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Posts posted by gigman

  1. Disliking other nationalities is racism?


    If you learn some of world history including youngest then you can use your opinion.

    I know what means to be under occupation of russians for 60 years ...

    and nothing changed in their behaviour now.

    Don't ask me why I had to run from my homeland in my young years to be separated from my family and friends .

    I choose this path of my life because of them but you probably dud not taste this kind of life hence I ignore your opinion. You probably live in beautiful surroundings in dream world.


    I know them even here when came as migrants.

    Yes , they were friendly until got every thing I have .When they feel stronger then they start treat me as sh....t.

    Arrogant, arrogant people.

    • Like 2
  2. Why does the Australian Government have to stick their nose into another countries policies. They broke the law in Indonesia and their punishment as outlined is execution. Know the laws of the country your entering, If your a drug smuggler, its death in many countries. You should of known that before you went there, don't expect me to feel sorry for you. I'm really not into the death penalty unless 100 % sure

    Just wander if something happen to you in foreign country and does not matter if wrong doing or not ....which way you will look for help ???

    Everybody has right to second chance.

    If you do not agree on it then do not expect second chance.

    • Like 1
  3. The truth is simple.

    We Australians are paying money for nothing to Indo every year. This year payment was smaller because we can not afford that much . That's what I learn from out local TV news.

    Question is ....; if I pay a "friend" money for nothing would I expect back some favors???

    Probably yes...IF THIS IS A FRIEND.

    Why we pay them money fro nothing? ...everybody can learn some from Internet...

    Why they so stiff to us and our government ? just open your eyes a little wide and you see the reason. If I know anyone can learn too .

    Simply this culture never liked us really and never will. But it comes to different story if we talking about who ? don't like money ...specialy money for nothing.

    Someone is spoiled already to much.

    • Like 1
  4. Who should teach who?

    Rules in teaching ??? culture differences ??? what kind of idiot could manage to find this obstacle for the teacher?

    Isn't easier to say we don't want you ???

    By the centuries there was one rule only ; Teacher ..teach ..and student obey teachings ...that's all and whole generations did not have any problem about that..

    For me ...it looks like someone is spoiled to much and it must be uneducated student who can put in life such idea.

    Yes , this days everything which was abnormal in old time became normal and opposite.bah.gif


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  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Payback will never happen for the families of those farmers who sadly ended their lives out of desperation last year. But some justice is now being served.


    Try telling the truth. The protest leaders campaigned for those with deposits with the banks to withdraw their money if they lend it to the government to pay back the farmers. Anyone should be indicted for any farmer death its Suthep and his gang. Plus the fact that I look at any farmer who took his own life because of the debt and left his family and children with this debt is a coward.

    You amaze me Bob, by exhibiting knowledge which is both abysmal and shallow at the same time.


    you never know what is in poor fellow head before suicide ...

    don't judge other if you did not taste or be in such situations.

    maybe he could have the heart ti watch misery of his family ....you will never know. leave the death a little respect

  6. Just wander if anyone will publish this matter in local newspapers....???

    Probably to minor thing to care... if the law is so "understanding " for local crime then why average citizen should care?

    But times are changing fellow Thai's ...

    Those little "accidents" are spreading over the world very fast and specially in European countries .

    Those who never tasted Asia before are always concerned about own safety going for the first time.....never come to LOS or your neighbours.

    World is still a big place to see...and feel safe because that's the first thing in everybody mind going on vacations for relax.

    Simply there is to many similar cases and it is growing problem but seems to me law and government people not even trying their best to fix this problem and for one example properly panish those who

    are doing so wrong image of LOS . It should be done publically to warn others of hard consequences not a childish punishment .

    Those who wants to invade and control Internet and privacy in Thailand should take care about own streets more then that.

    I witnessed many situations where people (European and in Australia) changing minds as to direction they was planning to spend their vacations because of growing news like these we encounter more and more in LOS.

    Sorry, but I would not be fair if I would lie to them that they will be safe in LOS perfectly.

    I know that they will think twice before they go and specialy those who never tried Asia before....(They are always scared a bit as I was long time ago)

    This day's everyone can get best and worst news about any country in the world before deciding to go there.

    Even for me already experienced and not so much scared going to South America's countries is neccessary to obtain all possible news about crime in choosen country and not to be surprised by anyone who want to make my head as the place to crush bottle or anything.....

    Simply , if I find similar cases I will look for safest country...that's logical step.

    I am affraid that our races also made a lot of bad examples too being in LOS and having...... to good time .

    It is payback for our past behaviour .

    Definatelly ,20 years ago we were treated with more respect then now in LOS and our countries also.


  7. before anybody comment on "bad job" done on electric power traction ...better get education in this subject.

    There is no insulation on high voltage wire running on poles .

    There is much higher voltage then you think...It comes in kvolts not just 220 or 240 volts.

    There is also 1 or 3 phases(no 2 phases ) power and wires are bare to allow cooling.

    Depends from country voltage comes in thousands of volts delivered to transformers.

    Birds, rats and bats are major cause of this type of power failure in whole world.

    If you so shocked of seeing so many wires (mainly low voltage and data together)

    then you will be even more shocked if you see even bigger bunches in Taiwan, Hong kong or India.

    Believe me it looks tragic even for me (electrician) but overall it is not so bad at all but power wires are much cheaper to run on poles and they can not be insulated otherwise they will overheat.

    Just look closely in Usa Australia (just in state of Victoria we have more then 1.5 milions poles)...there is milions of poles and so many are having blowouts in connectors leading to houses even without birds touching it.

    In local low voltage lines in suburban

    areas, termed "reticulation"lines carry

    230/415 volts but High voltage lines serving 11000V 22000V or 66000V.

    Yes , that's what suburban bare wires carry.

    Those from power stations are carry 220 000 (22kv) or 500.000V

    So better do not be so sarcastic on Los if you just guessing how it works.

    Accidents happen everywhere even in the highly developed countries and it is just normal.

    I only feel sorry for poor bird which wanted to have a rest on 22000 volts wires.

    There is no need for sarcasm.

  8. What can I say rolleyes.gifwhistling.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Why are you laughing?

    They are entitled to ask to increase their income as any other person does on this earth.

    Charging for luggage is very common in Europe.

    Why not in Thailand?

    10 or 20Baht will hurt the pockets of the tourists?

    In my opinion they should be allowed.

    I was never charged or asked extra for my luggage by taxi driver being in many countries in Europe (lately)..wink.png


  9. That's what happened now will spread the news around the world to other's who was thinking to teach in Los.

    They will think twice before they decide to come to Los and try to teach under so strickt rules just for peanuts and so nice treatment and respect from Thai's.

    Anyway , even those who had WP still was a bad guys in eyes of hunters... ;

    "The remaining foreigners had passports and valid work permits but were in breach of work conditions."

    What the F****king conditions????

    Now I am realy confused .....who will teach them....Chinese ???wai2.gifgiggle.gif


  10. "No work permits were three Americans, a Canadian, a German, a Dutch national, two Irish nationals, two Britons and two Australians."

    Really no way, American, Canadian , Brits, Irish German and a Dutch ? They can't be doing wrong??

    They are the quality tourists here right?

    Send them back to where they came from

    Ye ye ye............You are so right all the time in your so right life....clap2.gif

    " send them back"......?

    Maybe better to kill them ....cheesy.gif DON"T YOU THINK OR WISH??

  11. Just wander ....

    What if............. this country will be clean from corruption???? Is it any good to farangs or locals ? (maybe for locals ...but who realy knows)

    Is it easy to change way of thinking of the whole nation when by the centuries it was just way of their life.

    At least everyone had some options and choices... like ; "pay and you can stay" and so on....

    I think it is the same as changing cash to plastic cards...... somewhere someone will have profit.

    Everyone is so critical about Los and corruption but we farangs use to love it .....isn't ??? we were just part of it everywhere ...simply we always could afford a little funny (for us) fines and continue our way of enjoying to stay in Los.

    For me it looks like changing left hand driving to the right hand in just overnight....coffee1.gifwai2.gif

  12. No offence to anyone, but take it if you want to, but if you cant afford Baht 5,000 how are you going to live for another month?

    Stop making a big deal of it, get the extension and enjoy the extra time you have

    That's not about lousy 5000 bht it is about principle . Why I should pay for cigarettes 200bht a packet if somoene else paid 100 bht

    For some maybe better to "put own head in the sand".......

  13. By the centuries same crap in the name of different gods.

    "Zydeco" in this forum mentioned rasism against muslim ...(???) he must be completely blinded by the media. (Nobody pushed those from other countries to stay in France ......they begged to be part of it)

    Open your eyes ...and maybe try it for yourself and go to muslim country with your woman and try to say that you are not even religious....( non religious are treated even worst from different religion )

    Question is...: would you do the same they did in the name of .....(any name...)

    They were shouting slogan as old as humanity ; "God is great "

    All those fanatics thru the centuries are using gods for the same thing ; to possess and kill in the name of own religion .

    This even was just barbaric step against free speach and free media .

    Yes we are living in modern but still barbaric world of many with mobile phone in one hand and matchete in other............

    Nothing really changed.....

    Still same old mixed sh...t poor fanatics and their religion .....it does not matter what kind.coffee1.gif

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