply for a work permit and work with a extension of stay based upon marriage to a Thai.

    It requires submitting a copy of your marriage certificate with the application for a work permit.

    You can also use your income from working to meet the 40k baht income requirement for your extension.


    As I'm married to a Thai, can I apply for a work-permit (based on spouse visa) with no fixed employer(allowing me to work for anyone) or is the work permit tied to a specific employer and I can only work for them?



    I used to live in the center of Zurich, having a very expensive city center penthouse pad.

    Some idiot below me started playing music very loud late at night / early in the morning.
    After a few times warning him, a couple of times grabbing him by the throat & then a few times throwing him against walls. I realised he was just too stoned to do anything with.

    During the day he was fine - post 11 p.m. 3/4 days a week on another planet due to drugs.


    In the end I just called the police and let them in to deal with him, a month later he was out 

  11. 3 hours ago, stretch5163 said:

    lol sorry but i found this hilarious at the moment its low season so very few tourists in and out.....did you think before posting that comment. I would say it is more becasue of Coived there are no tourists and it wouldnt matter if it was low or high season there would still be little or no tourists.


    I would say when things are getting back to some kind iof normality and there are a rush on flights prices may change.



    Hilarious - go back and re-read - I didn't write it's low season SO very few tourists, as one was the result of the other !! BTW - if you're going to correct your spelling why not do it all in one go...

  12. It maybe a way of splitting the overall charge into two parts for tax purposes, e.g. pure rental income v their expenditure (taxes/furniture). In most condos these are combined, although you can write a contract to split them.
    I'd ensure you know what these costs are and are documented before signing anything.


    For example in mine there are two parts, one I specify for the costs e.g. taxes, furniture and the second for rental cost.


    Most large serviced apartments(incl' high-end) on their official invoices charge a huge amount for costs(furniture/services/cleaning etc) and very little for the apartment rental ( the bit they get taxed on ).

  13. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    I assume you applied for a non-o visa at embassy or consulate that allowed a 90 entry to the country.

    You can apply for a one year extension of stay based upon marriage during the last 30 days of the 90 days.

    You will need 400k baht in a Thai bank in your name only for 2 months on the day you apply.

    You can also apply for a 60 day extension to visit your wife to get more time to apply for the one year extension.


    Does one need to prove that the 400K came from abroad?
    I understand it does (800k) for the retirement visa.

  14. 29 minutes ago, OJAS said:

    Good for him! A great shame that his party's leader (Sir Ed Davey, MP, in whose constituency I am currently registered as an overseas voter and who has studiously ignored a number of representations I have put to him over the years) is apparently not prepared to follow suit!!????


    Can be found in the "Brave New World" pub facing his office on occasion ????

    • Haha 2
  15. It does say:

    If the applicant has submitted:

    a sequence of documents and some of the documents in the sequence have
    been omitted (for example, if one bank statement from a series is missing)
    • a document in the wrong format (for example, if a letter is not on letterhead
    paper as specified)
    • a document that is a copy and not an original document
    • a document which does not contain all of the specified information
    • has not submitted a specified document

    the decision-maker may contact the applicant or his representative in writing or
    otherwise, and request the document(s) or the correct version(s). The material
    requested must be received at the address specified in the request within a
    reasonable timescale specified in the request. 

    Are you sure all the contact details you submitted are still correct.

    You could mention the above if you contacted them. 

    Maybe just say you'd missed them from the pile, but have them to hand now.


    It seems somewhat harsh to reject without any contact to provide the missing documentation. 


    • Like 1
  16. 6 hours ago, scorecard said:

    But having an answer doesn't mean the shop assistant understands the answer. 


    Do you expect them to know them all?

    It makes me laugh when I see people in large DIY stores asking the young staff if this paint is good for this or that(it should say it on the tin), or will this piece of wood be good for this or that, or if this colour paint looks good with x, or will this ladder allow me to clean my upstairs windows, etc....

    They can probably read as well as you.....

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