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Posts posted by Pmbkk

  1. Regarding the TB test that covers living in Thailand: 


    This is the government site: https://www.gov.uk/tb-test-visa


    The piece that maybe applicable:

    Who does not need to be tested

    You will not need a TB test if any of the following apply:

    • you’re a diplomat accredited to the UK
    • you’re a returning UK resident and have not been away for more than 2 years
    • you lived for at least 6 months in a country where TB screening is not required by the UK, and you’ve been away from that country for no more than 6 months


    All children must see a clinician who’ll decide if they need a chest x-ray. Children under 11 will not normally have a chest x-ray.

    You must take your child to an approved clinic and complete a health questionnaire. If the clinician decides your child does not have TB they’ll give you a certificate. Include this certificate with your child’s UK visa application.



    Good luck with the process.

    It seems quite daunting initially, but is doable, and has been mentioned somewhat expensive.


  2. 21 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Yes that is ok with me they broke the law on alcohol and this has been in place a long time. Probation is good too.


    Bars are closed these guys risked it and got caught. People who drink disregard rules  more then any. Bars are always the first to close in any country so its not really strange to close them.


    So many people defending the drinkers looks like a lot have problems with alcohol If you want to drink do it at home not in illigal bars. 


    Oh just for your information food from markets is essential to live. Beer is not though for people from a certain country it seems it is.


    Much like drugs for people from a certain country where there are  - little mice with clogs on....

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    Yet to see a Ma and Pa stores stop selling alcohol during these 'prohibition' periods 


    That's why I support them, even when the likes of 7/11 and supermarkets are open. I can usually go anytime I wish and get a pack, not just between 11-2 & 5-12. It might cost me a couple of baht more, but I'm happy with that.  ????

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    I hear in Europe those who got COVID are asked to wait for 6 months before being vaccinated. I assume they use Pfizer to vaccinate, but not sure if they get 1 or 2 shots. I'm confident of the 6 months rule as I know several who got infected and that's the answer they've got when they registered for vaccination.


    I haven't heard of this in the UK. 

    Both my Thai wife and I have had covid & we have been vaccinated within that 6 months parameter.

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/14/2021 at 4:13 PM, Pmbkk said:


    I'm in the process of applying for an Irish passport ( first one )


    My father is from Dublin ( he's now dead ), Mum is English. We didn't have his birth certificate. He'd lived in England since he was 16.


    His parents moved to NZ, his brothers and sisters - and there were well into double digits - spread across the world(NZ,Oz,UK,Ireland,States).


    His father's name was on his British marriage certificate, but not his Mums.

    I did a bit of a free heritage search and found additional details(for my grandmothers name)


    You can currently apply on-line but they are requesting you do not send documentation as they are at Level 5 and will not process any passports for this until Level 4. ( was meant to be start of April but has been delayed).


    They have a very good on-line chat if you link below for any queries. If your parents are from N.I. I believe you automatically qualify as an Irish citizen - same as someone with an Irish parent/grandparent.


    The process seems to be very straight forward. I'm just waiting for them to go to level-4 to submit docs. 


    I, like you are looking at this as a backup plan to enable us to live in Europe very simply. You have many more immediate rights than you do if you come to the Uk. For that we're in our final stages of ILR.


    If you have any questions I can tell you what I know - but the chat has been excellent in answering all my queries.


    Webiste: https://www.dfa.ie/passportonline/



    FYI - I believe the cost was about 80 quid for the passport - all very, very straight forward. 


    2) Getting his birth certificate was straight forward - delivered to Uk within 2 weeks:






    FYI - it seems they are now taking the docs to process the First Irish Passports ( Webchat is open for questions)

    Seems pretty straight forward - docs that need to be sent are covered in your application, however in summary.


    Documents Enclosed:
    •    COVER LETTER ( you get it at the end of your on-line application )
    •    Identity Verification  Form – ( you get it at the end of your on-line application )
    •    My original birth certificate
    •    Proof of address
    •    Proof of Name
    •    Copy of Photo-id (certified)
    •    Additional Documents:
    o    My Father’s original Irish birth certificate (Dublin) - I got a copy from Dublin see above
    o    My Parents’ marriage certificate 
    o    My Mother’s birth certificate ( don't believe this is required )



    Online Passport First Time Applications

    PO Box 12986,


    Co. Dublin

    K32 AE72

    Note: I've seen two posted but the above is the correct one confirmed by on-line chat.


    Cost of application was 90 Euro



  6. On 5/2/2021 at 11:15 AM, GreasyFingers said:

    Have just spoken to a friend in Australia who has had the first shot of AZ and has been told it might be up to four months before he gets the second. He was expecting 4 weeks when given the first.


    I remember watching a BBC TV interview with one of the AZ vaccine medical heads.


    This is when the UK were looking at changing the ( recommended ) interval from 4 weeks to 12 weeks between vaccinations to allow them to inoculate more people quicker with the first dose.


    She said - and she seemed very, very clear that 12 weeks was the absolute maximum period,

  7. On 5/1/2021 at 6:56 AM, Sheryl said:

    Actually if you are able to get vaccinated here it will likely be AZ not Sinovac.


    Sinovac is being used just as a temporary measure until AZ is available. Ukess you live at ground zero of a hot spot you are unlikely to be offered Sinovac,


    As to getting vaccinated with different vaccines, the simple answer is no one knows because it has not been researched. There is a trial underway now in the UK on a regime where one dose is AZ and the other Pfizer but it will be some time before results are available. And that is not the same as getting a full course of one vaccine followed by a full course of another. They haven't called the trial off so presumably there are no obvious early adverse effects being seen, is the most that can be said, and again that is with just 1 injection of each of 2 different vaccines.


    I am in this dilemma myself though with a twist in that I am going to the US in July. I can get Pfizer or Moderna in US easily enough but may also have the chance to get AZ in Thailand first (though probably only the first injection not the second unless things start up sooner than I think they will).


    I would rather have Pfizer or Moderna. But I would also rather be immunized before getting on a long international flight. And I will face recommended self-isolation and other restrictions in the US if I arrive unvaccinated.


    I have researched this up and down, bottom line is no on knows/can say the effect of getting 2 different vaccine series. However it is known that it is safe to be vaccinated if you have already had COVID which leads me to think that it is probably  also be safe to be vaccinated with a different vaccine months after getting vaccinated with another. But that is just my own best guess, it is not hard fact and if I do this (as I may) it will be at my own risk.




    I got my first vaccine  ( Pfizer ) in England the week before last.


    At the same center they were giving people who had had their first AZ vaccine the Pfizer one, so in England they are currently mixing vaccines.



  8. 1 hour ago, barney42bb said:

    People, People People.....


    You need to understand this poor man's immediate needs are way down the list of UK priorities.


    The Welfare Bill was £192.4 Billion last year,an increase of over £8 Billion from the previous year.


    The Workshy, Criminals, Drug Addicts,Foreign Aid and Illegal immigrants... Must be accommodated/funded before the genuinely needy.


    What are the other headlines in the Daily Express/Mail today ?????


    Let me guess - the same as every other day..

  9. On 1/28/2015 at 11:51 AM, Kaoboi Bebobp said:

    For comparison sakes, in my provincial jurisdiction in Canada, a notary stamp is free. Sometimes the law offices jokingly demand a box of cookies for the support staff. 555


    At my mate's firm the notary fees pay for the Christmas party - apparently not uncommon.


    I had one done in London last week ( for a Swiss AXA fund ) cost me £70 - just over 3000 baht,

    She needed to witness me signing a form, my wife signing a form and sign /stamp a few pages.


    I had the Pfizer one on Monday ( London )


    They were also giving that to people that had had AZ as their first shot that were turning up for their second shots.


    My plan is to get Moderna/Az as my second shot. Getting AZ is easy, getting Moderna a little more difficult.



  11. 3 hours ago, starky said:

    Awesome that's the closest thing to answering my question so far. Thank you. If cocktails are on ill give it a go. I've had my AZ so maybe a Pfizer chaser


    The AZ is obv' easier to get - I was offered that at the Harlequins ground. My doctor sent me an alternative appointment for the Pfizer one so I took that knowing I can easily get AZ for my second dose if I wish.


    Also planned the date(second dose @12 weeks)  around hopefully getting us back to Thailand in Oct' with no quarantine.


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