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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    Some people are just incredibly stupid and cheap. They seem to think they are superior and can do as they please. 10bt is nothing not worth the trouble. What the taxi driver did was wrong but foreigners like that will be in trouble when given enough time.


    I seen guys like that too think they know best think everything is a scam and the Thais are the enemies. Utterly useless people still violence is a step too far. But its almost unavoidable if you behave like that.

    I disagree, violence is not the answer but if the driver did deliberately take the long route  then maybe he will think twice of doing it again.


    Zero sympathy from me.


    Regardless whether it was 10bht or 100bht

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. im not in thailand and have never been a big drinker. never drank at home, only drank when i went out, so once or twice a week, if i went out clubbing/bar hopping id go all out (ie a typical binge drinker)

    ever since covid, ive been having 1-3 double shots of whatever i have about 5 days per week


    the scale of the change in behaviour is quite alarming,

    thank god i get typsy very quickly, and after 3 double shots i can barely walk straight


    also doesnt help that a former friend who had a bottle shop that closed down, was storing his leftover stock at my place, gave it all to me, and ive been trying it all, all 100 bottles odd of scotch, bourbon, vodka gin

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Straight8 said:

    Probably thinking the good times would never end.


    Unfortunately, no one could have imaged something like this, but they all had a chance to plan for the future. I'm sure some did, but most, <deleted> it down the toilet as fast as they received it.

    regarldess of gender/culture,  its not rocket science,


    you could die tomorrow, you might regret not living it up, thats the gamble you take in life


    ive had 2 friends who lived pay to pay+ more, were unemployed and still refused to change their lifestyle.


    fast fwd 10 years, one of them got lucky gambling and paid his $100,000 debt all back in one shot, now lives the same high life but has a good paying job,

    the other his credit ruined, he will be a renter for life, and is always struggling financially,


    some people are lucky , some are not, but its not luck/unlucky if you cant tell that some jobs wont be around/possible for ever

  4. 15 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Met a girl today, lost her phone had to buy a junk second hand one because she sends all her money home for baby and family bills.


    Another girl two days ago family business has gone bust so no job, 80 baht left and family can't support anymore, doesn't know what to do, must be millions like that

    thats very nice of you but, if the situation was reveresed, would she buy you a phone/help you back on your feet?



    • Haha 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Who wrote that? Who has even suggested that? The article certainly didn't say it, nor anyone in the comments above yours. It's from a publication about Asia, reporting on the situation in an Asian country. What else do you expect from it? For them to write about the situation in Brazil?

    Settle down ,

    The tone and writing style is suggesting that she is hard done and/or it's a unique situation.  There are millions in thaialand and across the globe in far worse situations due to covid.  You won't see an article about someone having to pay tax , as everyone pays tax

  6. 2 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

    It is an example how a westerner always judges other people by his own western thinking and miraciously the westerner is the smart one and the other person is the dumb one.


    in short. 53 people might die. who? you, me, she, we dont know these people. "maybe" it is not for us to cry for 53 people we just read on the internet. its a bit hypocritical. 

    for all i know these are fictional people. why not spend your compassion for the Thai people that you interac6 with in daily life instead of a crew of a submarine you just read about.


    when in the usa, its miles. in europe its kilometers. judge and understand by the rules of the country, not by your imported rules.

    She can be superstitious as she wants as long as she spends 10euro

    Not 10,000 euro


    Since every number has the same chance of winning



  7. On 4/18/2021 at 6:19 PM, Airalee said:

    Totally understand.  It’s the same on all online dating sites (and with many women that you meet IRL and subsequently add to line).  Your description of it being like an interview are spot on.


    First, there are the questions that they ask you...


    1.  “What you do?”   The basic financial qualifier.  Every single one will ask this.


    2. “How long you live Thailand?”  This one can be tricky and can sometimes be prefaced with “You live Thailand?”.  I find that in general, the longer you have lived here, the more negative their impression will be.  It can either be that you have already had previous Thai girlfriends that will reappear in the future, only to cause problems and bring drama and the potential for you to leave them and go back to the “ex”....or it can also be a case of “Farang roo mak, mai dee”....you know too much and they won’t be able to play their games.


    3.  “You have Thai gf/wife?”   Here, they want to know if you are either A.  Cheating on someone and they are only a side fling (like a cheater will actually come out and say “yes!  I have a Thai wife/gf).  B.  Might already have children with another Thai woman.  C. Refer to #2 and “Farang roo mak, mai dee”


    4. “Where you come from?”  Thai women know all about the visa/divorce laws of your country.  It is discussed at length on their forum.  (Ladyinter).  You have to be able to read Thai.


    4. “Why you live Thailand”.  Being that they have no idea of the concept of affordable healthcare/rents/etc. as they really don’t know what the cost of living is in your country (and aren’t really interested unless it is how much their favorite Thai food costs), they really just want to know....are you here for the women.   This question may or may not be followed up with “You like Thai lady?”


    Usually, these first 4 questions will be answered with “I see” and little more.  There will not be much in the way of follow up questions.  

    Even if you have already addressed these topics in your profile, they will still ask them.  You didn’t actually expect them to read your profile did you?  Most likely they didn’t.


    They will never ask you about your hobbies, interests, hopes and dreams.  They aren’t interested in your plans for the future either....they have their own.


    Your questions, no matter how benign will be either A.  Completely ignored...like you didn’t even ask it.  or B.  Viewed with some amount of suspicion with a reply such as “Why you want to know?”.  

    Any answers that they do give will be vague at best, and if you attempt any sort of follow up question in order to have them elaborate on their original answer, it will be ignored or just answered with a smiley or laughing emoji.


    There is no small talk.  No back and forth where a conversation actually progresses.  Of course, that makes you wonder what they gab about for 5 minutes with whatever Thai person (even complete strangers) whom they may interact with on a daily basis.


    If you have passed the original interview, on subsequent days, you can expect in depth questions such as “how are you today?” or “have you eaten yet?”.   They might sometimes ask “what did you do/eat today?”  And on occasion, even follow up with “sanook mai?” (Was it fun) or “aroi mai?” (Was it delicious?).


    If you progress from the online dating platform to Line, you will then get lots of cute “stickers” but usually not much else other than the obligatory “good morning” or, if it’s nighttime... “I home now, take shower and sleep ka”.


    Enjoy! ???? 



    This is my new bible!

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, hellohello123 said:

    I remember one girl, whom I sent a intro msg, that was a few lines long x 3,


    that went soemthing like


    me:Hey my name is Housebrick nice to meet you,

    your profile is really nice, and you seem like a nice girl,

    it would be great to chat with you
    me: how has your day been? anything exciting?
    me: I had just had one of those days where everything went wrong ????

    Her: goodnight


    1 month later

    her: why you not send message? are you not interested in me?


    I let her know what I thought.... didnt get a reply......surprise surprise

    and on the opposite side of the spectrum, ive been speaking to a european girl recently,,

    her first msg to me was:

    "hello House brick!, nice to meet you to!  thanks for asking, I saw that you can speak XXXX language,

    I know a few words, they are bla bla blah, sorry if my spelling is wrong, dont be to offended,

    I hope you have a great day and dont work too hard"

    what a great first message, in my personal opinion,

    makes me want to actually put some effort in


    like I said, maybe its a cultural difference or language barrier

  9. 5 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:



    I might have to agree--i'll add a few

    What are you doing?

    Did you eat today?

    Why no sleep?

    hello....5 hrs pass.....

    Whats your job--usually the 1st Q.

    You have wife?

    Do you have a thai gf?


    Currently chatting up a thai gal in BKK..shes over 30 and an artist so has talent, but seems to be constantly painting and again , lives at home, and claims to have never kisses a male.....getting ready to say goodbye as im tiring of being the first to say hello, I said nothing for days to see if she would start the chat....still waiting......

    I remember one girl, whom I sent a intro msg, that was a few lines long x 3,


    that went soemthing like


    me:Hey my name is Housebrick nice to meet you,

    your profile is really nice, and you seem like a nice girl,

    it would be great to chat with you
    me: how has your day been? anything exciting?
    me: I had just had one of those days where everything went wrong ????

    Her: goodnight


    1 month later

    her: why you not send message? are you not interested in me?


    I let her know what I thought.... didnt get a reply......surprise surprise

    • Haha 1
  10. 7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    That's not just a Thai thing. None of my non Thai friends ever asked me about my life in Thailand.

    in my experience, with non thai people, I get a much much much lower % of women that I have that sort of bat<deleted> boring, one way conversation , in my sample size its about 25%

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