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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. 19 hours ago, aroiaroi said:

    Amazing Thailand, enjoy your stay or go to jail.


    The hotel owner/management, in their breathtaking stupidity, has written, by itself, on the international stage, the worst 1 star review possible.

    It's like using a shotgun to kill a mosquito biting your face.


    well, as long as the hotel owner has saved face,


    thats the most important thing to them isnt it?


    like the case of those 3x17yr olds who killed an old expat in pattaya after they were sitting on his bike and hte old guy told them to get off, so they killed him, and asked why they killed him, "cos I/we lost face"


    full respect to the 3 of them if they are sitting in jail and saying it was worth it, as they saved face

  2. 1 hour ago, moe666 said:

    The customer is not always right, a friend ran a guest houe in CM. He had a guest complain on trip advisor that he had no parking, which is stated in the guest house advertisement. The kicker was the fact the complainer didn't have a car but was complaining about no parking. They are every where.

    you know, its just how the world is and probably has been for thousands of years, now that social media is here, its easier to have a voice, anyone business owner that thinks this wont happen or doesnt know how to handle it is either inexperienced or naive


    I worked at a fine dining establishment ages ago, and we served a customer oysters kilpatrcik, and he complained and he kept on repeating that he owns restaurants around the world, and that oysters kilpatrick dont have worscestershire sauce in it,


    rather than take him to court and put him in jail, we took it off the bill, and offered him something else

    • Like 2
  3. 42 minutes ago, British Bulldog said:

    Ha ! Went to a Restaurant in Vientiane once, I took a bottle of Champagne that a friend had bought me for my birthday ... the restaurant said, I'm sorry there is a corkage fee equivalent to $12 ... I said, OK how much for a bottle of this Champagne here .... they went off, came back and said; Sorry Sir, we don't sell that brand ... so I said OK, I can drink mine here ... no surcharge ... took a bit of back and forth, but they eventually agreed ... after I'd near on finished the bottle ...

    What on earth?


    So just becuase they don't stock the drink you brought,  you are entitled to drink it without surcharge??


    No wonder thais think farangs  are idiots


    Is your first name Wesley by any chance?

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, finnsk said:

    Rule nr 1 Tourism industry is a service industry, where you must work with the slogan that the clients is always right (nearly)


    Rule nr 2 : All hotels and restaurants in the world had to live with tripadvisor and other platforms like this, nobody is talking about it is the truth, but everybody can write what they like on these platforms. Thats 2020 now, everybody must learn to deal with the internet.


    Rule nr 3 : As a manager of a tourism service you must never let a conflict grow big, you must be ready to lose face and compensate the client even it is not fair and do it before the conflict is getting to big.


    If the hotel/restaurant manager had acted after these simple rules, there would never being a case like this.


    This would normaly only have being a case between the hotel and the client all over the world.


    It is unthinkable what is going on now, they take a tourist, arrest him, put him to jail maybe up to more than 2 years, for a simple normal restaurant conflict. Now it is on the headlines on all the mainmedia around the world, now tourist worldwide can/will get scared to visit Thailand.


    Is this a good deal for Thailand ?


    The loser is Thailand, I wish all the best for Thailand, in many ways it is fantastic place, but there is some problems with some of the staff................

    Rule number 3: totally agree!!

    As a hospitality industry person, this rule is the biggest difference between one who is not suited vs one that has empathy and can see beyond ego and emotion

    • Like 1
  5. a lot of people saying the americans actions were vindicitve, which  I agree


    years ago, I stayed in a selfrated 5 star hotel, was probably 4 star at best,


    checking out of hotel trying to pay the bill via credit card, got told we accept cash only, I told the lady I didnt have any cash,

    and she screamed at me, snatched my card and processed it


    I wrote a negative review on it, on trip advisor, google and sent an email to their general enquires line,


    I guess I was technically I was breaking the law too!

    • Haha 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Mick501 said:

    They can see the review before it is published and ask the author to remove or amend it.  The author can then decide.


    as a frequent user and reviewer on TripAdvisor, you always have to take 1 and 5 star reviews with a grain of salt.  Most 1 star reviews are down to a single bad experience and in many cases offer little or no useful information (as in this case).  Also need to look at the amount of reviews by the author.  In this case, it is his first review, which also raises alarm bells.


    there is something extremely unusual about his review.  "Likes" are a much more rare commodity on TripAdvior than on this site.   Many very good reviewer have done hundreds of reviews and have maybe 50 likes.  His singular obvious rant received 141.  Maybe that is support for him for people who think the hotel has done the wrong thing.


    in the case of this hotel, if I was interested I would have ignored his review and may well have stayed there in the future.  In my view, putting someone in prison, or threatening to do so, should not be supported.  The guy might well be a pain in the ass, but doesn't deserve what he is going through now.



    as someone who has too much time on his hands and loves reading reviews of restaurants/movies/venues etc, and hospitality career/business

    you can usually tell when a review is fake or too biased


    that one person who goes to a restaurant, finds a hair, then finds a fly, then gets a grumpy waitress, then a bad attitude manager, then his dessert doesnt turn up, then has to wait 20 mins for the bill, you know that most of it is going to be fake,


    I usually look at the number of positives vs negatives, and the content of the negatvies, if their one and only review was this one etc.

    hospitality is very subjective so one person definition of too slow, too salty, bad attitude, too expensive


    I especially get chuckles out of those that scream bloody murder with reviews like "I got food poisoned by this venue, I was sick within 15 mins of my first bite of the steak, it was definitely the steak, this place should be shut down"

    for the record food poisoning takes anything between 8-48 hours for symptons to show, unless the food is laced with cyanide


    If I read this Americans review, I personally wouldnt put too much weight on it, as the other reviews are overwhelmingly positive,  BYO alcohol and getting charged would be expected or wouldnt be allowed in the first place.  The only thing that I would be wary of is the attitude of the managers


    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Susco said:

    Do you know which room he had, as they have rooms as high as 7600 Baht per night, booked online


    Maybe he didn't want to go for the cheapest, unlike you?


    I take the fact that they spent 6000 baht with a grain of salt,

    Im guilty of it too, if the hotel cost 5900 baht, I will round off to 6000 baht,

    and you know the saying of chinese whispers........


    the only thing I deduce from 6000 per night is that its not a $10 usd per night cheap 1 star hotel and that its 5 star


    14 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

    The yank may indeed be entitled but obviously the resort owners are entitled, privileged, ----s.


    He wrote a review on trip advisor, a popular but essentially flaky online travel source. He then ends up with a 2 year jail sentence. Amazing Thailand.  :biggrin:  


    Methinks this is not going to help jump start tourism to Thailand.


    and this is the one of the prime differences between many 3rd world and first world countries,


    3rd world seem to lack the common sense and put a priority on face to be able to comprehend that "win the battle but not the war" when it comes to service


    whether its a 50/50, 25/75, 75/25, 90/10, 10/90 fault of whoever, you run a business, you are going to get difficult customers,

    how you handle disputes shows a lot about the business/staff involved

    • Like 1
  9. years ago in central pattaya, I left a scathing review on a hotel,

    TLDR story,

    checkin: no we cant find your booking on our system

    me: here is the booking on my phone

    hotel: no we need a printed copy, it will cost you 10 baht per page to print it out, or come back in an hour

    comeback in 3 hours, still cant find the booking

    comeback 2 hours later, still cant find, I make a fuss and they give me my room


    upon checkout:
    hotel: your roomservice/restaurant bill is XXX Baht,

    me: here is my amex

    hotel after trying a few times and it was coming up as an error, sorry your card isnt working,

    me: well the card is working because I used it to pay for this hotel plus I used it today

    hotel  keeps on trying,

    another guest beside me also trying to pay his bill via amex but having issues

    hotel: its not the hotels problem, there is something wrong with your card

    me: no, then why is the guy next to me having the same problem?

    hotel: well you cant leave until you pay it

    me: well I have a  flight to catch in a few hours, so you had better sort it out

    hotel: you'll have to cancel your flight

    me: are you going to pay for a new flight for me?

    hotel: silence


    thankfully the card worked after its 10th try


    reading this americans story, I guess I could have been jailed for my review too!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. 9 hours ago, thaipo7 said:

    Last time in that area was in Jan 2005.  Stayed at the Ambassador Hotel.  Very noisy with the birds and construction close by.  Loved the International Buffet.

    have stayed there a few times, the hotel that looks like it was designed half by a 4 star hotel designer and half 2 stardesigner

    and breakfast was decent for the price, but yes birds everywhere and indian tourists

  11. I have been going to soi 11 yearly for about 8 years now.

    And it has/had its charm,

    The overhanging power lines, the unkept side walks, the farang targeted bars, the stalls , the kombivan bars,


    And yes daytime is pretty dead , but night time is when the action is.


    I havent been for about 18 months , however last time I went things were already changing 


    Some of the foot paths had started being repaired, all the kombivan bars had gone, there were a fewer newer and trendier bars and American style take aways

    The huge abandoned hotel on the right (can't remeber its name) had started work on.


    But what surprised me was that entire cheap Charlie section had been demolised and the hole left (I presume for development) was absolutely enormous, I didn't even know the street went that deep


    I admit it has a lost a bit of its dirty charm but I also noticed decreased numbers of tourists,


    So who knows what will.become of soi 11 and its surrounds even if covid had not come

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