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Posts posted by gigman

  1. He's a fair age - what will happen to her when he's not around? Will she have contact with the mum when she's older?

    It will be all up to her.

    Her mother choose to run having a big power over her husband as a women in Australia.

    But Mom took law in own hands and choose to run..... to unknown future for her daughter not to mention leaving her daughter in strange world for her...

    Yes , as for the child it was strange world .She grew up in different world.

  2. First of all never jump to judgement in any marriage problems.

    This days we can see to many cases where woman have to many rights against man...

    Usually it happens that man do not have equal rights towards child custody.

    However in this case mother just did ugly step as many others to run.

    We do not know anything about this family and any case or possibly anything against father in eyes of Australian law where he could be find as violent man or bad father.

    As for the mother we can only guess how good was she as a mother taking such steps.

    Any argues can be resolved between reasonable couples to allow child to have bond to both parents.

    Unfortunately mother used he basic feelings and that's only thing can only be judged but still it is not known her story either. ..

    Personally I can only say that she could not be much educated allowing to have her daughter to grow in some poor condition and with old people as grandmother not have any bright future at all.

    Question only is why she left her daughter and where did she go and what reason..?

    For me there is not good enough any reason compare to other solutions which she could choose being in Australia.

    She just had a big power over her husband back there in Australia as a woman but she choose to run.

    Knowing what future this child could have it is highly predictable in Thailand with single mother who could not afford to keep here daughter and be supporting herself and her daughter.

    There is thousands cases like that where kids never can have future to have even decent education with both parents not to mention single mother.

    She just made most stupid move to run .

    If she really loved her daughter she could solve her daughter future in Australian soil and she still could go to Thailand as she wishes.

    As a for the father ...He did what his heart told him to do...

    Best to see if his daughter is happy....

  3. The debris is clearly from the roof. I know nothing about this but it seems obvious to me that in this kind of operation, some kind of belt is needed around the entire building to prevent the walls cracking and being pushed out by the weight of the roof.

    It is not.

    This just happened when building dropped then roof construction opened walls to the outside.

    It looks like whole building was not supported strongly and evenly under .

    This procedure of lifting need really good hydraulic lifters synchronised which Thai probably did not have ...

  4. Definately not a good news for foreigners in such touchy situation where bombs are found and been discharged...

    My Thai g/f was robed in Rangsit in the way to work...by thieves on the bike...and not long time ago.

    I do not remember so many cases in Los in time before.

    Of course people will come to Los as usual but this image of safe place slowly is disappearing and disappointing.

  5. Hey Pattaya - grab the idea and rid the town of those endless grid-lockers! And while you're at it, you might want to ponder some sort of public transport system...!

    Yeah...absolutely right.

    There is a plenty space around Pattaya to make buses depots and ease traffic.

  6. ...what an absolute idiot thing to say by the leader Abbot......"hey no worries cobber...keep going to good ol Thailand...even though a couple of bombs went off a day ago ...and shredded 22 people......you'll be ok...""


    If he could he would send most of Aussies directly to most dangerous places....

    He just hate own citizens .

    Just look what are they doing to this falling country last 10 years.

    No wander even hardest Aussies start to call own country "gestapo country"

  7. As far one of fellow's here mentioned this right.... Yes you can power your fan not 1000W air con.

    Solar power can help reducing your bill but do not believe that 4 or even 6 panels can power your average small air con.

    Small air con. take at least 1200W but it must have strong "kick" current power .

    Just imagine: average solar panel can deliver around 200w in full sun ....hence you need at least 8 of them and inverter .

    Do you have enough space to keep 8 panels?.....on the roof?

    if sun is not strong your power drop to half dramatically .....

    If you use off grid system it will cost you a different inverter plus expensive batteries. Batteries will take over when sun stop working....what about at night???? you must have a lot of batteries to keep going your aircon. for 2 to 3 hours at night. .

    Solar power is also expensive and need a lot of years to repay itself.

    It is good idea to have it at home when you are most of time away from home and if government is giving you back your money for delivering power to the system '' On grid'' but to just employ this as a source od power to aircon is just nonsens in both situations...costs and technical .

    I am electromechanic and tried everything to be off grid using realy good quality panels but ....sorry it is very costly business to run air con even small one .

    On top of it dont forget that your new solar panel will not deliver same amount of energy all the time specialy they loose power with age very quickly too..

    If you could use wind power it is much better but still costs and space for it not to mention must have batteries if no wind.....coffee1.gif

  8. Same advise could get a Thai fellow trying to open a business in Australia ....but

    First of all..

    I would spend some time (maybe a year) to just rent cheap place and just watch everything around you first and go places to see what others are doing in business including tourists.

    Second of all

    Take the Thai courses (it is around $1000AU per year I paid/ 2 or 3 times a week 3hours per lesson)

    it will help you a lot .Education 1 year visa cost me $240 doll in Brisbane but this office is closed permanently now.

    Third of all

    Get some local decent Thai woman but never ever say a word about your plans.

    She should help you a lot with Thai spoken language.(Thai is not so hard to learn)

    Be active a lot watching what local people are eating but start from places where no westerners.....then look what they eat in big places...

    Simply saying learn this country as poor man and maybe you will understand what you should avoid in your plans before you go on approaching paper work and other obstacles from officials.

    This way you will loose some money but it will be your working holiday and not business failure and loss.

    If you find cheap condo and live reasonably then $1000AU per month will be more then enough to stay.coffee1.gif

  9. Viet is definately learning from Thai what went wrong with recent Thai visa changes.

    It is exactly what Thai is trying now to return back from previous mistake.

    Anyway , Viet is planning much more to ease deals with Realestate to allow more of buying power for foreign investment.

    This coming December will be more interesting.

  10. Do they have a choice now?

    Look at the prices of groceries now? rocket high anything left on the shelfs.

    People stopped cooking markets shrinks in choices for anything which was even 10 years ago.

    More and more people can not afford decent food ....

    Australia became one of or even most expensive country and specialy for own citizens.

    Government is screwing down every possible way own people and does not care at all looking how to save the money starting cuts on own citizens.

    I recently left Australia to live on my savings in Europe until I will be in title to my age pension in 23 months.

    I am simply shocked what I just found in groceries shops here it is like it was 30 years ago in Australia and much cheaper then Australia.

    Doing here groceries and anything I just don't know what to take because of such huge choice.

    This is shame that 20 milions people having so much in this soil for sale like any minerals should live better then Arabs from their oil are having so much poverty this days.

    Unemployment rates and specialy young people without the future ...it is begining of nightmare in social life of many Aussies .

    Junk food starts now mainly from shelf of Woolworth and Coles ...everywhere quick bite is kind of junk food and expensive...

    It will not change in near future at all.


  11. If there any hope for aussies that is young people who maybe one day will wake up.

    Personally...I think it is too late.

    This country is doomed for own citizens.

    No one dare to protest on "Stalin" type government who now trying to make money on pensioners and age pension people.

    Just gestapo country.

    Please don't lecture me because I am old , sick , homeless and just a victim of this system trying to survive out of Australia on my poor savings until I will get my age pension ....if still available in 2 years or I will be still alive.

    My best friend just died 3 days ago being just 55 who was refused full disability pension...

    He has been diagnosed less then 2 years to live and one thing he wanted to see his fatherland country and be supported and his wife.

    They refused him full pension....

    He was so stressed that he got heart attack 3 days ago...and he died.

    That is "Australian way " to treat people's this days.

    Everyone is chicken in this country to say NO....to those bastards.

    just gestapo country

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