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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. 16 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    A long time ago I had one of those and I was proud that I got it.



    And then, sometime later, I got one of these. That was (almost) top of the pecking order.

    At that time, one had to earn a lot of money to be able to get one.



    the only time I will judge a someones wealth is if I see a centurion card, those are really hard to get, and you have a lot of criteria to satisfy,


    That being said amex have a charge card which if I'm not wrong, is credit but you have to pay it off by the end of the month

  2. Probably not related to whether its a cultural thing,

    however it appears that I am quite a minority group

    I have 5 credit cards that I have opened for the opening promotion,

    I play the frequent flyer miles game,

    I have never paid interest except when I occasionally forget or when I was 18 and was a student with a part time job, that i would use the credit card to get me by to the next month


    the funny thing is I dont care about the interest rates as I never pay interest, but the people who carry balances (including my friend) over also dont care about the interest rate????

  3. 8 minutes ago, foreverlomsak said:

    I'm going to be told I'm wrong, but this is my understanding

    In the UK a Credit Card has an available balance you can spend of their money, whereas a debit card uses your money in your account to generate the available balance.

    In Thailand both appear to work the same way, the available balance is dependent on how much you have in the associated account (i.e. you can only spend your money).

    In my country  that's the same too.

    Credit cards have been around for ever and the bank gives you a limit  of "their" money and you have credit/assets/income checks, and you get charged interest


    Whilst debit cards are newer, and have the same mastercard/Visa  logo on it but it's tied to your savings account and requires no credit checks and you can only spend what you have, so a 8 year old could have one  so there is zero chance of getting into financially difficulty

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  4. have a friend who ive known for a little while, comes from a well off family, educated, spent a fair bit of time abroad, well travelled, Smart, very switched on


    we recently got on the topic of credit cards, and I realised there was a lot of references to getting credit cards as soon as she her job is confirmed with a reputable company, and how banks are not giving them out as easy as they used to be, and rich people having them.


    she previously had credit cards and used them it was like free money and bought designer bags, cosmetics and got into trouble but she cut them up and continual reference to "it was HER decision to cut them up", and she doesnt have financial education


    In my country even 18yr students on flipping burgers part time can get credit cards (with low limits), my first credit card was when i was 18 at uni, with a tiny limit


    Is it thai culture to see credit cards as a sign of wealth?


    ive explained to her in my country, virtually every one who wants one can get one, having multiple credit cards is not a sign of wealth and often is the opposite


    Common in the western world too but she didnt seem to understand that a credit card is not free money


    I told her I have more than one credit card, and I continually got asked "why havent you spent all of it?"



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