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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. 7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    That's not just a Thai thing. None of my non Thai friends ever asked me about my life in Thailand.

    in my experience, with non thai people, I get a much much much lower % of women that I have that sort of bat<deleted> boring, one way conversation , in my sample size its about 25%

  2. One thing that I have not worked out whether its a language barrier, cultural thing, girl thing, age thing,


    but 95% of the thai girls I chatted to (and my chatting skills are well above average)

    is their lack of ability to have an engaging conversation AND to try and discover things about you,


    I would be asking their family background, or where they grew up and just general questions,

    and I reckon some of them after months or even years of chatting never asked me about my family, or anything


    in fact, 95% of them dont even tell me their name , its as though they dont know how to have a polite conversation or they just assume that me/everyone knows it, and their crappy replies


    the number of times the converstaion went

    hi my name is XXXX, nice to meet you

    nice to meet you

    and how has your day been, anything exciting happen today?

    I had a good day thanks

    I see you live in Bkk, did you grow up there?

    Yes/no, and you?


    (maybe its just me and im as boring as a house brick)

  3. On 4/18/2021 at 7:29 PM, GinBoy2 said:

    Well, thats the dirty rotten truth about many Farang/Thai relationships.


    It's not based on love, or indeed attraction but much more a financial transaction. In that toxic relationship the idea that 'love' comes in to the equation is nonsensical.


    If anyone is delusional enough to believe that the 60 somethings farang and the 20/30 something Thai relationship is based on anything but money and not love, you need help!


    Thats a brutal truth, which I know will <deleted> folks off and I expect the blowback, but truth hurts

    Not when every 60year old farang in Thailand thinks they are hansom, and looks 20 years younger , whilst their wife is 40 but looks 30, has 3 phds and every guy walking down the street is ogling  them with pure jealousy

  4. 2 hours ago, phills2k1 said:


    It's just absolute insanity. It's bad enough that they do everything they can to minimize the mortality caused by it, but then they completely ignore the fact that there are serious long-term reprecussions possible to those who service. Acting like the seemingly never-ending "long haul" symptoms don't exist, nor do the permanent damage to lungs that can completely alter the course of your life


    Have a few friends working as diving instructors here who I had to implore not to go to the bars on their islands for the immediate future, reminding them that if their lung capacity is impact, they lose their ability to earn a living. The thought didn't even occur to them.

    whoa, hold your horses,


    thats wayyyyy too much logical thinking

  5. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    One of the people that works in the company of my GF who got infected last week is now in ICU. Not going well. The deniers always seem to focus on death.. not on the suffering and after effects of the disease. For them only death counts as a problem. 


    They also hop from one outlier theory to the next. The moment the first outlier theory gets discredited they hop over to an other that gets discredited and so on and so on. They never stop to wonder if its not better to go mainstream.


    Because according to anti vaxers mainstream media is only for the sheeple. 

    well said,


    theyve moved on from bill gates, to 5G to whatever the latest trend is

  6. 17 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

    Had mine done in Oz..... in the late 80s, really no pain whatsoever ---and since then the general has got so much better, I had a hip replacement 4 months ago in Issan while awake.....saw through the bone and stick another hip on...again with today's General -there is just no pain.

    I would have a panic attack if I could see them actually doing a procedure  like that on me and would insist on a full anaesthetic 


    Thats insane

  7. I have never lived in Thailand and if I were to , if the situation happened to me I'd expect the bank to fully refund me, but I guess this is the difference betweena  third world country vs a first world one


    A few years ago  in my country 

    My sim card suddenly become inactive ,

    And my emails started getting notices of funds transferred from 2 accounts,  and were virtually emptied.

    I called my phone provider and they told me someone had ported my number out to the UK


    I was on the phone within a few hours, 

    One bank said "we can't guarantee anything but check back later tonight, we think you will be pleasantly surprised" and hey presto

    The other bank, I submitted a police report and within 2 weeks all funds returned.


    Given it most likely it started with my phone getting compromised, which isn't the banks fault, I was super impressed 

    Its almost as if the banks are embarrassed to admit they had a security breach 


    I'm glad I had the backs of my back with me that time


    Edit: a similar thing has happened to my parents a few years prior but with more $$$ and more accounts and more banks.


    Some took a bit longer but all $$ returned with no fuss 

    Great peace of mind for them

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  8. 3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    They’re thinking 10 million arrivals... x 300 baht each...


    If those in positions at the top can skim 10% they’ll have 300 million baht to divide between themselves !!!



    Well there are like 6 billion people on earth, 

    Imagine the revenue if every person came, even the locals.... even the ones who don't have  a passport!


    That would make these politicians, super SMRT

    • Confused 1
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