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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. On 1/7/2021 at 8:17 PM, Phuketshrew said:

    I'd go and get tested for Covid-19. Clearly you have lost any sense of taste .....????

    oh and for the record, before reading before reading any further replies/posts,
    i had a chang the other day and for some reason it tasted different and very average,

    checked expiry and it was 08/21


    so I dont know whats going on, maybe my covid is recovering????

  2. Im not a huge drinker let alone a huge beer drinker, id rather a gin or scotch or bourbon,


    whenever I was in Thailand, I used to drink Chang and a few other non thai brands


    fast fwd a few years, in my country ive been trying a few pale ales that ive become fond of


    just recently I saw Chang on sale at my local shop, 5.0% one, bought it


    absolutely love it, i honestly didnt remember if it tasted this good in thailand


    im sure ill get a few laughs on here, but its my favourite at the moment, that I went back and purchased the remaining on sale


    I wonder what the 6.4% one tastes like now, if it exists

  3. 57 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Which, after 2 weeks, would see either the virus dead, or the host dead, but either way, the virus is eradicated.  It works.    


    Half measure get half results.  

    Exactly, as much as opinions are like....... you know what


    These are experts who have the most expertise in fighting the virus, 

    The politicians should then be putting their touch on the recommendations as there is more at stake than just a virus


    It exists in every corner of the world but I absolutely dispise people who know SFA and then insist the experts are wrong or they have a better solution 

  4. 9 hours ago, UTH001 said:


    Complete and utter rubbish! Data from a pedantic European country (Switzerland) confirms that 1% of those infected got it at bars/clubs and 2.8% got it at restaurants. But (what a big surprise, possibly to you?) 29.6% got it through family members. So, let's all stay at home and stay safe, NOT!

    Thai governmeny: let's just bulldoze houses

    That will stop covid 


    We are so SMRT

  5. 15 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    Just for info and nothing more.


    I have 2 grandchildren here, the father pays 5k a month for them and any "fees" as they arise regarding school. He also pays extra at school uniform time etc.

    So in short, he pays a regular monthy and then pickc up any expenses as they arise. He pays directly to the Grandmother.


    So 20k she is asking is basically holding your child to ransom and she will be getting 15k a month for nothing which more than any basic job would pay her.


    5k is more than anough for ONE child not yet in school. IMHO and personal experience.

    The vibe im getting is that op is feeling resigned to pay the demanded figure based on having his child held as financial ransom

  6. On 12/19/2020 at 8:24 AM, ezzra said:

    The business model and motto of many Thai business owners was always and still is to increase prices when business is bad or slow, i remember going to buy somethings from shops and notice items that have been on display for like eons years all faded and dusty but they still charge the price of a new one and would not budge so its not surprising to see that bar keeps are increasing their prices...

    I thought that was an urban legend...

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Enzian said:

    Members here are critical of the drivers, and I admit I've had some really bad ones, but for some reason that's mostly in the past. Haven't had a driver try for a fixed fee for quite a while, and refusal of service hardly exists now, for the obvious reason. Of course it helps when a farang like me is with a Thai female, which is usually the case for me. The ladies like to gab with the drivers, and usually (but not always) the drivers are ok guys. Sometimes they comment to the ladies, or ask questions, about me, but always in a positive vein. Most of the time I round up when I pay, especially if there is a good reason, but don't worry myself if I don't. To me the rides are so cheap they may as well be free. They deserve more, imho.

    So much pointless waffle in such a long paragraph, that doesn't address the core issue

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  8. 14 hours ago, 86Tiger said:



    ".......work out measures to attract visitors......"




    I guess if you have no idea why people were coming in the first place, offering a 45 day visa is good a response as any......

    I would have thought they would have resorted to tea leaves or a clairvoyant for tips by now

  9. 10 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    How do the Thais market themselves in China?   Lived and visited all over China.  Never saw an advertisement.   Does Thailand expect others to do their advertising for them?  Kunming is a great city, only two hours from Bangkok.   No advertising in the airport.   No advertising anywhere in the city.  Thailand could be a million miles away by looks of the lack of influence.  It is probably the nationalistic, military government that just doesn't make people feel welcome.    

    We take "face" just as seriously as you do!

    So come on down to Thailand, where we can show you how bad behaviour is done, learn from the best!!!!

  10. 7 hours ago, chang1 said:

    This is the attitude that causes these people to have low wages. Stop tipping and the companies will be forced to pay higher wages to retain staff. If people want to work in low paid jobs they shouldn't expect me to top up their wages. Tipping is BS. Why is a tip worked out as a percentage of the bill? Using your logic of helping them, you should tip the server in McDonald's the same as the waitress in the hilton but I bet you don't. Own up, tipping makes you feel good because you are showing the taxi driver how wealthy you are - it's all about face. 

    An example - my wife and her relatively well off friend checked into a hotel and as is expected tipped the bell boy. They later took a couple of rickshaws peddled by old men. When it came to pay her friend didn't tip at all and my wife tipped her sweating tired old guy who said it was not needed but my wife still tipped as he had worked far harder than the pointless bell boy who was given 500 Baht to push 2 small suitcases around an air condioned hotel. 

    Tipping someone who goes above and beyond their job WHEN required is fine otherwise it is just wrong. 

    On my first visit to Singapore in 1982 the taxis had a notice in them saying do not tip the driver - I didn't and all was well, they still have taxis. 

    Your friend tipped 500 baht to a bell boy?!?


    You've just put his kids through college

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