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Posts posted by gigman

  1. Now it becomes a political in this case.

    I belive it is barbaric to send people to death for such things not to mention at all.

    We human have this ability for whole existence to kill as punishment revenge or religious bases.

    Not far back in time people burned other for belives and is no difference at all at our times just in more colorfull style.

    Just in one example....why none dares to shout openly in any country ...to shut down ciggarete factories???

    They are potential killers too but none dares to say ...why?

    Because tax paid is so high that every government in the world is happy.! but people are dying every hour every day because of this habbit.

    Indonesia produce ciggaretes too but somehow have blind eye on this..(???) but is so concerend to kill in another case and subject as a punishment.

    Whole world is fed with poisonous food by factories who knows exactly that this type of food is not safe for humanity and not mention future generations

    Just for example ; try to get information ..if soya is safe for humanity....(USA health regulation have soya as unsafe !)

    Just look on the list what kind of problems (permanent) soya can cause for consumer.. it is just enbelivable how much money is made on soya product and for irony how it is advertised as are better product like eg. milk ...

    The list of unsafe food is very very long which is nicely advertised on TV everywhere on daily bases.

    Hence, who is killing who and it is always in the name of money and being richer.

    Not everyone is smart to predict consequences and specialy young people . They need money too and quick , but to punish them with death is just human cruelty.

    People all over the world are sitting in jails for murder and are not punished by death....

    Maybe I am crazy too but why Australian government created law to punish those citizenswho goes to fight against "islamic state" nad come back to Australia ??

    But other hand is so much fuzz against "islamic state" in the same time????????

    They did not joined bad guys ! they even got killed fighting them and those who had enough and coming back home will be punished? Is it something weird ??

    Same with those who wants to use drugs ....they know or don't care to know of consequences and whole wolrd in having no answer how to deal with this problem .

    The truth is easy to see but this day majority prefer to watch TV and not to use own brain what is normal and what is not.

    First of all...;

    Australian officials did not ask Indonesian governmet to let them go... just not to kill them but Indonesia always was stubborn and always will be. They think they can reach rest of the world level but they are more and more behing in time that's all.

    They even do not want to talk to officials from other countries ... and it is nothing about law ... (any law is bend to even not reasonable level if comes to even more drustic measures on daily basis around the world)

    The motto is;

    IF you don't give someone a second chance then never expect it from anyone.

    The truth is there but this days is nearly impossible to find it. (because none cares) ...and we are living in times where human have modern mobilephone in one hand and axe in other ready to kill.

    Nothing really changed in human behaviour ..at least in many...

    I am old but one thing I know for sure....; everything what was good and normal times ago now became opposite and bad and abnormal is even advertised as good and normal this days.

    At least I know what should be normal and now I learned how to stay aside from all this crup and mess because there is not many who use own brain anymore.


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  2. Love is blind but everyone want it no matter what...

    Our life is based on good and bad moments hence it does not matter about ratio.

    I am trying to catch only good moments and I do not care how long or short and love is best example.

    If life will be only good then it will be so boring that nobody want to live long......


  3. Why $40.000 is so much for some on this forum???

    In 2013 I just wasted $45.000 doll in 5 trips to Los...and first time in my life I just did it on purpose spending on myself and not my ex and my step daughters (leeches).giggle.gif

    It was my most happy time in my whole f...g life....

    Besides, this days do not travel only to one place in one vacation time....hence you need some more cash specially in Europe..

    coffee1.gif .

  4. So much fuzz about youngsters.

    Young blood" by the centuries was first to join army ...just to have some adventure...

    How many in the whole world went to war even (not asked for it ) against parents wish..

    Somehow nobody start discussion why it happen and what kind of reason pushing youngsters to risk own life...

    Somehow media never show the background of the story ...

    We have thousands of young people who even when they done any type of study finding them self on unemployment for months and years ...

    They are just young and many boring and naive as we were in the past.... but our governments have more decency to take care about us...

    Didn't you see ? ..."parents was shocked"...

    We can not teach our kids this days as parents or even punish them because "invisible power" told them not to listen to parents .

    Now when they are left alone and many skipped schools and not having any profession at all wandering on streets without hope....for better future.

    So...now probably time to punish parents ..????

    Problem is bigger then we think . "There is no smoke without fire" but easier is to just point the finger...


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  5. I remember Sydney even 25 years ago where I did not afraid to walk any place except one Aboriginal suburb..

    This days to walk in day light is a bit scary in some places but at night in Sydney suburbs gangs of youth are taking place and often they carry guns too.

    Police is not really visible at night ....but there is plenty of police during daylight time chasing motorists...that's the truth .They are not very brave against organized outlaw until comes to big pack of them

    It is sad that in 21 century police is against motorists just to collect more and more money but they are just pretending working at night.

    I never forget London where I arrived as a tourist at night to find out that on every corner was police patrolling the streets. Maybe it was just my luck to see it....

  6. At some time with Asean integration Thailand will have no choice but to drop "Thai only" jobs. I would hate to have to work here, the vast majority of jobs do not allow foreigners to work in them and by that very situation there are a few job descriptions this make them very competitive and the money is terrible. Professionals, like Lawyer, Doctor, Accountant forget it. Then the Thai wonder why they get so many low class foreigners here.

    I never forget how they treated me as new comer to Australia 35 years ago.

    I was always overqualified for them....and never got my job as electromechanic.

    I have learrned in time that someone from the top should loose the job who even did not know 10 % what I knew....but so pro English pride still exists ......with only one problem...

    Now they are thinking how to rob my retirement which I worked whole my life here because they are saying openly in media just now that is not much money for retirement now.

    Where are those young ones who should work in our places as it was normal by the century.

    Australia paid me $35/ hour on my contract in the desert on new Gas power station laying concretes in 40- 45 deg. under the sun by whole year... when they employed around 70 people from Korea for 6$65/ hour

    PLUS penalties and just because of 100 welders from Australia only a couple could do proper job......

    Am I dreaming?????

    NO... they still cutting money for education for young Aussies and nobody really care about them....

    What about me ????? I done my job ...and they now planning to give people retirement money when they will give them rights to they property ... which will be used as security and sold as you die.....

    Yes, this is the one of the options now they are "cooking " for us .

    History repeats in Thailand just a little different way.

  7. Actually on second taught ....There is not government or anybody who really should be so concerned about this incident..

    Just police state idiots who are trying to do the best to show how good are they and not to loose their f...ing position... that's all.

    I do not know any country in the whole world who will do that even in so " as police state " as is Australia.....

    Just witch hunt.

  8. There is a huge and steadily increasing amount of real scientific information that shows that Glyphosate based agro-chemicals are extremely disruptive to life and are implicated in a wide range of serious and chronic human health problems. Virtually all scientific studies that conclude they are not harmful are those that have been funded by the big agro-chemical producers such as Monsanto. Independent research finds very strong reasons why we should all be verry afraid of Glyphosate based chemicals and their effect on the entire food chain in general and human health in particular. Have a look at some of the articles from the very well respected Dr Mercola website - here are a few links - but there are plenty more




    "Well-respected Dr. Mercola"? Mwah-haa-haa!

    The man is a (probably delusional) fraud. To quote Wikipedia:

    "Mercola ... advocate approaches including magnetic healing, psychic powers, spiritual healing and homeopathy." (i.e. a proponent of quack cures)

    "Mercola is ... a 1982 graduate of the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine" (i.e. no proper medical or scientific qualification).

    "Mercola has also received three warning letters from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for violations of U.S. marketing laws" (i.e. he'll say anything to make money)

    "Mercola opposes the use of most prescription drugs and immunizations" (i.e. ignorant loony)

    Oh, and despite describing himself as "Dr.", he's not an MD or a Ph.D.. He's a DO - Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.

    How anybody could take the self-serving proclamations of the man seriously is utterly beyond me.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * *

    This doctor was a laughing stock in his discoveries too .....and even bitten when he introduced his simple machine helping suffering people of asthma and other breathing problems..

    Now his discoveries are widely used ........

    You can read about this; https://www.google.com.au/search?q=dr.+buteyko&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=TRX5VNKCJoazmAWi1ICgDA

    Don't judge ...use common sense

    Unfortunately , more and more people became close minded ...and believe media and those who just want to be billionaire..

    No one ... and I say no one care about humanity ...because we do not care about ourselves....


  9. If someone is telling me that corn (produced this days...modified) is healthy to me ...then is offensive towards my intelligence .because it is not true and every curious person can learn from huge amount of information which comes from scientists.

    Do you know that many different types of modified corn seeds are just 1 molecule from plastic ???

    Do you know that many plastic packages like soft drink bottles and other similar food packages are product of modified corn....???

    You can learn what pesticides are doing for you....

    Check yourself ;

    There was a tv program and website where this process was explained in detail how corn can be used to plastic production and why the best is modified corn .

    Unfortunately website disappeared ....just lately....

    some links to read ;

    Most important ; many questions was asked about our safety in food consuming and you can only get answer; :yes it safe" but if you ask same people ; "can you guarantee that in 20 years it will I will not be a victim of your mistake telling me "it is safe" ---- answer always was ... "NO"

    We are living in 21 century and every one can use own brain and knowledge from science and judge using common sense if food they are feeding us is safe for us.

    Main questions I have is...;

    why previous generations are more healthy then new one ...

    Why we have so many new type of illness's and diseases we had no before and at least not in this huge amount.





  10. Do you know that ;

    (Translated ) "scientists are warning now that autism in the world is getting bigger 7-10% every year "

    1 of 100 born child (boy) is autistic and every 150 girl is also autistic.

    They say ; "if nothing will be done against it then in 10 years every second child will be born autistic ! in USA "

    Nobody from doctors and scientist dares to say openly that pesticides are responsible ...."

    We don't know if this is not the way to reduce population but definitely fertility dropped in most places in the world ...where exactly ? ??? find out by yourself... it's easy ...wai.gif


  11. About soy.....

    1.If you worry about poisons applied to crops then look what soy is doing to you.;

    2. If you afraid eating butter then look what vegetable oils and any type of margarine is doing to your health.

    3.Carbohydrates ...? messing up in your daily dosage every morning you eat bread .....list do on and on but first of all about soy which no country in the wold can accept soy in safe food in they list.

    *** Sweden is first in the world to change food pyramid because they can not manage with health spending's ( simply to much sugar and carbohydrates)....****

    Actually , soy is in danger and poison food list in USA ,Australia and many developed countries.

    Unfortunately all products created from soy brings billions of profit every year.......

    That is sad true about just one of many products we eat and media is paid to tell us it is safe or even healthy.....;sad.png

    "Putting all of the toxic impurities and changes from the processing aside, the soy itself retains many of its original poisonous compounds that directly attack the thyroid, such as its hormones that are designed to disrupt fertility. Women are especially prone to experiencing horrific hormonal disorders like endometriosis from soy intake. There is no way to accurately determine how many miscarriages and how many of cases of infertility are the direct result of soy consumption."

    Soy's Effects on Human Health

    • 250% increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease
    • Cognitive impairment
    • Brain shrinkage and premature deterioration
    • Produces steroidal hormones
    • Produces estrogen-like compounds
    • Vascular dementia
    • Decreases brain calcium-binding proteins
    • Early puberty in girls and retarded physical maturation in boys
    • Unnatural menstrual patterns in women
    • Malnutrition - soybeans have potent enzyme inhibitors
    • Reduced protein digestion
    • Interference with tyrosine kinase-dependent mechanisms required for optimal hippocampal function, structure and plasticity
    • Inhibits tyrosine kinase which impairs memory formation
    • Inhibits dopamine
    • Movement difficulties characteristic of Parkinson's disease
    • Depressed thyroid function
    • Infants who receive soy formula are 200% more likely to develop diabetes
    • Birth defects
    • Due to suppression of the thyroid, fluoride becomes much more toxic
    • Inhibits zinc absorption



  12. I would not risk my life just for bunch of steel and glass....

    As many said on this forum ...without "russian" ((russian is always russian)) action it could be less damage done (maybe).....some people watched to many movies....

    in first or last scenario everything comes to one conclusion; Thai law is for Thai's hence what for to risk own life when output will be the same? as always..giggle.gif


  13. Just to many bad images from Pattaya ....

    There is no "smoke with no fire"

    To many customers are cheated in "Go Go" bars (including me)

    No wander "Europeans" got angry and all this argue.....

    Unfortunately security guards are the tool for management hence law always must be on the bar side...laugh.png

    Just how many times you were overcharged for price of beer when on the entry ladies are advertising beer for 66bht to later on(just 20 min) be charged 120bht...????

    Thing only is; that I paid 120bht and telling management that it is misleading what they are doing and leaving bar in protest without argue.

    To be honest when last time I visited Chang Mai it happened to me too and even in the same scenario manager got very angry when I was leaving and I saw security guards just ready to kick me out .

    I was just smiling ironically to the the manager and it was also not very well taken...

    I did found many occasions when Thai gor very angry when dealing with him and proving that he is trying to cheat me....

    That's another face of some Thai's....

    "Europeans" just had their lesson what not to do......in such situations....

    In LOS you may need a dentist in some situations..giggle.gif


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